This tutorial only talks about how to delete the downloaded file on the box and how to delete the seed task in the qb if you cannot access the webui. There are two ways to solve the problem, one is graphical interaction, the other is ssh command line, which can be selected according to your own situation. The file path here is only an example of the qb I installed. The installation path is/home/shi. Click here for the installation tutorial.

0. The most direct method is to enter SSH, enter the reboot command, and restart the machine. If it still does not work after restarting, continue to see the following steps.
1. Form of graphical interaction
The software used here is winscp. The specific software download method can be Baidu
1.1 Document installation
After installation, double-click to open the software

Operate according to the picture

Then you will enter a file management interface, as shown in the figure, the left is the local files of your computer, the right is the files of your box, and you can manage the files of the box on the right

1.2 Show hidden folders
According to the picture, click Options in the window, and then click the following options

Then operate according to the picture and click OK to view the hidden file

1.3 Deleting Files Downloaded by qb
Access the image path through winscp. The path is the file downloaded by qb. You can delete it and other operations

1.4 Delete the seed task of qb
Access the image path through winscp, delete all files in the path, and you can delete the seed tasks in qb. After deletion, the seed tasks in qb are cleared, and the downloaded files are retained,

2. Command line mode
You can access ssh through Putty or xshell software. The software can be downloaded by Baidu itself. After installation, you can enter the IP address, account number and password,
The interface after entering is as shown in the figure

2.1 Deleting Files Downloaded by qb
Enter the following command and enter

 rm -rf /home/shi/qbittorrent/Downloads/*

2.2 Delete the seed task of qb
Enter the following command and enter

 rm -rf /home/shi/.local/share/qBittorrent/BT_backup/*

2.3 Restart QB
Enter the following command and enter

 systemctl restart  qbittorrent-nox@shi
👍 The body ends here 👍
  • Author: Inheritance
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Last modification: January 8, 2024
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