How to make money on the website

How to make money on website? 30 ways to make money on personal websites

I learned it from my dad's notes How to build a website Then the next question is how to make money on the website?

How to make money by building websites? My father summarized the ways of making money from Google Advertising Alliance and some websites on the Internet, and shared 9 categories with you 30 ways to make money on personal websites

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9 categories and 30 ways for websites to make money

There are many ways to make money online. I hope these 9 categories and 30 ways can help you Build websites to make money Find a direction.

1、 Realization of website content

The realization of website content may be easy only when the website has a certain amount of traffic. After all, there is less traffic on the PC side.

 Website Alliance Marketing

Alliance marketing

Daddy's Notes on Building a Station Think that alliance marketing should be one of the easiest ways for individual webmasters to make money through websites.

Why is alliance marketing the easiest way to make money through websites?

Alliance marketing only requires that your website has a certain number of fixed users. If you are a vertical user, your liquidity will be stronger. For example, when building a website, newcomers will go to various blogs that recommend VPS to read articles. They earn money through the promotion alliance of the server.

What is Alliance Marketing?

In brief, alliance marketing can be understood as that you attract others to buy products and services through promotion links, and then get promotion commissions. It can also be understood as AFF promotion.

The most common alliance marketing is Taobao Alliance (e-commerce companies such as JD and have their own promotion alliance platforms)

In addition, major cloud server manufacturers also have promotion alliances. For example, you can click: Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud To buy a server, the father will get a certain commission.

Be an excellent station for alliance marketing : What is worth buying

What is worth buying is to be a website of Taobao Alliance (Taobaoke), which started and is now listed. They have made alliances of many e-commerce platforms. Of course, after arriving at their level of stations, they can earn money not only by the alliance, but also by charging advertising fees.

 Advertising alliance makes money

Advertising Alliance

By joining the advertising alliance, it is easy to make money by displaying advertisements on the website. But, Making money through advertising alliances requires a certain amount of traffic on the website.

For example, the comment at the end of the article of the notes on the establishment of the website by the father showed an advertisement. According to the current website traffic (200IP) of the notes on the establishment of the website by the father, the advertisement is basically beautiful and free for people to make wedding dresses. There will be no income in a month. (Because most advertisements are paid by clicking, there will be a certain display fee only when the traffic is large.)

If you can speak English, you can consider becoming an English website and then joining Google Advertising Alliance to make money. The unit price of English websites is relatively high (a click on an advertisement may generate several dollars of income)

Some big gods are English speaking stations directly, and can earn thousands of dollars a day. Of course, they are all people at the top of the pyramid, which is difficult for ordinary individual webmasters to reach.

Website sells advertising space

To sell advertising space on a website, you need to have certain strength on the website itself, such as those fixed advertising positions on the real estate website and car website you see.

Usually, websites in vertical industries or local service types are easier to sell website advertising space for profit.

Related recommendations: Four easy-to-use advanced WordPress advertising management plug-ins

Website endorsement articles

Website endorsement articles are similar to celebrity recommendation.

For example, some people may still distrust a product advertised on TV when it comes out, but when they see that you are also using it, and the evaluation is OK, they may buy the product because they trust you.

This is called endorsement article.

Write comments to make money

There are some special comment websites in foreign countries. You can submit comments after trying the product to get a certain commission. It can also be replaced by a relatively familiar word in China, which can be praised and written in soft articles.

Sell websites to make money

Yes, this is also a direct cash method. If the website has achieved certain results, and you can't make a profit, sell it to others and let others find ways to make a profit.

Daddy knew that there were lots of websites built and then sold to others.

 Website earns money by paying for content

2、 Membership website

Paid members are now easier to accept in China, such as music members and film and television members. As long as your website has content that others need, you can also be a paid member to realize it.

Only visible to members

Daddy's notes on building a website have been shared: WordPress website can only be accessed after registering a member and logging in

So you can easily use WordPress to build a website visible only to members.

Of course, the premise is that your website has articles or resources that these users need.

