Cost of website construction

How much money and time will it cost to build your own website?

The COVID-19 epidemic has become a history, and the overall environment is not very good. Many enterprise bosses have begun to pay attention to online marketing, so it is necessary to have an official enterprise website, so enterprises want to own or find a website company How much does it cost to build a website? How long will it take? Daddy will analyze in detail how much it will cost to build a website from the beginning to online operation.

Cost composition of website construction

To build a website, the three most basic contents are domain name, space and program. But the actual situation is that the cost of building a personal website is different from that of a corporate website. For details, see the following explanation.

Personal website construction cost

  1. Domain name fee
  2. Server fees
  3. Program costs
  4. Labor cost

Enterprise website construction cost

  1. Domain name fee
  2. Server fees
  3. Program costs
  4. Labor cost
  5. Customization fee
  6. Marketing expenses

Detailed explanation of fees

Domain name fee

The domain name is the website. According to the different suffixes (. com. net. cn. org, etc.), the price is different, usually about 100 yuan a year, which belongs to the lowest cost of website construction.

For the selection of domain names, please refer to the previous articles of the father: How to select domain names for novice websites

Server fees

Servers are mainly divided into virtual hosts, VPS, and independent servers. The difference between them is that each is more expensive and the performance is better than the other. Specific differences refer to: #Building a website # The difference between the virtual host and VPS

Novice can consider starting from the virtual host, and enterprises are suggested to start from at least VPS perhaps WordPress dedicated virtual host Start.

Program costs

At present, individuals and enterprises generally use open source website building programs, such as WordPress This way, only those who do not understand the market or have their own programmers and special needs will spend money to use other people's programs or write their own programs.

Labor cost

Personal websites are usually built on their own Steps to build a website Thinking about it, we only have the cost of energy and time. Of course, we can't calculate the cost without cost. It depends on how much energy we put into the website.

Enterprises usually outsource or hire people to build websites, so there is labor cost.

Customization fee

Customization fees mainly include website appearance customization and website function customization. The price of website customization is different according to the demand of each website and the price of the service provider. There are hundreds of yuan, thousands of yuan and tens of thousands of yuan.

Marketing expenses

Enterprises usually build websites to promote their own brands and products, so they need website optimization and website promotion. They need to find professional SEO personnel, which is a cost.

Baidu official website certification, WeChat certification, etc. for enterprises will also cost several hundred yuan a year.

Brain map of website construction cost

To sum up, the total cost of website construction is as follows:

Domain name (about 100)+server (hundreds or thousands/year)+program (0 yuan)+labor cost+customization cost+marketing cost.

 Cost of website construction

Okay, that's it Expenses for enterprises or individuals to establish a website Next, we will discuss how long it will take to build the website.

How long does it take to build a website?

The website construction time is also called the website construction cycle, and there is no fixed quantity. It is mainly judged according to the project quantity and difficulty of the website.

How to determine the amount of work of a website?

It is usually judged according to the number of pages and functions. Normal corporate websites basically include: home page, service/product page, about us and contact us.

The two pages about us and contact us can be designed and produced in 1 to 2 days as long as the site building information is complete. The home page, service or product page may take longer depending on the content, page design and time.

How to judge the difficulty of a website?

This depends on the customer's demand for website functions WordPress website establishment For example, regular functions, such as publishing products, publishing blogs, adding sharing codes, and adding inquiry functions, are easy to solve, but some customers will have requirements beyond the regular functions. If there is no ready-made solution, it needs to be developed separately. This cycle is uncontrollable, even if there is a ready-made solution, Usually, you also need to make some detailed adjustments according to your theme and actual situation.

in general From the experience of dads, when the website building information is complete and they can build their own website, or when the website building company handles your website separately:

For a simple b2b enterprise website, the construction period is about half a month; A B2B online sales website should be between half a month and one month due to product upload and some functional adjustments.

If the site building materials are not well organized, and there are many requirements for the website, and the design likes to point out some good suggestions, then it may not be completed in two months.

You may also be interested in the following:

How to build your own website Step 1: website planning

Steps and process of building your own website

One of the foundations of website building, domain name guide

The second foundation of website building, virtual host

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