SEO can't be done with money

Don't dream of doing Google SEO on foreign trade websites. You can't do it with money

For some people who haven't touched Self built website For the webmaster or company boss, they will naively think that Foreign trade website You just need to spend money to find a website building company to build a look Spend money Let them help Do Google SEO You can get a good ranking, so as to attract traffic to the website into orders.

Don't dream. If it is really simple, you can give me a reason why the website building company doesn't make foreign trade orders by itself:

  1. Don't want to do it? Who wouldn't want to make money.
  2. Can not do? Optimization is so simple that you can't recruit people.

So why don't they do it? The reason is very simple. Website SEO and Google optimization are not as simple as they boast. This is Daddy Reprint Divinatory“ How deep is the water when foreign trade websites promote Google SEO ranking? ”One wen, and Added some Own opinion Combined articles, I hope you foreign trade stationmasters will not spend money unjustly, nor think of taking shortcuts.

Note: The green font is the original content of the quoted material god, Wine red text is the key content.

What is SEO and what should foreign trade SEO do?

SEO is what we often call search engine optimization I believe that the website building company has told you what benefits website SEO can bring.

Regular SEO is One How to do it What about? Generally, it can be divided into the following steps:

  1. Research target industries and analyze keywords;
  2. Register domain names and purchase servers to build websites;
  3. Adopt theme templates and plug-ins that are conducive to SEO;
  4. Write original articles around keywords;
  5. Do a good job in building the internal and external chains of articles;
  6. Do a good job in SEO optimization of website article basis;
  7. Optimization of website page loading speed;
  8. Daily analysis of website statistics and a series of operations.

Next, we will analyze why the father said Don't dream of doing Google SEO on foreign trade websites.

Analysis of the reasons why paying for Google SEO is unrealistic

Not an industry person, unable to write original articles

There is a saying circulating in the field of website SEO“ Content is king The outer chain is the emperor. "

In other words, good website content is the king, so why do you expect someone outside the industry to help you write dry content within the industry? What's more, English articles should be updated regularly and irregularly.

Not a professional SEO practitioner, not skilled enough

You have to believe that a website building company can't only help your website to do Google SEO promotion, then it must be a staff member responsible for Google optimization of N websites.

SEO takes a lot of effort. I don't believe that the staff of these website building companies can understand the latest rules of search engines, let alone the optimization of English websites.

At best, it may be that the webmaster knows more terms of seo than the ordinary webmaster. In their eyes, it may be that he can help you change the title, keyword, description, and submit it to Google, even if he has done SEO.

There are also many domestic service providers that do Google SEO, but many so-called professional service providers still do the old Chinese SEO optimization for customers. However, the industry is a mixture of good and bad people, exaggerating the effect, false promises, and making up the majority. I think professional SEO service providers should at least have enough convincing English online marketing ability or background. After all, SEO in English online world is obviously different from Chinese.

The most important thing is to tap high-quality English resources on the basis of a certain level of English and continuous learning ability. This requires practitioners to constantly accumulate and explore, and gradually accumulate the way of thinking in English writing. These all require you to read English websites frequently, wander in the world of English information knowledge, and absorb nutrients.

Black hat SEO optimization only focuses on short-term benefits

Website optimization, whether targeted at Google or Baidu, can be divided into three types of SEO: white hat SEO, black hat SEO and grey hat SEO.

  • White hat SEO: It conforms to the optimization of search engine rules and achieves long-term benefits;
  • Black hat SEO: use search engine vulnerabilities to optimize, which will be effective in the short term. Once the search engine finds it, it will be doomed;
  • Grey hat SEO: Everything goes with fate. It doesn't matter to me whether there is a ranking. I update and I am happy.

Black hat SEO does not really consider the reasonable content of the website and the real needs of search users. It just conducts speculative operations, seizes some loopholes in the ranking of search engines, and wants to directly "cut corners" to improve the ranking. The most common is to pile up a lot of junk outside the chain to improve the weight to get the ranking.

Google's algorithm rules for search result page SERPs have long been user centered. Google will judge the user's search intention and then show the results that best match the customer's search intention, rather than through a large number of websites with weight in the outer chain.

