WordPress Widget

WordPress Basic Tutorial - How to Use Widgets

Widgets, in English, are a very common feature on WordPress, which can easily add content to the side bar or bottom of the website. This article will introduce how to add a gadget to WordPress.

Yesterday, a foreign trade user plus Daddy WeChat asked how to add an inquiry window to the website. After careful communication, she found that her demand was actually to add a small tool called Contact Form 7 at the bottom of the website.

therefore This article takes how to add a contact form gadget to a website as an example to introduce the use of WordPress gadget.

Understanding gadgets

 Wordpress widget

Widgets are located under the theme menu. In English, they are Appearance – Widgets

 WordPress Widget

After entering the gadget interface, the left side is the gadget that your theme can use, and the right side is the location where your theme supports the use of the gadget.

 Wordpress Widget Area

Most themes support sidebar and footer gadgets, but this should be judged according to the actual situation of the theme you use. Not all themes support gadgets.

Using gadgets

After knowing the gadget, my father will teach you how to use the gadget. Let's take the example of adding Contact Form 7 to the footer area of the website.

Installation and use of Contact Form 7 Previous articles , we won't introduce it here.

After installing Contact Form 7, we enter the gadget interface.

 Wordpress Add Widget

Add a text widget to the footer area.

There are two ways to add:

  1. Click the text widget to select the location and footer.
  2. Drag the text widget directly to the footer area.

Then copy the short code of Contact Form7 to save it.

Then go back to the website foreground, you can see the interface of the contact form gadget you just added.

Advanced Widget Usage

You can install some plug-in custom gadgets to display different gadget contents on different pages, such as the following.

  1. Custom Sidebars – Dynamic Widget Area Manager
  2. Simple Page Sidebars
  3. Content Aware Sidebars
  4. Lightweight Sidebar Manager

Here is the end of how to use WordPress gadgets. For more basic knowledge of WordPress, you can go to Install the WordPress tutorial page View to link.

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