Solution to the failure of importing demos from domestic servers

Solution to the failure of WordPress importing theme Demo data on domestic servers

Today, my father is importing a domestic server Astra Theme When Demo demo data of, because of network problems, it was imported many times without success. Generally, after our domestic servers are installed, we can use the kill 429 or wp china yes plug-ins to speed up the website and install and update plug-ins.

However, the data for this specific plug-in and theme are not the requested WordPress official website data, but the plug-in and theme's own website. It is easy for domestic servers to fail to install and import when the network is bad.

There are two solutions:

  1. After debugging the website data with foreign servers, the backup data will be restored to the domestic server;
  2. Set a proxy server for WordPress on the domestic server to speed up foreign website requests.

Daddy uses the second method, v2ra ψ, as the proxy access.

The specific methods are as follows:

1. Purchase a domestic server with good access speed Foreign server

You can ping a foreign server with your own server. The ping value is generally more than 250ms. It may be difficult to use.

2. Install v2ra ψ on the server

 bash <(curl -L -s )

After installation, open the/etc/v2ra ψ/config.json editing file and record the following:

  • Port port value
  • Uuid value

3. Domestic server installation v2ra ψ

The method is the same as the above code, but the download may be slow. Please refer to this article Accelerate Github

4. Modify the configuration file/etc/v2ra ψ/config.json

Delete the default content of the configuration file, paste the following content, and then modify the Chinese explanation.

 { "log": { "loglevel": "warning" }, "inbound": { "listen": "", "port": 8080, "protocol": "http", "settings": { "allowTransparent": false, "userLevel": 1 } }, "outbound": { "protocol": "vmess", "settings": { "vnext": [ { "Address": " here is changed to the proxy website IP", "Port": 8888 is changed to the proxy website port, "users": [ { "Id": "c503b067-e78f-b037-1ac7-7b369103ec9f here is changed to the uuid of the proxy website", "level": 1, "alterId": 64 } ] } ] } }, "outboundDetour": [ { "protocol": "freedom", "settings": {}, "tag": "direct" } ], "routing": { "strategy": "rules", "settings": { "rules": [ { "type": "field", "port": "54-79", "outboundTag": "direct" }, { "type": "field", "port": "81-442", "outboundTag": "direct" }, { "type": "field", "port": "444-65535", "outboundTag": "direct" }, { "type": "field", "domain": [ "" ], "outboundTag": "direct" }, { "type": "chinasites", "outboundTag": "direct" }, { "type": "field", "ip": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "::1/128", "fc00::/7", "fe80::/10" ], "outboundTag": "direct" }, { "type": "chinaip", "outboundTag": "direct" } ] } } }

After configuration, systemctl restart restarts the v2ra ψ service. If not, restart the server directly.

5. Edit the configuration file of WordPress and add the agent configuration information.

 /**Agent*/ define('WP_PROXY_HOST', ''); define('WP_PROXY_PORT', '8080'); define('WP_PROXY_BYPASS_HOSTS', 'localhost, *');

Add the foreign website that WordPress needs to visit to the third line above, save it and upload it to overwrite.

Then go to WordPress to test the effect in the background. Plug in resources that could not be loaded normally before can be accessed normally.

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