We Media has been very popular in the past two years, especially WeChat official account. A public account article with a large number of readers can make money simply by inserting advertisements, so we can also channel the public account through the website, and then make profits from the public account.

Tools you need: More functions and methods can be seen and read after WeChat follow-up on WordPress website

Private forum

Similar to the principle that only members can see above, building a forum that only specific user groups can access for user communication is also a way to realize the website.

Content payment is a hot topic this year. In fact, it means poor information. Because the Internet is becoming more and more closed, you may not find what you want as easily as before.

Q&A Community

For example, for professional question and answer platforms such as Zhihu and Quora abroad, you can pay for questions or answers. You can also hang advertising space and so on.

3、 Navigation directory website

This is a sub industry that most people do not know about. It is to create a website with a specific industry and directory, which can be included for a fee.

Directory of paying enterprises

Similar to the enterprise yellow page, for example, users want to search Chongqing Construction Website Company Then you happen to have created a website of enterprise directory of websites in Chongqing, and you can start the function of paid collection. A website charges dozens of yuan, and the income from batch operation is also good.

Paid recruitment website

You might say that not all the recruiters have professional websites? However, you can also find specific places, such as the recruitment website in your county, where you can charge 10 yuan or 20 yuan for a recruitment message. No one will think it expensive.

The key is that the recruitment network in small counties has little competition, and it will not take much effort to do it by itself.

Paid event calendar

It is a website that collects activities on a certain day, and then publishes activity information to your website if there is a demand for activity publishing.

 Sell goods on websites to make money

4、 Selling digital goods

This should also be regarded as a project where individual webmasters can easily rely on websites to make money. As long as you have something that others do not have and that you need, you can sell it.

for instance : For example, if you encounter some problems that you cannot solve during the process of building a website, you can pay your father to help you solve them. This is also a kind of sales behavior. It is your own ability to sell.

In addition, many websites selling resources on the Internet also make money by selling virtual goods. For example, selling film and television resources, software resources, etc. (pay attention to copyright issues).

Sell e-books

You can search Taobao to see if there are any e-book sellers.

E-books can also help you make money through blogs. When you are an expert in a certain field and you summarize some dry goods knowledge into an e-book, you can also sell it to people in need through blogs.

However, this way of making money depends on the quality of your e-book. For example, if you are a food blogger and want to sell a healthy diet list for 30 years old, your e-book should have complete contents, including a detailed nutrition table, a list of snacks to eat during the day, types of exercise, etc.

However, making e-books is also a test of ability, which is shared by dads who set up a website [E-book] Easy Learning to Build Your Own Website, First Edition It felt that the production was very simple, and it must be unrealistic to ask people to pay for it, so they shared it for free.

 Online training makes money

Selling courses online

Online online courses have also become popular in recent years. They can be sold on their own websites, or on Tencent Classroom, Netease Cloud Classroom, and Mocor platforms.

The personal webmaster wants to make money through online training. In addition to the traffic of his website, he also needs to have a certain popularity. It's not that someone is willing to pay to join the training just by doing it alone.

Friends who work on foreign trade websites should know about the training of rice courses. They have done a lot. Although many things about building websites are understood by dads, they still need foreign trade talents to understand some aspects of foreign trade that are combined with websites.

Paid webinar

A paid webinar is similar to a website selling courses online, but webinars are live broadcast, and often have a question and answer session. Zoom, AnyMeeting, Adobe Connect and other software can realize the function of paid webinars.

5、 Sell services online

Provide freelance services

This is easy to understand. Now there are many such platforms at home and abroad, such as Zhu Bajie and Freeman at home, and such platforms as upwork, freelancer and peopleperhour abroad.

After gaining enough experience in using WordPress, many people tend to provide services online, such as the website notes taken by dads Website hosting service

The website building companies on the market also provide similar services. As long as you improve the website content and do website SEO specifically for a certain field, there will always be users contacting you to make a deal.

Consulting business

This is the exchange of experience for money. For example, the real estate big V in Diaoyin can be trusted personally for specific needs, and then the consulting fee is how much.

Become a mentor or coach

What expertise do you have, you can carry out tutor or coach services in that profession.

