Rank Math Setup Tutorial

Advanced WordPress SEO plug-in Rank Math tutorial (2023 new version)

Rank Math, like Yoast SEO and All in One SEO Pack, is a WordPress SEO plug-in, ranking third in terms of downloads, and hopefully ranking first. My father's notes on the establishment of the site introduced the use of this plug-in in 2021. Now there are some changes in the plug-in in 2023, so Rank Math tutorial Make a content update.

Rank Math's advantages

The biggest difference between Rank Math and Yoast SEO with the highest number of downloads and All in One SEO Pack with the second highest number of downloads is that some advanced functions are free (now the Pro paid version has been launched).

Many foreign trade bloggers recommend the use of Yoast SEO, but many useful functions must use the paid version; The advantage of All in One SEO Pack is that it comes with Chinese, but its functions are not very powerful (enough for novices), and it also has paid items.

Most functions of Rank Math are free, including some advanced functions of Yoast SEO The new version of Rank Math also introduces the AI function.

Rank Math Chinese Pack Download


The difference between the free and Pro versions of Rank Math

Rank Math has now launched the Pro version, adding some advanced functions. If you just need to use it, you can consider purchasing it.

Specific differences can be found at https://rankmath.com/pricing/ Check, the father summarized that the following functions can be considered for use.

  1. Google Analytics integration, you can view Google traffic statistics directly from the website background;
  2. Keyword ranking monitoring;
  3. Google trend integration makes it easy to study the direction of keywords;
  4. News and video website maps are only available for this specific website;
  5. Image SEO optimization, automatically fill in alt information;
  6. Multi location local SEO optimization is also available only for local websites;
  7. More perfect WooCommerce SEO support;
  8. Check the keyword ranking of each article;
  9. 12 month keyword ranking record;
  10. Advanced redirection function;
  11. Integration with Elementor;
  12. Detect individual pages;

For ordinary users, it is enough to use the free version directly Google SEO There is no basic concept. It is meaningless to install Pro.

The following functions of Rank Math Pro are very convenient for webmasters who do SEO optimization. They can observe changes in website traffic and keyword ranking.

 Screenshot of Rank Math Pro function
 Screenshot of rank math pro function
 Screenshot of Rank Mat Pro function

Rank Math Free Tutorial

1. Installing the Rank Math plug-in , you can search and install directly from the background, or download and upload the installation.

Download address

 Rank Math Installation Tutorial

2. After installation, activate Rank Math, and it will automatically Enter the setup wizard

 Register Rank Math account

First, a function will pop up that suggests you to connect to an account. You can choose whether to register an account and connect according to your actual situation. Skipping without logging in will not affect your use.

3. Click the Start Wizard button to start running the configuration wizard.

 Rank Math Setup Wizard

Next, the mode selection interface will appear. Easy is simple, Advanced is advanced, and Custom Mode is customized.

For beginners, Easy mode is OK. You can also switch to Advanced mode later and click Start Wizard.

4. Import other SEO plug-in data (optional).

If you have installed other SEO plug-ins, such as Yoast SEO, you can select Start Import or Skip Import.

Here, you should consider whether to import according to your actual situation. Usually, you choose to import. Click Continue after importing.

5. Set the site identity and logo.

 Rank Math Setup Tutorial

In the figure above, the site identity can be selected according to the property value of your own website. Generally, personal blog is selected for personal blog, Small Business Site for enterprise website, and WebShop for e-commerce website.

The following Logo For Google and Default Social Share Image are uploaded, which will be used in Google search results and social sharing.

  • The minimum size of the logo for Google image is 160 × 90px, and the maximum size is 1920X1080px. Search engines prefer square images.
  • Default Social Share Image is the default image shared to social media when your article has no featured image. The recommended image size is 1200 x 630 pixels.

6. Google search console validation.

See the following article for the role and application method of Google Search Console. You can skip this step and add it yourself.

 Rank Math verifies Google account

7. After setting, enter the instrument panel

 Rank Math set

8. Select advanced features

 Rank Math Toggles Advanced Mode

Click Advanced Mode in the upper right corner to switch to advanced mode.

