Domain To Ip

How to access websites through IP during Tencent Cloud case preparation

purchase Tencent Cloud If your domain name has not been filed, you will be required to file it, and you cannot access it directly through the domain name. However, the filing time usually takes from half a month to one month. During this period, the website is not inaccessible, but cannot be accessed through the domain name. We can set up to access the website through IP, and then switch to the domain name access after the filing is completed.

Add IP access to the website

We have Pagoda panel For example, if you can leave messages on other panels, you can also access the website with IP.

 Pagoda panel accesses website through IP

Log in to the pagoda panel background, click the website to enter the website list page.

 Pagoda panel accesses website through IP

Find the Settings button on the back of your website and click.

Note that if you have multiple websites, you can only access one website via IP. If you want to access multiple websites via one IP, you need to assign different ports to other websites.

 Pagoda panel accesses website through IP

In the domain name management interface, fill in the server IP, and then click Add.

Modify the website address to IP

If you have installed the website through the domain name before, you need to change the website address to IP, or the website will be misaligned if you access it directly through the IP address.

If you have not installed the website through the domain name, you can install the website by directly accessing the IP address. Please refer to“ Steps and process of website construction in 2021 ”(After the domain name is filed, you can use this method to change the IP address to the domain name.)

Next to install WordPress For example, how to change the web address of the WordPress website to an ip address.

 Pagoda panel accesses website through IP

Open the database on the pagoda panel, find the database corresponding to your website, and click the management button.

 Pagoda panel accesses website through IP

Find the wp_options table and click to enter the details page.

 Pagoda panel accesses website through IP

Double click the value of option_value in the first line and the second line respectively, and then change the domain name and web address into the IP address. Click the blank space to modify.

After the modification is completed, you can access your website through the IP address and there is no web page dislocation problem.

Can I access the website directly through IP without filing?

After reading the above tutorial of accessing websites through IP, you may have a problem, then I Can I access the website directly through IP without filing?

The answer is yes, but not recommended.

Why not recommend visiting websites directly through IP?

Access to websites via IP is not applicable to most webmaster friends for the following reasons:

  1. Access via ip is not convenient for memory and input.
  2. Access via IP is not conducive to SEO.
  3. Access through IP means that you cannot change the server at any time, otherwise the IP address will change, and you need to use a new IP to access the website, which is a big taboo for user experience and SEO.

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