Self built e-commerce website

Foreign trade enterprises use WordPress+WooCommerce to build e-commerce websites

2021 Self built foreign trade station The number of users will become more, and how about foreign trade enterprises Build a B2B or B2C e-commerce website How about avoiding all businesses from being placed in Alibaba and Made in China websites? It is also very simple to implement. You can use WordPress together with WooCommerce to complete it.

Introduction to WooCommerce

WooCommerce is an open source e-commerce plug-in of WordPress. It is designed for small or large online merchants who use WordPress. The plug-in was released on September 27, 2011, and quickly became popular with its easy installation and customization as well as free basic products.

WooCommerce also has rich plug-in support, which can be used to achieve more functions. It is a relatively low-cost e-commerce website solution.

How to use WooCommerce

1. In the background of the WordPress website, search for WooCommerce, and then install Enable.

 WooCommerce e-commerce website plug-in

2. Run the store setup wizard and fill in the basic information of your own store.

 WooCommerce e-commerce website plug-in

3. WooCommerce is compatible with mainstream payment methods. It only has the following payment interfaces by default. You can make the store support more payment methods through plug-in extension.

 WooCommerce e-commerce website plug-in

4. By default, several commonly used plug-ins will be recommended to you. You can choose whether to install them according to your actual situation.

 WooCommerce e-commerce website plug-in

5. You are recommended to install Jetpack, an optimization and security plug-in officially launched by WordPress, but domestic users need to hang a proxy to access it.

 WooCommerce e-commerce website plug-in

6. After setting, you can enter the dashboard to set or directly create a product.

 WooCommerce e-commerce website plug-in

When you first launch the product, if you do not install WooCommerce admin, you will be reminded to install it. If you plan to use WooCommerce for e-commerce transactions, you can install it. If it is only used to display goods, you can not install it.

 WooCommerce e-commerce website plug-in

The part circled by the red box in the figure below is the setting area of WooCommerce. You can understand each item yourself.

 WooCommerce e-commerce website plug-in

In this way, I used WordPress and WooCommerce to easily build a cross-border e-commerce website.


  1. How to add product tutorials in WooCommerce
  2. How to set WooCommerce foreign trade station to collect money

For more tutorial articles related to the use of WooCommerce, please visit: WooCommerce Tutorial Classification

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