WooCommerce Tutorial

- WooCommerce introductory course for beginners

Daddy has used it many times WordPress website establishment 's netizens made mistakes in the design of WooCommerce, so they updated this WooCommerce tutorial, hoping to help Xiaobai avoid detours.

The first thing to be clear is , WooCommerce can be used to build a B2C online shopping mall, and can also be used as a common B2B commodity inquiry website.


Correction of common mistakes of novices

Misunderstanding 1 : WooCommerce cannot be used on B2B websites because it is an online shopping mall.

This understanding is inaccurate. WooCommerce is indeed an online mall, but in fact, as long as its sales function is removed, it can also simply do commodity management and display and use it on B2B websites.

Misunderstanding 2 : When using WooCommerce, you must use elementor pro to design your own product page layout, otherwise it does not meet your needs.

In fact, for many Xiaobai, it is much more difficult to use Elementor Pro to create the layout of WooCommerce on their own than to directly use the default layout to adjust it. Normal B2B websites can be implemented directly using the WooCommerce default template. Often, problems are encountered when using Elementor Pro to create the layout of goods and then ask Daddy how to solve them.

WooCommerce Installation Tutorial

WooCommerce is a plug-in under the WordPress platform, so the installation method is the same as other plug-ins. You only need to search and install the plug-ins in the WordPress background.

 WooCommerce Installation Tutorial

After installation, enable the plug-in.

 Woocommerce Tutorial

After you install WooCommerce for the first time and enable it, you will jump to the setup boot interface. If you need it for B2C, follow the wizard to finish the setup. If you are a B2B user, you can skip it directly.

WooCommerce Product Classification

After installing WooCommerce, we need to create product categories under the background product menu, as shown in the following figure:

When creating a product category, fill in the Name, select whether Panent category is required, and then add it.

WooCommerce Add Product

After creating the product category, we can upload the first product. Click Add Product at the product section.

Then fill in the title, description, classification and pictures of the product before publishing.

Please refer to the notes on the upper and lower drawings for details, B2B customers will not display the shopping cart button as long as they do not fill in the product price , if the shopping cart button still appears in the theme you use, please refer to this article: Several ways to delete and hide WooCommerce buttons added to shopping cart

After publishing, you can visit the product foreground page to view the effect.

WooCommerce B2B product customization


1. How to delete the Add to Cart button?

If you do not fill in the product price in the direct background, the shopping cart button will not be displayed normally. If your theme is invalid, you can try Several ways to delete and hide WooCommerce buttons added to shopping cart

2. How to add an inquiry button in the shopping cart?

reference resources How to add an inquiry button below the WooCommerce shopping button?

3. How to delete the review tag?

 Woocommerce Tutorial

In the settings of WooCommerce, find the product, and then remove the check of the evaluation.

4. How to insert the table in the detail page?

It is most convenient to copy and paste directly from Excel. You can also refer to Six Ways to Add Tables to WordPress

5. How to add several tags on the detail page to display parameters or download resources separately?

Search in background plug-ins Custom Product Tabs for WooCommerce Then install it. When creating a new product, you can see the options of the new tab in the product data section. If you want to add several labels, you can add them yourself.


How can I view the product summary page at the front of the website?


Many people just don't know how to get the default product summary page out, so they just want to use Elementor Pro to create product template pages. In fact, this is all they need to do.

 WooCommerce Mall Page

By default, after installing the WooCommrce plug-in, it will automatically generate and set a store page shop

At this time, just add the link of this page to your navigation menu, and you can view the mall page by visiting this website.

If you do not have this page, it is also very simple. Follow the steps below.

  1. Background page: create a new page, name it Products or other names you want, and publish it directly.
  2. In WooCommerce settings, find the product, and then select the page just created to save it as the store page.

 Woocommerce store page

How do I create a product summary page for a separate category?


You don't need to create a separate product category summary page. You can directly switch to the product category in the background, move the mouse to the category name, and there is a view link. Just copy the link.

WooCommerce Tutorial

WooCommerce is an open source e-commerce plug-in that can be integrated into WordPress to build a powerful e-commerce website. This category shares some articles related to the use of WooCommerce tutorials and tips.

If you haven't used WooCommerce, you can first Read this article to learn how to install it

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