Baidu Smart Cloud

Major event support services

In customer business promotion, advertising marketing, version update, new business volume, online promotion activities, etc., there will be business scenarios where the sudden increase of business access will have a severe test on online business. Baidu Intelligent Cloud provides customers with key support services. Specific to different support objectives and support level requirements, special customized implementation of support will help ensure business stability during customer activities. It adapts to the market demand and meets the customer's demand for reassurance in the heavy insurance scenario.

Application scenarios

service content

  • 1. Confirmation of activity objectives

    Investigate the background of customers're insurance demand, and define the expected goals to be achieved by the business of re insurance activities

  • 2. Confirmation of activity scope

    Determine the cloud products and support business scope of the customer involved in the re insurance activity, as well as the work content involved in the activity

  • 3. Confirmation of stakeholders

    Specify the relevant departments and key personnel involved in the customer side and Baidu side technologies, products, businesses and platform tools involved in the re insurance activities

  • 4. Patrol inspection before activities

    Before re insurance, based on the cloud products used by customers and related businesses involved in re insurance, define the range of resources involved (or requiring patrol inspection) during the activity, patrol the customer's resources and system status on Baidu Smart Cloud from the dimensions of availability, security, performance and capacity, and give the patrol evaluation results

  • 5. System reinforcement before activities

    Put forward optimization and improvement suggestions for existing cloud services and architecture risks and problems according to the patrol evaluation results, and assist customers in optimization and expansion from the dimensions of availability, security, performance and capacity to ensure that the performance and capacity of cloud products meet the needs of major events

  • 6. Pressure measurement before activity

    Pressure test the performance capacity of the consolidated cloud environment (including 2 million VUM, 50000 VU). Pressure test the highly concurrent services for website access, file download, video playback and other scenarios, and provide test indicators such as the number of concurrent, peak RPS, source IP, peak traffic, and abnormal requests to help customers fully grasp the system performance and solve potential risks in advance

  • 7. Pre activity drill

    According to the process specification requirements of re insurance, a re insurance activity is simulated, and key cloud services are switched through primary and backup, cluster, backup, switch and other actions for key scenarios to verify the stability of the business system, identify key business performance risk points in advance, and make timely optimization and rectification to ensure the smooth implementation of real re insurance activities

  • 1. Full time activity support group

    During the period of re insurance, establish a contact group of relevant stakeholders, and provide customers with 7 * 24 monitoring and emergency support

  • 2. Event Support Service Manager

    Provide senior full-time event support service manager to be responsible for the overall progress, quality and risk control during the event, and ensure the achievement of the event objectives

  • 3. Real time guarantee of system status

    Timely follow up the monitoring status of cloud platform and business system during the activity and take quick response measures

  • 1. Activity summary

  • 2. Acceptance report

Service pricing

Pricing Instructions
  •  Basic price of major event guarantee service is 70000 yuan Basic price of major event guarantee service is 70000 yuan
  •  For every additional day of reinsurance, the price will be increased by 10000 yuan For every additional day of reinsurance, the price will be increased by 10000 yuan
  •  If the on-site service is required, it needs to be increased by 10000 yuan per day, and the on-site service should be provided within the days of re insurance service, and the days of on-site service should not exceed the days of re insurance service. If the on-site service is required, it needs to be increased by 10000 yuan per day, and the on-site service should be provided within the days of re insurance service, and the days of on-site service should not exceed the days of re insurance service.
Estimated total price
70,000 From yuan

Service acceptance criteria

Major event support services:

  • This service is signed by the customer and Baidu Smart Cloud, and Baidu Smart Cloud is responsible for the delivery and delivery quality.
  • Major Event Support Service Plan
  • Patrol Inspection Report
  • Acceptance Report of Major Event Support Services

Whole process of reinsurance service

 Whole process of reinsurance service