
WordPress Select and Install Themes

Selecting and installing WordPress themes is one of the important steps in creating and managing WordPress websites. In this process, users need to select a theme suitable for their website, and install and set it. WordPress is ecologically sound, with many free and paid topics for everyone to choose and use, but it is not easy to choose your own suitable theme, especially for novices. It will be very troublesome to build a website after selecting the wrong theme.

Understand the types and characteristics of topics

Before selecting topics, users need to understand different types of topics and their characteristics. WordPress themes are generally divided into free themes and paid themes. Free themes usually have basic functions and features, while paid themes usually have more functions and features, and provide better technical support and update services.

Users can browse and select themes through the official WordPress theme library or the third-party theme market. When choosing a theme, users need to consider the type, style and functional requirements of their own website, and choose a theme suitable for their own website.

Chinese theme and foreign theme

The WordPress circle in China is not as active as it used to be. Now there are few companies or individuals developing WordPress themes in China. What Daddy knows is that the only company that still operates and develops WordPress themes is Lightning Bo The others are almost all small teams or individual authors.

The theme of Chinese people is usually fast, because domestic servers cannot use some foreign resources, the theme of Chinese people will be optimized and accelerated in consideration of national conditions.

Compared with Chinese themes, there are more foreign themes and more sense of design. If you plan to build a foreign trade website, naturally choosing foreign themes is more in line with foreigners' aesthetics and habits.

Foreign themes usually support the DIY page design of the page builder itself, but they do not have certain aesthetic ability and builder operation ability, which may not be ideal, and the learning cost is higher than that of Chinese themes.

Where to find the theme?

Free theme

 WordPress Theme Library

Users can download and install themes through the appearance function of WordPress background management interface. In the appearance function, users can select the "Add New Theme" option, and then search or upload their own theme files for installation.

These WordPress background themes can be installed for free, but some themes also have advanced versions, which need to be paid extra.

At the same time, after the installation of some themes, you need to set them yourself to show the same interface as the screenshot.

In addition to finding free topics in WordPress background topics, you can also use search engines to find online topics. However, the topics provided by unknown websites may have risks, so it is recommended to be cautious.

Payment subject

There are two kinds of payment themes. One is to stay in the payment theme mall, and the other is to set up a website to sell. It is similar to the difference between entering Alibaba and independent stations in the foreign trade industry.

 WordPress paid theme

Themeforest is the largest WordPress paid theme store at present. There are many excellent themes for sale on it. Usually, the price is about 59 dollars. Themes can be purchased once for life, but most themes are provided for 6 months of after-sales service. If you need to continue after-sales service, you need to renew it.

Related articles: Purchase advanced WordPress theme text tutorial from themeforest Advanced theme key activation tutorial purchased by Themeforest

The other is the theme of selling on the official website, such as: Astra Divi Oceanwp Blocksy Kadencewp Etc.

Daddy bought Astra and Blocksy, if necessary Buy low Divi may look good, but beginners may not be able to play well. It is recommended to consider carefully.

Select the theme of which builder to support

Which builder the theme supports is a very important thing for novice friends. Daddy suggests that you choose themes that support the Elementor. Compared with other builders, the learning cost of novices is relatively low. See Elementor tutorial

Of course, if you are proficient in using elementor, you don't need to buy paid themes. Free themes can also build a great website with Elementor or Elementor Pro.

If a novice is not willing to spend money to buy a paid theme, he can try to train his hands from the combination of free theme+Elementor free version. He thinks that his design is really hard. It is more convenient to select a good paid theme to import into the demo and then modify it.

How to install a WordPress theme

The method to install a WordPress theme is simple. Log in to the WordPress background directly, switch to the theme menu, and select Add Theme.

If it is a free theme, you can directly search the theme function to find the free theme you want to install, and then click the Install button to activate it after installation.

If it is a paid theme, you should first purchase the paid theme, then obtain a compressed package, find the theme compressed package file in the compressed package, and upload the theme through the WordPress background theme, installation theme, and upload theme. Upload the theme zip file to install and activate it.

In addition to this method, theme files can also be directly uploaded to the corresponding folder of the server through the file manager or FTP, but this method is too troublesome to use now.

It should be noted that after the theme is installed, the appearance of the theme may not be the same as that of the demo you saw. This is because you have not imported the theme's Demo file, and you need to import Demo data according to the theme tutorial before it will be the same as the demo effect. Different themes have different import methods, so you need to refer to the theme documentation. If you really can't import, you can Contact the father for payment

Custom Theme

A custom theme is also a design theme. Users can further adjust and optimize the theme through custom settings. For example, the Astra theme allows you to easily modify the background, font, color and spacing of the entire website.

At the same time, you can also design your own themes. Most of these paid themes are used with the page builder plug-in, so you need to master a page builder plug-in to design a page.

For novices, it is much easier to find a suitable demo from the theme and import it to their website, and then replace and modify the text and image content of the demo.

For example, the whole website uses the Astra theme, but you can't find the same appearance from the demo library of the Astra theme. This is because it is designed by the father himself. You can also design it yourself when you are familiar with it.

In conclusion, selecting and installing themes is one of the important steps in creating and managing WordPress websites. Users need to select a theme suitable for their website, and install, activate and set it to meet the design and functional requirements of their website.

This is the 3rd/8th article in the series: Getting Started with WordPress

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