Domain Name Resolution Tutorial

How to build a website after buying a domain name _ Do you need filing and space _ Domain name resolution tutorial

How to use the domain name after buying it? For novice website users, they may not know what to do after buying the domain name. The following notes on the establishment of the website will give you a detailed introduction to what to do after buying the domain name and Domain Name Resolution Tutorial

How to use the domain name?

 How to use the domain name

After buying a domain name, how to use it? First, we need to understand the basic conditions for a website to be accessible normally.

  1. One network space (server)
  2. A domain name pointing to the server IP (domain name purchase and resolution)
  3. Site content (site program) exists on the server

So, if you want to Build your own website The domain name is not enough. Next, you need to purchase a server and install website programs on the server or upload website data yourself.

For servers, refer to: VPS and server recommendations for novices

WordPress is recommended for website programs, see: WordPress Installation Tutorial

In addition to the server and website building program, the purchase of a domain name will also involve domain name filing.

If your domain name at home , and the server is also purchased Domestic , then before you resolve the domain name Still need Real name authentication and filing of domain names.

How to Authenticate Domestic Domain Names

Domain name real name authentication policy

According to the provisions of the Administrative Measures of China Internet Domain Names, domain name registration applicants should submit true, accurate and complete domain name holder information. It is recommended that you prepare the required materials according to the authentication requirements when authenticating the real name of the domain name. When multiple domain names need to use the same material for authentication, you can perform batch authentication.

At present, the domain names involved include:. com/. net/. cn/. xyz/. club/. wang/. info/. China/. Online/. Chinanet/. vip/. beer/. work/. fashion/. luxe/. yoga/. website/. top. If your domain name fails to pass the real name audit within the specified time, the registry will suspend the resolution (Serverhold), and your domain name cannot be accessed normally. Normal use can be resumed only after the real name authentication is passed, so the newly registered domain name needs real name authentication.

Domain name real name authentication method

No matter whether you are an individual or an enterprise registered in China, you need real name authentication. The real name authentication method of domain name is also very simple, that is, fill in your own identity information to the registrar.

Personal real name authentication provides identity certificates, while enterprise real name authentication provides enterprise certificates. There will be a real name authentication button in the domain name list. Click it and follow the prompts.

Real name authentication can usually be completed within 1-3 working days.

For specific steps, please refer to:

Domain names registered abroad do not need real name authentication.

How to file domestic domain names

The domain name registration is required to establish a website in China. If you use a foreign server, the registration is not required.

Website Domain Name Filing Policy

According to the Measures for the Administration of Internet Information Services and the Measures for the Administration of Filing of Non operational Internet Information Services, the State implements a filing system for non operational Internet information services and a licensing system for operational Internet information services. Those who have not obtained a license or have not gone through the filing procedures shall not engage in Internet information services, otherwise it will be an illegal act. That is, all websites providing services to the mainland of China must first carry out ICP filing before opening services.

Filing method of website domain name

Domain name registration usually takes about half a month, which is not as fast as real name authentication. Filing now is much simpler and more convenient than filing a few years ago. You can directly use an applet or APP for filing.

To put it simply, website domain name filing means that you submit your own filing materials (identity information, website information, what website you want to do, website name, website content) through an applet, APP or website to the Administration for review, and the filing is completed after the review is passed.

Refer to:

Tips from the father:

In fact, you can click directly without looking at the help Alibaba Cloud perhaps Tencent Cloud On the website keep on record Button, follow the prompt to submit the data step by step. Their customer service will first review your information, and they will contact you by phone if there is any nonconformity, so the information submitted to the Administration is basically compliant, and the filing success rate is high.

Notes on website domain name filing

① When filing a domain name, you need to purchase a domestic server, virtual machine or virtual host. Filing is submitted to the service provider where you purchased the host. So you can buy a domain name from Alibaba Cloud and a host from Tencent Cloud. The real name of the domain name is operated in Alibaba Cloud, and the domain name record is operated in Tencent Cloud.

② From the perspective of policy form, the domestic filing spot check will become more and more strict. When submitting the filing materials, you should think of your own website name. Don't fill in one randomly. After the filing is passed, you will spot check from time to time. If you find that the name of your website is called "Daddy's Note", and the website actually opens called "Daddy teaches you to build a website", It is very likely that you will be required to rectify or cancel the filing.

③ In addition, do not fill in the name of personal filing website.

④ After the record is passed, if you change the host service provider, you need to resubmit the access record. So choose a stable host service provider to avoid changing the host due to poor service, but worry about the cancellation of the record due to the failure of the access record.

General Domain Name Resolution Tutorial

When your domain name has completed its real name and has been filed, it should be resolved (foreign domain names and hosts can be resolved directly.) No matter whether you buy a domain name in HiChina, Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud or abroad, if you want to open your website through the domain name URL, you need to Domain name resolution

What domain name resolution

Baidu Encyclopedia Domain name resolution is a service that points the domain name to the website space IP, so that people can easily access the website through the registered domain name. IP address is a digital address that identifies a site on the network. In order to facilitate memory, domain name is used to identify the site address instead of IP address. Domain name resolution is the conversion process from domain name to IP address. DNS server is responsible for domain name resolution.

To put it simply, you add domain name resolution, tell your domain name which IP address corresponds to, and others can directly access your bound IP when they visit the domain name. The domain name is better remembered than the IP, and the IP may change. As long as the domain name is renewed, it will always be yours, and you can modify the corresponding IP at any time. (For example, your mobile number may change, but your WeChat number will not.)

How to resolve domain names

The basic operation process of domain name resolution is:

  1. Log in to the background of the website where you purchased the domain name, and find the list of domain names.
  2. Click the Resolve button in the domain name list.
  3. Add resolution record

For detailed domain name resolution tutorials, please refer to the following articles.

Tips from the father:

Generally, you can add the resolution of A record to the website where your domain name was purchased. Do not modify the NS server, or it will complicate the simple operation.

NS server can be understood as China Unicom Mobile. They all provide the function of domain name resolution. You can use it if you don't change it, but you can use it if you change it to another home.

 Nameservers server

Domain name resolution record type

When you perform record resolution, there will be a record type. Usually, record A is added, and the record value can be filled in the server IP address. For the host record, generally fill in www and @ to access your website through If you want to add a record such as blog., the host record should fill in the blog.

 Host record


Articles about domain names

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