Wordence Security Firewall

Protect WordPress Website Security_Wordence Firewall Professional Edition Download

Wordence is a popular security plug-in in WordPress. If you want to improve the security level of your website, you can install a Wordence firewall plug-in.


WordPress Security Plug in Wordence Introduction

Wordence is a well-known security plug-in on WordPress, with a firewall and a malware scanner. If you want to know more about how Wordence works, please Click on this article see.

In short, Wordence can prevent you from installing malicious plug-ins or files containing malicious code. It can scan all files on your website and find malicious code.

It can also prevent brute force password cracking, checking file changes, vulnerability checking, etc.

Wordence has two functions that dads think are easier to use.

1、 File scanning

Wordence's scanner can scan all files on the server. If you are an advanced version, you can also link to the cloud database for file comparison scanning, which is better. For example, in the following figure, a blank php file is scanned out for the father,

 Wordence scan results

File name: wp admin/. php
File Type: Core
Details: This file is located at the core of WordPress, but is not distributed with this version of WordPress. This is usually due to its legacy from previous WordPress updates, but it may also be added by other plug-ins or malicious files added by attackers.

If your website is invaded, you will definitely leave traces on file changes. Find and deal with it early to avoid greater losses.

2、 Firewall function

If your website encounters an attack or a garbage crawler grabs your resources, you can't manually stare at the website log to block the IP address, but you can automatically block the IP address that meets certain conditions for you by using Wordence's firewall function.

For example, my dad's notes on building a website are often harassed by garbage crawlers who detect the files on the back door of the website. After Wordence is installed, the firewall automatically intercepts a lot for me.

 Wordence firewall intercepts IP

There are more functions that you can experience after installing.

Wordence plug-in download address

Wordence is divided into the free version and the advanced version. The difference between the two versions is that the advanced version has an additional API permission, which can connect to their servers to obtain updates of new rules, including real-time IP blacklists, firewall rules and malware signatures. It also includes advanced support, state blocking, more frequent scanning, and spam and spam checks.

Download address

How to get Wordence Professional Edition

In fact, it is enough to use the free version function of personal blog, but I just saw the key method of Wordence professional version at Weixinhanci some time ago, so let's share it.

First, install the Wordence plug-in, WordPress Plug in Installation Tutorial

Then run the plug-in and you will be prompted as shown in the following figure. Enter your email address.

 Wordence installation interface

Click the button to select NO (do not receive their advertising emails), check the usage agreement, and then CONTINUE to continue.

Go to the key input interface below and directly enter No Thanks.

 Wordence installation interface

Then, through FTP( Pagoda panel Use the file editing function), open the file wp content/plugins/wordness/lib/wordforceClass.php.

Search the following code

 if (! WFWAF_SUBDIRECTORY_INSTALL && $waf = wfWAF::getInstance()) {

Then, under this line of code, $siteurl=wfUtils:: wpSiteURL (); Add the following 4 lines of code

 wfConfig::set('isPaid', 1); wfConfig::set('keyType',  wfAPI::KEY_TYPE_PAID_CURRENT); !! wfConfig::set('isPaid', 1); !! wfConfig::set('keyType',  wfAPI::KEY_TYPE_PAID_CURRENT);

The final effect is as follows:

 Wordence plug-in modification

Then save the file overwrite.

 Wordence interface

For more than 10000 days, I don't know whether the next update method will fail. The version tested here by Daddy is Wordence 7.4.1

Wordence usage reminder

If your economic conditions allow, please support genuine plug-ins.

The installation of Wordence will add a certain amount of server burden. If you think the website has changed, you can consider enabling Wordence when you need to scan the file security, and closing the plug-in at ordinary times.

Any WordPress security plug-in is only auxiliary. The key is to do a good job of server security protection. If you have money to buy genuine theme plug-ins, do not use pirated theme plug-ins if you have no money. Do not upload unknown files and codes, and set a complex password. Generally, it is not easy to be invaded.

Then there is another optimization option for Wordfence, which is to write into the php.ini file (under Nginx). It depends on whether you need to write. Daddy doesn't plan to use this plug-in for a long time, so he doesn't write. After writing, the protection ability should be stronger. (If it cannot be written, please refer to this article: Modify the. user.ini file permissions and add Wordence high firewall level


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