Building website knowledge

The articles in this category are mainly about website building. If you are a novice, you can start reading from the following guide.

  1. Steps to build your own website
  2. Use WordPress to build a website tutorial
  3. VPS recommendations for novices

Add fireworks on WordPress comment interface???? effect

These days, when I was browsing other people's blogs, the comment interface of several stations had fireworks???? Some special effects also have shock effects, so I went to search for them. The implementation method is very simple. Let's share the implementation method of fireworks and shock effects in WordPress comment box. Fireworks special effect

Add fireworks on WordPress comment interface???? effect Read the full text »

 Add featured pictures to WordPress

WordPress Random Display Featured Picture Plug in: Random Post Thumbnails

Bloggers who use Wordpress know that articles have special pictures. For some articles without pictures or authors who don't like to set their own special pictures, it is the most convenient thing for Wordpress to display special pictures randomly. Why should I use random feature map to let Wo

WordPress Random Display Featured Picture Plug in: Random Post Thumbnails Read the full text »

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