6、 Sell physical objects online

Use WooCommerce plug-in to conduct e-commerce business

WooCommerce is a free e-commerce plug-in for WordPress, which can be installed to realize e-commerce business. If you want ready to use, you can use Shopify and BigCommerce, which are paid platforms.

Make T-shirt Shop

use WP-Spreadplugin With this plug-in, you can make an online T-shirt store, and users can make T-shirts for them after placing an order online.

WooCommerce consignment store

Many people in the foreign trade industry are making money by delivering goods on behalf of WooCommerce. In cooperation with WooCommerce Dropshipping, customers place orders on their own websites, and then you can find merchants to deliver goods on behalf of Amazon, Alibaba and other platforms to make a profit.

7、 Service platform

Online Mall

Similar to JD Taobao, WordPress can also be used to build online shopping malls, which can be combined with such plug-ins as WC Vendors and WC Marketplace.

However, you can also use professional mall systems, such as shopex, Ecshop, etc

Auction website

To create an auction website, WordPress can try WooCommerce, Auction extension or multi vendor extension.

Job Market Website

In foreign countries, there are many freelance platforms, such as Fiverr, UpWork and Freelancer. This website is actually a model of sharing economy, just like Didi Chuxing and Meituan.

In WordPress, download a file called micro-job engine Such a theme can create such a website.

8、 Website designers and developers

Develop website plug-in

Nowadays, there are fewer people studying and sharing WordPress, but more people use WordPress to build websites, so the market demand is still great. If you can develop PHP, you can make website plug-ins for sale. for example Lightning Bo Is to develop paid WordPress plug-ins for profit.

Selling website themes

If you can design, you can also make website themes for sale. The genuine WordPress theme is still highly accepted now. In addition to WordPress, there are so many blog systems that you can consider making paid themes for sale.

Sell pictures

If you are good at art, you can also help people with P pictures. After all, many people can't design pictures.

9、 Appreciation from netizens

If you still have money on WeChat, you can reward your father. Let the father feel appreciated How to make money on the website

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Which is the easiest way to make money?

The 30 kinds of website profit models introduced in this article all have one premise, that is, the website has a certain amount of traffic or popularity, and only an empty shelf can not make profits.

For individual webmasters, if they want to make money through the website, the first basic condition is that the website has a certain number of visitors.

If your website has only a few or dozens of daily IP addresses, it is good to write your own blog. Don't think about making money. It is almost impossible.

For an individual webmaster, the easiest way to make money on the website is: alliance marketing, selling virtual goods and realizing advertising

In addition, if your county has demand, it may be easier to make profits on local websites than other types of websites.

Thoughts on making money by personal blog

In recent years, fewer and fewer people have been able to persist in updating their personal blogs. Many individual bloggers are wondering whether it is still meaningful to be a personal blog website and whether they can make money from blogs.

Here, my father quotes a comment from Zac, the god of SEO, and you can take a closer look.

In most cases, it is not meaningful to build a personal blog now. Personally, I think there are only two situations that are meaningful:

First, it is very focused on a certain field And is an expert in this field, Establish popularity, authority and personal brand by writing high-quality articles, and then look for other ways of making profits by brand , rather than relying on blog search traffic.

Second, the blog system , such as WordPress, As CMS nothing more, Make other types of websites WordPress is a good website building tool. Now many enterprise websites are also built by WordPress, which has nothing to do with blogs.

If you just write some articles in a wide range of fields, or even reprint them, without personal views or originality, it would be better not to do so.

Daddy's opinion on personal blog is similar to that of Zac, so the focus of daddy's notes is Teach people how to build websites , and look for ways to make profits after the website has a certain popularity.

If WordPress is used as a CMS suitable for enterprise websites, individual webmasters who do not have the resources to sell products and make CMS models are expected to become garbage dumpsters with no depth of articles in a wide range of fields, it will be difficult to adhere to and make money on websites.

However, if you are recording your life, it is still meaningful, and you can make many friends in the process of blogging.

about How can websites make money This article has introduced so many ways that we hope everyone can build a profitable website.

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