Wordpress paid for reading

WordPress paid to read, and the content can be seen in the setting tutorial after payment

Paid reading is a popular way of content realization in recent years 30 ways for websites to make money It has also been introduced in one article. How can our personal website make some content visible after paying? Dad's notes on the establishment of the site today will introduce you to the method of setting up part of the content payment visible under the WordPress website.

Basic conditions for paid reading of WordPress content

To make the website content visible after payment, you need to meet the following basic conditions:

  1. A website built by WordPress
  2. A paid reading plug-in
  3. An available payment interface

WordPress website is very easy to solve. Buy a domain name and server, and follow WordPress Installation Tutorial Operation, that's all.

The paid reading plug-in "Daddy's Notes on Building a Website" is currently developed by Lightning Blog WordPress paid content plug-in , one-time purchase, lifelong upgrade.

Plug in purchase

The payment interface applies for Hupi Pepper, and individuals can sign contracts without the company to realize full automatic payment.

WordPress Content Paid Reading Setup Tutorial

First of all, after you have the WordPress website and purchased the paid reading plug-in, we can set the paid reading. The payment interface can be applied when the plug-in is set.

1. Upload the payment plug-in to the website plug-in installation.

 WordPress paid reading plug-in

2. To enter plug-in settings, first enter the activation code to activate. After activation, you can set the prompt and color of paid reading.

 WordPress paid reading plug-in settings

3. Set payment interface

 WordPress paid reading plug-in payment settings

4. Open website user registration

Because there is no way to record paid articles purchased by users without registration, the website needs to open the registration function.

 WordPress open registration function

5. When publishing articles, use code to hide paid content.

This paid plug-in uses short code to hide the content. We only need to wrap the content that needs to be paid to view with short code when posting articles.

 Pay to read short codes

If you want to pay for the full text or the second half of the article, just insert the paid reading button directly and write the paid content later.

6. Set the paid reading price.

For classic editors, the default setting price is in the upper right corner. The father of Gutenberg editor did not test, but should also be on the right side. You can find it carefully.

 Price of paid reading articles

Then publish the article, the website front desk can see, visitors can view the paid content after scanning the code to pay..

Visible test of paid content

The following is the test content. Those who are interested can pay for the test results themselves.

[vk content] I am a paid content, thank the boss for his support.


The plug-in supports full text paid reading, the second half paid reading, and the customized part paid reading.

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