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Use Mover to migrate files to OneDrive

Published on: 2020-2-24 Share findings 5 comments 15,073 views
This website provides Linux server operation and maintenance, automated script writing and other services. If you need, please contact the blogger on WeChat: xiaozme

Mover is a OneDrive migration tool that can quickly and conveniently migrate Google Drive, DropBox, FTP and other data to the OneDrive platform. Mover was officially acquired by Microsoft on October 21, 2019, indicating that it was officially recognized by Microsoft. Students who plan to migrate data to OneDrive can have a look.

Register Mover

Mover's registered address: After registration, it can be used only after being activated through the link in the email.

Add Migration Source

Mover supports a variety of source platforms, such as Amazon S3, Google Drive, DropBox, FTP, etc.

Each source may be added in a different way, but the operation is relatively simple. Click the "Transfer Wizard" at the top to create a new transfer. Then select the source to be migrated, and complete authorization according to the prompt.

Select Migration Destination

Mover's main task is to migrate data to OneDrive, so the supported target sources are all Microsoft products, and migration to other network disks is not supported, as shown below.

Click Authorize New Connector to add a target source according to the prompt.

Start migration

After the above steps are completed, you can start the migration. You can click the "Migration Manager" on the navigation bar to view the migration task, current progress, logs and other details.

user's experience

Xiaoz tries to migrate the data in FTP to OneDrive. There are many failed files, and Chinese will display garbled code. The speed is slow, but it is better than manual migration, and the operation is relatively simple. You can try to migrate other target sources to see the success rate and speed.

Mover vs. MultCloud

Xiaoz shared it in an early blog post《 MultCloud's convenient network disk management (network disk transfer) tool 》MultCloud is also a network disk migration (transmission) tool. It supports more sources and targets than Mover, and provides a Chinese interface, which is also easy to operate. However, there is a monthly traffic limit for registering MultCloud.

If you are simply migrating to OneDrive, you can try Mover without traffic restrictions. If you are migrating to another network disk, or the network disks are backing up each other, perhaps MultCloud is more suitable, and the functions of MultCloud are more abundant. You can try both tools yourself.


Mover supports most mainstream target sources, and can easily migrate data to OneDrive through simple operations without traffic restrictions. However, Mover cannot guarantee 100% complete migration, and currently only supports migration to Microsoft's storage products.

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  1. Boss, can you directly migrate the entire domain? If it is, I don't need to worry about the E5 renewal. When it is due, I will directly reapply for a new one and use it to migrate