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Specific operations in the pagoda panel cause the website to be temporarily inaccessible: analysis of Nginx free firewall problems

Nginx 1 comment 2024-4-18 1,299 views
Recently, a customer reported that the website built by him using the pagoda panel will be temporarily inaccessible when performing specific functions, although it can still be accessed normally by other networks. After a period of time, the website will be automatically restored. It seems that the customer's IP address is temporarily blocked. After professional operation and maintenance analysis, Xiaoz finally found the root cause of the problem. Troubleshooting The pagoda firewall initially, xiaoz suspected that a firewall in the pagoda panel might be the cause

Installation Guide of Nginx Proxy Manager in Docker Environment: Creating Visual Nginx Reverse Proxy Server

Nginx 4 comments 2023-6-30 7,996 views
Because a variety of different WEB services are installed in the intranet environment, in order to facilitate the public network to access and support HTTPS using domain names, the common practice is to set up a Nginx service in the intranet, and then conduct reverse proxy, so as to achieve service centralization, domain name access and SSL certificate deployment. However, manually configuring Nginx may be troublesome, error prone, and unfriendly to novices. But with Nginx Proxy M

Nginx reverse proxy+thumb image clipping, enabling nginx to better support image clipping

Nginx 8 comments 2022-9-18 12,596 views
Nginx itself provides a module -- with http_image_filter_module, which supports image clipping. If only a single Nginx node is used, there is no problem. However, if multiple nginx nodes need to support image clipping, each nginx node must consider enabling -- with http_image_filter_m

Use Nginx reverse proxy minio to provide public access to files

Nginx 5 comments 2022-4-19 18,010 views
MinIO is an object storage service based on the Apache License v2.0 open source protocol. It is compatible with Amazon S3 cloud storage service interface, and is very suitable for storing large capacity unstructured data, such as pictures, videos, log files, backup data and container/virtual machine images. A previous article introduced the Common Commands for Building Mini Object Storage and MC Client Using Docker

Two ways for Nginx to view the number of concurrent connections

Nginx 6 comments 2019-6-3 17,869 views
More and more projects in the production environment use Nginx as the WEB Server. At the same time, we also need to keep an eye on the status of Nginx, such as checking the current number of concurrent connections of nginx to ensure normal operation. This article shares two ways to view the number of Nginx concurrent connections. Method 1: To view this method through the WEB interface, you need to rely on the http_stub_status_modu of nginx