For foreign trade industry websites, if you want to develop in the long run, you should stay away from black hats. Safe white hat SEO is the right way. Qualified service providers must have a real and profound understanding of Google's official optimization guide. Then unify knowledge and practice!

Pay Google SEO optimization routine

It's said that it's impossible, but you still have doubts. You say it's impossible, but why do others dare to ensure that the website ranks first, that there is traffic, and that there is inquiry? They also said that there was no charge if it didn't work.

The promotion of the so-called "guaranteed ranking" is just for better sales, so that customers feel it is safe to choose this service provider, and the money is worth it.

The so-called guaranteed ranking has several routines:

Routine 1: Rank words with low competition (or even no competition) and little meaning

Do some meaningless words, and finally use the Google ranking of these words to force explanation and justification As long as these words are ranked, they will fulfill the commitment. After all, there is no competition for some words that have no practical meaning. Add more pages and add a little more content. With a little help from the external chain, you can make the ranking better.

A foreign trade soho asked me before. He wanted to buy a service package from a marketing company. He sent me information that the company said it would promote Google. I took a look at it. The cost of building the website and Google SEO promotion is not low. The annual service cost is nearly 30000 yuan.

There is a case on the data that Google ranked on the first page with screenshots. When I looked at the search term, I instantly understood what was the routine, the long tail keyword of five English words (the search volume was extremely low). Another look at the title of the website, which also happens to have these five words. A five word long tail word was listed on the first page of Google, and then an advertisement was sent to fool Xiaobai.

Who gave you the courage to put it on the promotional materials?! To make it clear is to pit a small white who doesn't understand.

What is the concept of a 5 word long tail search term? For example, mask, big words, he can not do the ranking. Ok, let's use the moisturizing mask. It's still not ranked. So beauty hydrating mask? Still no ranking. So beauty, moisturizing and whitening mask? Still not ranked.

What about ice cream facial mask? Ok, it's finally on the first page

Then I asked him to ask the service provider that such a low degree of competition in the long tail is also a word. The other side said that Google's ranking words on the first page, which have a long tail, also count. They have the right to explain them.

Hehe, I can only say that there are so many rich foreign traders~

Routine 2: Specify the ranking of certain words, and promise a refund if invalid

Generally speaking, the more difficult the optimization words are, the higher the corresponding charges will be Some companies or individuals charge with specific keywords and promise to do so on the home page, so they need to understand the strength in depth. We should not cooperate casually because of such a so-called invalid refund commitment. After all, in this industry, there are also some companies that are not professional.

Many SEO service companies do not have a complete, transparent and credible customer case, because they have no strength at all. There are also many service companies that promote themselves as white hat SEO companies and show some so-called customer cases. There are some false and real, but the content is not detailed enough, and some specific aspects of how to complete the optimization pass by.

If you have a little strength, you will at least list what optimization work you have done, and how to find ways to increase some high-quality external chains, and finally improve the ranking of the website to obtain a relatively ideal effect. Some cases have been done so seriously, but they are only done well as an image project, which is a means to gain trust and accept orders. After receiving many other orders, the service quality is totally different from the case presented.

You should know that the service industry, especially the service industry with strong professionalism, competitiveness and great uncertainty, cannot maintain the original service quality once the number of customers is large, and is finally averaged. Without increasing professional staff, the order doubled and there was no time to digest it. My friends who have run companies know that human cost is the highest part of management cost. However, once the staffing is not timely or professional, it is impossible for so many customers to patiently do it one by one. How long will it be?

Who will honestly build the external chain for you? No, I believe that almost 90% of foreign trade SEO service providers will not do this. To understand your industry, you need to study good websites in the industry, and also find ways to get external links from these websites. This kind of effort and time is not what you need for an average package price. Those who can really achieve this level need high-end customized services. Feina Laoshen, you may not be able to get a high-quality external chain. Can't you get a share of the profits from inquiry orders?

It's like a thoughtless male guest who patronizes XJ and tells us that I love you and don't fake it. Will XJ be willing? MD has no feelings with you, but he also let me say that I love you, and I can't fake it. How long will it take? After a few false calls, it ended quickly. I had an early rest and finished work.

Maybe you will doubt that I am driving, but that's not the reason?