 Rank Math Advanced Mode

The above figure shows the advanced functions of Rank Math. The specific functions and functions are explained as follows:

  1. 404 Monitor, 404 monitor, the new website generally does not have a dead link, and the old website, especially the website revision proposal, is opened;
  2. ACF, Advanced user-defined field analysis tool, if you don't use it, you don't need to open it;
  3. AMP , If you installed AMP plug-in , this function can be enabled;
  4. Analytics, After connecting to Google account, you can see the analysis information;
  5. bbPress, If you have installed the bbPress community plug-in, you can open it;
  6. BuddyPress, ditto;
  7. Image SEO, Automatically add alt information to pictures;
  8. Link Counter is a link counter that can calculate the number of links inside and outside your web page;
  9. Local SEO&Knowledge Graph Google's services for local businesses, foreign trade websites and domestic websites generally do not need to be opened;
  10. Redirections, Website jump, open when needed;
  11. Schema (Structured Data) structured data can be opened. If there are similar plug-ins, they can be closed;
  12. Role Manager, User rights management, multi-user websites can be opened;
  13. SEO Analysis, SEO statistics, help you score SEO, Chinese websites are not accurate, do not pursue 100 points;
  14. Sitemap, It is recommended to enable it. If you have installed other SiteMap plug-ins, you can not open them. What is SiteMap
  15. Google Web Stories, A special form of SEO presentation, most websites can not be used and can be closed;
  16. WooCommerce, It can be opened when WooCommerce is used, especially the 2C website.

These are all the functions of the free version of Rank Math, some of which are in the Pro version as well as the advanced version.

Set SEO information for pages and articles separately

1、 Set the title and description of the first page

 Set the title and description of the first page

On the Home page, set the title and description of the home page.

How to set the title and description of the home page? You can study the settings of competitors.

Simply put, it includes the introduction of your website keywords.

2、 Setting SEO information for individual pages

For some important articles, you can set a title and description suitable for SEO separately. The method is that when you publish an article, there is an area like the following at the bottom of the page( The following is a screenshot of the classic editor interface ), just edit it.

 Focus Keyword

Focus Keyword is not very useful for Chinese websites. After all, foreigners can't play with Chinese word segmentation.

If you are an English foreign trade website, you can enter keywords here, which will give you some tips for writing articles.

 Rank Math

Setting SEO information for TAG label pages

Some webmasters will use TAG tag aggregation for SEO optimization. The default tag page title and description are not suitable for SEO, so you can use Rank Math's tag function to write your own TDK information.

To use this function, you need to enter the SEO box function of the tag in the settings, then enter the article tag, find the tag you want to modify, and you will see the editing place.

 Rank math tag box SEO information

Well, the above is the free version of the tutorial of Rank Math. You can go to more places to see the settings and use them according to your needs.

Rank Math Pro Tutorial

More functions of Rank Math Pro are focused on SEO data analysis and statistics, and its use methods are as follows:

1. Purchase a Pro license on Rank Math's official website You can also buy from your father , price 59 yuan/year) My father's notes on building a website are useless now.

Official website address: https://rankmath.com/pricing/

2. After purchase, the installation package of Pro will be given to you to install through the website background, plug-ins, and upload plug-ins.

 Rank Math Pro

3. Connect your Google account to your website (if you have connected during the installation of the free version, you don't need to operate again here)

 Connect to Google account

When connecting to the Google account, you need to apply for some permissions.

 Rank Math permission application

After permission is allowed, the system will jump to the Analytics settings interface below.

 Rank Math permission analysis

You can select the website information added to your Google account here. If there is no data, Rank Math will automatically create the corresponding data for your website. You can also manually go to Google to analyze and create a website. Refer to the tutorial: How to add Google Analytics statistics code to build your own website to view daily traffic

Other functions, such as image SEO and redirection, are similar to those of the free version, except that there are some more settings options, which will not be covered here.

The above content is the free version and Pro version of Rank Math tutorial that my father shared with you. The SEO tool is just an auxiliary tool, and it is more about the operation of the website and the output of the content. I hope your website can get a good ranking, and I hope you can share the article.

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8 people commented on the "Advanced WordPress SEO plug-in Rank Math tutorial (2023 new version)"

  1. Hello, blogger. After the end of the article details page, will other article details pages be displayed on the current details page? Is it the function of the theme or plug-in or the function of secondary development

  2. Hello, excuse me, use the rank math seo plug-in to fill in keywords, check the web page source code, and find no focus keywords. Does it affect SEO optimization?
    I used to look at the source code of the web page to view keywords. This plug-in does not display keywords. Is it a problem?
    We are looking forward to the answer from God.
    thank you.

    1. The keywords in this plugin help you check the keyword density and other functions in the article. The source code does not contain the meta information of the keyword, because Google and others have made it clear that they will not use this meta, and Baidu is still using it in China.


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