1. Create a filebrowser configuration folder

 mkdir -p /home/docker/filebrowser/config

2. Create the folder where the file managed by filebrowser is located

 Mkdir - p/home/shi/qbittorrent/Downloads/# This folder is my qb download folder. Because I want to manage qb download files, I use this folder. With this folder, I don't need to create it

2. Docker installation filebrowser

 docker create  \ --name=filebrowser  \ -e PUID=0  \ -e PGID=0  \ -p 7575:7575  \ -e WEB_PORT=7575  \ -e FB_BASEURL=/filebrowser/  \ -e UMASK_SET=022  \ -v /home/docker/filebrowser/config:/config  \ -v /home/shi/qbittorrent/Downloads:/myfiles  \ --restart=always  \ 80x86/filebrowser:2.9.4-amd64

4. Management command

 Docker start filebrowser # Start container Docker stop filebrowser # Stop the container Docker rm filebrowser # Delete container Docker image rm 80x86/filebrowser: 2.9.4-amd64 # Delete image

5. Enter filebrowser
Enter ip: 7575. After installation, remember to start the container and enter the command docker start filebrowser Then, after starting the container, wait a few minutes before entering. The default account is admin, and the password is admin. You can change it to Chinese in settings after entering

👍 The body ends here 👍
  • Author: Inheritance
  • Link to this article: https://blog.shi.wiki/archives/23.html
  • Copyright notice: Unless otherwise stated, all articles in this blog are adopted by default CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License agreement, please attach the original source link and this statement for reproduction.
Last modification: May 3, 2023
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