Add Google statistics code to the website

How to add Google Analytics statistics code to build your own website to view daily traffic

Install the WordPress website yourself How do you know if the website has traffic, how many people visit it every day, and from where?

To know how many people visit our website, we can add a statistical code to the website Foreign trade soho self built station Google Analytics is the first recommendation.

What is statistical code

What is the statistical code? In short, it is a string of codes, which can be used to count the visitor information on your website, including the number of users, user regions, which pages you visited, where you came from, whether you visited through search, introduced by other websites, or directly visited.

Statistical code analysis can give a very detailed website report to the website administrator, so that you can understand the basic situation of the website and will not blindly update the website and find the direction of the website.

Baidu statistics can be used for adding statistics codes to domestic websites, and Google analysis statistics codes can be used for English foreign trade websites.

Method of adding Google Analytics statistics code

1. Log in to the Google Analytics homepage, and if you don't have a Google account, try to register one.

Google Analytics homepage

Recommended by lazy people Quickly submit WordPress website to Google and add Google Analytics code

2. If you are a new user, it will guide you to create media resources. If you are an old user, you can create media resources directly in the settings.

 Google Analytics Add Code

3. Measuring Content Selection Sites

 Google Analytics Add Code

4. Add the name and URL of the website, and select Create.

 Google Analytics Add Code

5. After creation, it will automatically jump to the tracking code page and copy these codes.

 Google Analytics Add Code

6. Paste the copied Google tracking code into the custom html code of your website. After saving, the Google statistics code is added.

If your topic does not have the option of tracking code and you do not add code yourself, you can use the following plug-ins to help you.

The above is Self built website How to view the website traffic? After the Google Analytics code is added, you can view the website traffic statistics on the Google Analytics home page. The newly installed code will take some time to take effect. If your website has a cache, you'd better clear the cache first to ensure that the statistics code of each page has been generated.

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