WordPress Memcached Cache Cleanup

How WordPress cleans the Memcached cache

stay After moving to the server The Memcached cache has not been started yet, but it was started today, and the previous cache has not been cleared, so you can only manually clean the Memcached cache files of WordPress.

The methods searched on the Internet are telnet. If telnet is not installed on the Linux server, you need to install it manually. The commands for installing telnet on CentOS are as follows:

 yum install telnet telnet-server

Then enter the following command to clear the Memcached cache information.

 telnet localhost 11211 flush_all Ctrl+]//Enter, and then exit Quit//Exit

Of course, there is another more convenient method, Clean Memcached cache directly in WordPress background , that is, through plug-ins.

The webmaster friends who opened Memcached cache a few years ago should use the object-cache.php file on github

In recent years, the object cache.php that comes with the Boiled Fish WPJAM plug-in should be used to enable Memcached caching.

In other words, if you have installed the WPJAM plug-in for boiled fish, you can manually clear the cache through the system information interface of this plug-in.

 Memcached Cache Cleanup

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