Google Search Console

Google Search Console Usage Tutorial _ Google Administrator Tool Usage

Google Search Console, also known as Google Search Console, Google Administrator Tool, and Google Webmaster Tool, is a website SEO tool often used to do English foreign trade websites. This article will share its usage methods and techniques with you.

Introduction to Google Search Console

Google Search Console is translated as Google Search Console, which is often called Google Webmaster tool. Google officially calls it Google Webmaster in Chinese. If you are doing Google SEO, Google Search Console is a necessary tool.

Google Search Console can help you do the following things

  1. Improve your website's ranking in Google search results (tools and reports in the Search Console can help you measure your website's search traffic and search ranking, solve related problems, and make your website stand out in Google search results)
  2. Optimize the content of your website with the help of "Search Analysis" report (learn which queries will attract users to visit your website. Analyze the number of presentations, clicks and rankings of your website in Google search.)
  3. Make your content included in the Google index (submit the site map and each URL for grabbing. You can view your index coverage to ensure that Google has included the latest view of your website.)
  4. Receive problem reminders and solve website problems (Receive email reminders sent to you when Google detects problems on your website. You can check which websites are affected by these problems in the email, and notify Google after solving these problems.)
  5. Learn how Google Search can view your web pages (This web address checking tool will directly retrieve information about the crawling, indexing and presentation of your web pages from Google's index.)
  6. Optimize and enhance your website (AMP, mobile device ease of use, rich media search results)

How about it? Do you think it's very powerful? Let's start using the Google Search Console.

Google Search Console tutorial

If you want to use Google Search Console, you need to have a Google account first. Friends who build foreign trade websites should have access to Google and get it done. How to access and register will not be introduced here.

Log in to Google Search Console

Open the Google Search Console website and log in to your Google account.

Google webmaster

 Google Search Console login interface

Click the Start now button to log in to your Google account.

Add your website to Google webmaster tool

After logging into Google Search Console, you need to verify the ownership of your website when you add your own website. There are two verification methods: domain and URL prefix, recommend Add using URL prefix How , effective quickly.

  • A domain is to add a primary domain name. Your secondary domain names will pass the verification. The verification needs to wait for a while.
  • The URL prefix means that only one specific URL is added. If the URL of other secondary domain names is added, it needs to be verified again. The verification is fast.

Domain authentication method:

We fill in the domain name of your website in the form of adding a domain, No www

 Google webmaster tool tutorial

Add txt domain name resolution record

Go to the place where you registered the domain name and add a domain name resolution record. If you don't know, you can refer to the notes of Daddy's website establishment Domain name registration resolution topic , which shares common methods for domain name service providers to add resolution records.

Note: If you have modified the DNS server of the domain name, you need to go to the website of the DNS server to add records.

 Google webmaster tool tutorial

Namesilo Register Domain Name If the parsing record is added as follows.

 Google webmaster tool tutorial After adding It takes several hours or a day to pass the verification , you can first close the Google Search Console, or use the URL prefix to verify.

URL prefix verification method:

Enter the complete URL of your website in the URL prefix input box, including https (if there is no https, fill in http), for example Such URL.

There are many verification methods. It is recommended to use file or HTML tags.

 Google webmasters verification

It supports multiple verification methods. It is recommended to use HTML files or HTML tags for verification.

  • For HTML file verification, download the HTML file, upload it to the website server with FTP software, and place it in the root directory of the website.
  • HTML tag verification is to add it to the HTML code of the website. See the following for details.

There are three ways to add HTML tags:

  1. Add it to the settings corresponding to the SEO plug-in (look for it yourself, it's too tired to write tutorials);
  2. Add using plug-ins, Use the plug-in introduced in this article , just paste the code into the plug-in;
  3. Edit the theme header (header. php) file of the theme in <head> Paste the code update file in the next line.

Successful verification, enter the resource page

 Verification succeeded Do not delete the added verification code and files. Remember to add them again if you change the theme.

Submit site map

After verifying the website, we can submit the sitemap.

At the site map, add the site map of your website. If there is no site map, please refer to Sitemap generation method

 Submit Google sitemap

Other functions

When you add a site map, Google's robots will grab it. Every once in a while, you can view the specific index records from the background of Google's webmaster.

 Google Administrator Tools

From these tools, you can better understand the situation of your website in Google search and the link information of your website.

With the help of Google Search Console, I believe your website can get more traffic from Google search results.

 Reward me

Other search engine webmaster tool address

In addition to Google, other search engines have corresponding webmaster tools, and address sharing is as follows:

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