In any case, the cost of external chain brushing is low, and there is no loss if it is not successful. If Google has not yet detected some effect, it will talk to you about the upgrade package plan. Look, it works!

Then after you pay the money, Google detects cheating, and then beats hard, the auction name drops straight, and the included pages are greatly reduced. You want the money back? With all the money in your pocket, can you get it back so easily?

Many Google SEO service providers in the market launch guaranteed ranking or fast ranking services, especially the so-called fast, which basically use black hat SEO techniques, or more or less implicitly mix some black hat techniques to obtain rankings. Even if the temporary effect is achieved, it is difficult to last.

In fact, the effect that SEO service providers give you is lagging behind in time, and you can see how the effect will be after at least three or four months. Therefore, promoting fast is deceptive in nature.

and It is the simplest to ensure traffic. It's very cheap to buy traffic directly from the traffic platform I know a friend who works as an English online earner. He mainly works as a media buy, that is, he buys paid traffic (such as FB advertising traffic and traffic from various traffic trading platforms) to earn dollars from offers offered by foreign advertisers. It is easy to get tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of foreign IP access with a small amount of money.

Guaranteed inquiry In fact, it is also simple. Direct software simulation cluster disk There are a large number of free mailboxes abroad, as well as enterprise mailbox accounts with different domain names sold in bulk, which cost little. With so many spare mailboxes, even if you have doubts, there is no substantial evidence that the service company is fraudulent. Anyway, the number of inquiries is guaranteed to you. You didn't receive the order, which is your own problem..

Foreign traders' misunderstanding of SEO

Spend money to find someone to do it, and do it yourself

Many people think that I will give you this job. You are professional. I don't understand. I'm only responsible for paying. Help me solve this problem and do a good job in this project. I don't have time to take care of other things, nor do I want to take care of them.

It is very important for you to participate in SEO In many aspects, we should fully communicate with the service provider. If there is not enough communication, and no special person is responsible for tracking and confirming the progress of the whole project, then the project will be difficult to be effective in the future.

You don't care, I can give you 90 points? 60 points is enough, can't go any further. There are other customers who need service.

Eager to see the effect

Many people think they have spent money and must see the effect soon. In fact, some SEO work is very complicated. Maybe the website you built in someone else's place before has an unreasonable structure, or there are various problems. The service provider needs to help you slowly modify and optimize it. Usually, the website that can be listed on the first page of Google is rarely a new website that has just been established, unless the competition is really low.

There are also some foreign trade people who understand that white hat SEO takes time, but they are impatient, so they can't help but urge the service provider to achieve results, which also gives the service provider great operational pressure.

- "How come the ranking hasn't come up yet? I've been waiting for half a month."
- "Sorry, it takes time for the new website to be included in Google. In addition, it takes time to do white hat SEO for ranking. It's not so fast"
- "Then you can give me an exact time limit. When can I see the ranking?"

It is suggested to reduce the expectation of timeliness, and do not place your hope entirely on website SEO, and dream of receiving inquiries every day.

Your website is your virtual asset. It needs careful management. Money can quickly increase the value of assets, but it will not last long. So understand one thing: more haste, less speed.

No matter what industry is suitable for content marketing

I wrote an article before that said: Industrial Use products will be easier to do Google SEO and content marketing. In most cases, residential use products (daily necessities, household goods, fast moving consumer goods, etc.) are difficult to compete in ranking on Google, because the first page is almost all e-commerce platforms.

For industrial use products, it is easier to compete for product words or product category words than for daily necessities because it is much easier to compete in ranking. Moreover, some products are very specialized and their application fields are very specific. People who do not know this industry do not know it at all. Therefore, it is more like a small subdivision field. It can be said that, Industrial use products are relatively more suitable for optimization and content marketing, so as to obtain better quality traffic, which can then be converted into effective inquiries.

This does not mean that all Residential use products are difficult to turn natural flow into inquiries through SEO content marketing. I think some products are like this. For example, most of the daily necessities are popular goods with low value and no experience, the social platform enterprise number products are slow to spread, and the end users are not too keen to search for products. These SEO methods rely on content marketing to drive traffic and transform inquiries, and the effect is not very ideal.

Of course, there are many types of products suitable for Residential use. For example, digital products, smart homes, and electronic products are very experiential and easy to spread on social platforms. In this way, it is possible to build a website to divert and transform inquiries. There are many good examples, so I won't list them.

