
NameSilo Domain Name Renewal Tutorial

How to renew the NameSilo domain name when it expires?

First, we log on to the official website of NameSilo and enter my account page. You can see the following interface:

 NameSilo domain name interface

We can click the Manage button to enter the domain name list and find the domain name you need to renew.

 NameSilo Domain Name List

Click the domain name you need to renew to enter the domain name details page.

 NameSilo domain name renewal button

Find the Renew area on the page and click the Renew button.

Then you will enter the checkout page and click the Checkout button to pay.

 NameSilo payment page

Select the payment method you want to use, and then click the PAY button to complete the renewal of the NameSilo domain name.

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