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Promote the implementation of super long term special national debt to support the implementation of major national strategies

2024-05-22 06:37 Beijing Daily

Original title: Promote the implementation of super long term special national debt to support the implementation of major national strategies

The first batch of projects can be accelerated after the funds are available

Li Chao, spokesman of the National Development and Reform Commission, responded at the press conference yesterday (21st) to how the ultra long term special national debt issued recently was implemented. Relevant departments have made preparations for the first batch of projects, sorted out a batch of major projects that meet the requirements of key construction and can be immediately released for investment. Construction can be accelerated after the national debt funds are in place, The next step will be to implement ultra long term special treasury bonds to support the implementation of major national strategies and the building of security capacity in key areas.

Post disaster recovery and reconstruction

Key projects will be completed and put into use before the flood season this year

Last year, China issued an additional 1 trillion yuan of national debt to support post disaster recovery and reconstruction in North China, with Beijing Tianjin Hebei as the focus, and to improve disaster prevention, mitigation and relief capabilities. Up to now, of the 15000 projects that have been put into operation, about 11000 have been started, with a construction rate of more than 70%. In particular, the overall progress of post disaster recovery and reconstruction projects is relatively fast, and the project commencement rate in 8 provinces and cities, including North China, with Beijing Tianjin Hebei as the focus, has reached about 80%.

A number of education, hospital, road, water supply and other projects closely related to people's well-being have been basically completed and can be put into use before the flood season. A number of key water conservancy projects, such as Qingshan Reservoir, Beijuma River Treatment, Daqing River Treatment, Zaolinzhuang Junction, which have improved the ability of disaster prevention and mitigation, have been started in succession, and other projects are proceeding in an orderly manner as planned. The reporter learned that all the additional treasury bond issuance projects will start construction before the end of June this year. Relevant departments will accelerate the construction progress of flood control, flood damage and other projects, and ensure that key recovery and reconstruction projects are completed and put into use before the flood season this year.

Recently, the 2024 ultra long term special national debt (Phase I) was officially issued. How to accelerate the landing of investment projects such as ultra long term special treasury bonds in the future? Since February this year, relevant departments have sorted out and reserved the ultra long term special treasury bond projects that can be started this year, improved the guarantee mechanism for land use, environmental impact assessment and other elements of major projects, and guided and helped local governments to accelerate the preliminary work of projects.

On the basis of previous work, relevant departments sorted out a number of major projects that meet the requirements of supporting the implementation of major national strategies and building security capacity in key areas and can be immediately released for investment. The construction can be accelerated after the national debt funds are in place. Li Chao said that the next step would be to speed up project screening and plan release, and promote the project to start construction as soon as possible.

Trade in the old for the new

E-commerce and manufacturing enterprises have invested more than 10 billion yuan in cooperation

Since the introduction of large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade in policy, relevant departments have increased central investment in supporting equipment renewal and recycling projects, clarified the subsidy policy of car trade in, and set up 500 billion yuan of scientific and technological innovation and technological transformation refinancing; 27 provinces and cities, including Beijing, printed and issued implementation plans, and introduced support policies such as manufacturing loan discount, old for new subsidies, and consumption vouchers according to local conditions.

With the joint efforts of all parties, the demand for equipment renewal and trade in of consumer goods is continuing to release.

"We fully respect the wishes of enterprises and consumers, and support the active participation of various business entities," said Li Chao. According to incomplete statistics from relevant parties, some household appliance enterprises and automobile enterprises have announced a subsidy plan of more than 15 billion yuan; A number of e-commerce platforms have cooperated with production enterprises to invest more than 10 billion yuan in the promotion of trade in. With the continuous implementation of relevant policies, more and more private enterprises are participating in this work, so that more advanced equipment and high-quality durable consumer goods can enter social production and residents' lives.

Recovery and development of manufacturing industry

The enterprise's confidence in future market development is generally stable

In March and April, the manufacturing PMI was in the expansion range of more than 50%. "This reflects that with the continuous emergence of macro policy effects, industrial production has grown steadily, corporate efficiency has improved, and the prosperity level and corporate expectations continue to improve," said Li Chao.

In terms of production, the added value of manufacturing industry in April increased by 5.7% year on year, 0.6 percentage points higher than that of last month; The manufacturing PMI production index was 52.9%, the highest since April 2023. In terms of demand, the total retail sales of consumer goods in April maintained growth, and the export of goods resumed growth; The manufacturing PMI new order index and new export order index were 51.1% and 50.6% respectively, which also reflected the continued recovery of manufacturing market demand.

"The favorable conditions for promoting the sustainable recovery and development of the manufacturing industry are accumulating." Li Chao took an example. In the first quarter, the profits of industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 4.3% year on year, three consecutive quarters of growth. The profit growth provided strong support for enterprises to expand reproduction, indicating that manufacturing enterprises have overall stable confidence in future market development.

Editor in charge: Zhang Chi (QN0009) Author: Cao Zheng

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