Wordpress manual update method

Automatic update failing_Several methods for manually updating WordPress version

WordPress is an open source website building program, which will continuously introduce new versions over time. For the safety of the website, we also need to update and upgrade WordPress. This article introduces several WordPress update methods, including automatic update and manual update. Details are as follows:

Automatically update WordPress

Automatic update of WordPress is very simple. Click the update button directly in the background. If you use a foreign virtual host, you usually do not need to click the update button. When there is a new version, the system will automatically update you to the new version.

Of course, your virtual hosting company may not enable the automatic update function for you, so you can click the update button once.

However, due to network problems, domestic servers often fail to update. At this time, we need to update manually to solve this problem.

Failed to update WordPress, prompting "Another update is in progress"

If the automatic update of WordPress fails, it can only be updated manually. The most common failure prompt for updating WordPress is“ Another update is in progress

 Another update to WordPress is in progress

When you encounter this prompt, you can search online. The basic solution is to let you go to the database to delete a core_updater.lock table file.

The basic online method is to let you enter the website database (via phpmyadmin or ssh, such as command mode)

 WordPress database

Search core_updater.lock in the wp_options table to find a value. Then delete it and update it again.

 WordPress database

But, This method is not 100% effective for domestic hosts , because the speed of domestic hosts accessing the WordPress server is not stable, It is likely that the download will not succeed, leading to the upgrade failure, So you need to upgrade WordPress manually at this time.

in addition If the automatic update of domestic servers fails, it is also easy to have white screens or error reports

At this time, you only need to manually update once again to solve the problem.


How to upgrade WordPress manually

Method 1: Download offline package for manual update

You can download the new version of WordPress installation package yourself, and then update it manually.

For download of the new version of WordPress offline installation package, please refer to this article: WordPress New Simplified Chinese Local Download

After downloading, The method to manually update WordPress is

  • ① . Unzip the downloaded installation package and delete the wp content folder;
  • ② . Delete with FTP On server Wp admin and wp includes;
  • ③ . Upload the remaining local files to the server to cover all files;
  • ④ . Log in to the background of the WordPress website to check whether there is a request to update the database. If there is a request, the database will be updated. If there is no request, the database will be updated.

1. Unzip the downloaded compressed package and enter it into the WordPress folder, Delete the wp content folder

 WordPress wp content folder

2. Then use FTP software Connect to server , enter the root directory of your website, Delete the wp admin and wp includes folders

 Ftp delete wordpress folder

3. Then upload all the remaining files to the server, overwrite the original files, and enter the background of the WordPress website. If you need to update the database, you will be prompted to click Update. If you do not need to update the database, then the manual update of WordPress is complete.

Method 2: Update with plug-ins

Because the network speed of domestic servers accessing WordPress is not good, it is easy to cause automatic upgrade failure. We can help us to automatically upgrade WordPress by installing the plug-in wp china yes.

WP China Yes Download

First, download the plug-in, and then upload and install it through the WordPress background plug-in. After installation, enable the plug-in, and then go to the update interface and click Update.

In addition, if you need to install the old version of WordPress, you can use WP Downgrade


Method 3: Update with code+compressed package

This method comes from the Longxiaotianxia blog. The specific use method is as follows:

  1. Download the WordPress installation package file and rename it wordpress.zip
  2. Upload wordpress.zip to the root directory of your website
  3. Copy the following code to the topic function file
  4. Click Update in Background
  5. After updating, delete the function code
 /** *Temporarily change the WordPress package address so that WP can be successfully updated online - Long Xiaotianxia *  https://www.ilxtx.com/how-to-update-wordpress-successfully.html */ function lxtx_site_transient_update_core( $value ){ foreach ($value->updates as &$update) { $update->download = home_url( 'wordpress.zip' ); $update->packages->full = home_url( 'wordpress.zip' ); } return $value; } add_filter('site_transient_update_core', 'lxtx_site_transient_update_core');

If you can't add code to the theme function file, you can use the following plug-in to help.

Method for safely adding code to functions.php file: Code Snippets

Method 4: Manually update WordPress tutorial with pagoda panel

First enter the background of the pagoda panel( What to do if the pagoda panel forgets the background login website

Enter the root directory of your website from [File] in the left navigation bar, and then click Remote Download, Download the new WordPress installation package

Click OK directly.

 Steps to update WordPress manually on the pagoda panel

After downloading, click Unzip on the downloaded compressed package.

 Steps to update WordPress manually on the pagoda panel

To unzip, keep the default, and click the unzip button directly.

 Steps to update WordPress manually on the pagoda panel

In the root directory of the website, select the wp admin and wp includes folders, and then delete them.

 Steps to update WordPress manually on the pagoda panel

Click WordPreess to enter the folder and delete the wp content folder (in fact, there are several default themes and default plug-ins in this folder, and whether you delete the default theme you don't use will have little impact)

 Steps to update WordPress manually on the pagoda panel

Then select all WordPress For the contents in the folder, select Cut

 Manual WordPress Upgrade Tutorial for Pagoda Panel

Go back to the root directory of your website and paste all.

 Steps to update WordPress manually on the pagoda panel

Then visit the background to view, and the tutorial of manually updating WordPress with the pagoda panel is over.

Method 5. Update WordPress manually through the ssh command

It is also easy to operate through the ssh command, but the novice may not be very skilled, and the operation should be careful.

The following is an environment demonstration with LNMP one click package installed. The specific commands are as follows:

 cd /home/wwwroot/website

Replace the website above with the folder of your own website.

 wget  https://wordpress.org/latest.zip unzip latest.zip rm -rf wp-admin rm -rf wp-includes cd wordpress rm -rf wp-content mv -f * ..

The above command will upgrade WordPress. Go directly to the background to see the results.

However, you may encounter the following problem in future use

 To perform the requested operation, WordPress needs permission to access your web server. Please enter your FTP login credentials to continue. If you forget your login credentials (such as user name and password), please contact your website hosting provider.

The next time you automatically upgrade WordPress or install plug-ins, you will be prompted that "To perform the requested operation, WordPress needs to have access to your web server. Please enter your FTP login credentials to continue. If you forget your login credentials (such as user name and password), please contact your website hosting provider. "

This is because we use the root account when upgrading WordPress from ssh, and the website is a www user, so we need to use the following command to change permissions. (The command is followed by the above command)

 cd .. chomd -R 755 * chown -R www:www *

Well, this manual upgrade of WordPress tutorial is over. It should be the most comprehensive tutorial on WordPress upgrade in the whole network.

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