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Solve the compatibility problem between using jasongrimes/paginator paging components in webman and Bootstrap 4

PHP 0 comments 2023-6-18 2,414 views
Webman is a high-performance HTTP service framework developed based on worker man. Webman is used to replace the traditional php fpm architecture and provide ultra-high performance and scalable HTTP services. You can use webman to develop websites, or you can develop HTTP interfaces or microservices. Use jasongrimes/paginator paging component in webman

The SSL certificate problem appears in the PHP curl: self signed certificate in certificate chain

PHP 0 comments 2018-11-22 16,689 views
The error "SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain" occurs when using PHP curl to request https. This is caused by the failure to verify the client root certificate. The solution is as follows. Method 1: Ignore certificate validation, and add the following code to the curl method. cu...

File operation functions commonly used in PHP

PHP 1 comment 2018-11-8 4,039 views
1. Judge whether the file/directory exists is_file function is_file - Judge whether the given file name is a normal file. If the file exists and is a normal file, return TRUE, otherwise return FALSE. Official description: Is_dir function is_dir()

Xz pic polar diagram bed online (with source code)

PHP 9 comments 2016-10-6 12,740 views
Previously, Xiaoz Blog shared a simple and practical map bed program developed using the map library API, but recently the map library policy has been adjusted, and only the pictures of the last six months can be saved for free. So the small z blogger used his spare time to write an extremely simple chart bed program and save the pictures on his local server. Function introduction Use Ajax to upload asynchronously, so you don't have to refresh the page every time. After successful upload, HTML and

Thinkphp uses pseudo static rules on nginx servers

PHP 4 comments 2015-4-8 14,672 views
Recently, a project of the company used the thinkphp framework for development. There is no problem in opening pathinfo on the Apache server, and then deploying it to the nginx server. Then there is a problem. The nginx server found that nginx does not support pathinfo. After searching others' solutions on the Internet, there are two ideas: 1. Modify thinkphp so that it can be used in ngi

Solution for SAE using smart template engine to report errors

PHP 3 comments 2015-1-7 7,704 views
Recently, I used the smart template to write some small programs and wanted to test them on SAE, but some errors occurred after uploading them to SAE. The error message is: "SAE_Fatal_error: Uncaught exception 'SmartyException' with message 'disable to write file./...'

Configuration and use of Baidu UEditor

PHP 1 comment 2014-7-10 6,466 views
UEditor is a good rich text editor with rich functions, lightweight and customizable. CKEditor has been used before. This time, I tried UEditor. The configuration is also very simple. Let's share it. 1、 First go to the official download and unzip the latest UEditor package, and you will see the content as shown in the figure: 2、 Create an HTML page and load the following three js files in the header

A simple PHP login and registration program

PHP 5 comments 2014-4-27 10,533 views
Because there are many courses at ordinary times, we have to learn PHP by ourselves in our spare time, so the progress is also very slow. It's almost a month since I learned PHP. I wrote this simple PHP login and registration according to my own ideas without referring to any code. I'm still a little pleased. However, I also know that this is not a perfect program, and there are many BUGs, which are not well considered. But I believe that with in-depth study, I will continue to make progress. Cheng

CKEditor 4.3.4 Basic Configuration

PHP 0 comments 2014-4-19 7,256 views
When learning PHP, I learned about CKEditor, a powerful web editor, but the video tutorial I watched was older and no longer suitable for the latest version of CKEditor4. Then I collected it online and made a record. 1、 Introducing the core file of ckeditor, ckeditor.js, into the page II. Insert the default HTML generation of the HTML control textarea text where the editor is used