But content marketing is not easy Because:

  • You can't write more than 10 high-quality English articles without certain skills and sufficient time.
  • Secondly, you can find writers on the outsourcing platform to write. It takes a lot of time and energy just to try and select writers. The quality of the writing may completely disappoint you. The quality of the content is completely inferior to the articles on the websites with good rankings on Google.
  • In addition, the direction of the content written is also very important. You need to do keyword research and analysis of search needs, and then consider what content to write to generate search traffic. If you write a lot of articles that no one is interested in and no one searches, it is also a waste of effort.

Basically, the content marketing on the English B2B website that I know has done well is basically done by myself, many of which are in the machinery industry. Most of the articles are written by themselves, and a few are outsourced. The article written by myself was modified and polished by foreigners, who spent a lot of energy on content creation. They have persisted for at least one or two years, and gradually saw the steady increase of website traffic, and the number of inquiries naturally generated each month has gradually increased.

They don't actively drain

Now there are many social platforms, such as Fcebook group, instagram, Quora, and many other platforms can be channeled. Do you expect the service provider to help you release content channeling without understanding? Although there may be a few private or small-scale service providers who may help you with such specific services, 99% of them will not help you.

You need to attach importance to the flow of social platforms, use copy, pictures, entrepreneurial videos, and actively import the flow into your website with content marketing.

Although it is difficult to conduct off-site drainage and content marketing, if you have the determination, you can still do it slowly. It is necessary to study hard and persist.

Of course, there is an opportunity cost. The same time and energy can also be spent on expanding business and increasing sales staff. Therefore, if you are determined to make efforts at the marketing level, it is better to recruit individuals to do promotion optimization.

High quality external chain is difficult to obtain, but not necessarily impossible

The number of pages of enterprise websites is too small. With product pages, there are only dozens of pages in total. The number of pages is too low, and the page quality is relatively low. Because many pages have similar structures, such as product pages.

So we can only find ways to do more content marketing, Write articles with length and depth around their products, industries, services, technical points and other aspects. All articles should be written around your products, industries or services.

The external part is to constantly explore valuable external links. Of course, this is a very difficult step. High quality websites can't give you links or even ignore you. This social value needs to be exchanged, and development needs to be win-win. What value have you added to the other party? Why does the other party give you external links? So these aspects are worth thinking about.

If you want to stand out from many competitors in Google's ranking, you can't just rely on keywords. It can only ensure that you have the right direction for optimization. It is not enough to rely on in station SEO, because many of your competitors do better in station SEO, so it is difficult for you to directly open the gap in these aspects. If you have several high-quality external chains, it is equivalent to applying for a job. If you have several powerful recommendation letters from industry celebrities, you may directly surpass other competitors.

But of course, it is very difficult, but if you can write a high-quality and full Killer Post to submit to websites with high weight in the industry, it is also a way to obtain the external links of the internal pages of articles. In addition, content marketing is often used to guide and forward content from social media to obtain comments.

Pay no attention to the output of video resources

Video has become Very important content of SEO optimization of foreign trade websites 1.3 billion people around the world use YouTube, Statistics on the number of videos played on YouTube and Facebook have grown rapidly in the past two years.

Google also pays more attention to videos and places them on the search results page (SERPs). If you have planned to do some promotion in online marketing, then youtube videos should not be ignored.

You can try to record some short videos: such as company introduction, product demonstration, production links, quality control, product purchase suggestions, and even some clips of customers visiting the company. Then in the other Share videos on social media platforms Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, and get links to traffic and company websites.

Compare prices. I want a cheaper service provider

The Chinese have to say that they really believe in the word "cost performance".

You know, Companies that provide really useful SEO services can never spend thousands of yuan to do so. Because this is a very labor-intensive process and requires continuous management, the labor cost will not be low.

Therefore, if you are sure that the service provider you find has good technology, sufficient English optimization background, and good customer cases, you have also learned about customers who have bought services and learned about the true evaluation. If the price is really much higher than that of other service providers, I can only say that it is reasonable. If you choose a service provider that is cheaper than the expensive one, you may suffer the most in the end. Because you paid a lot of money, there was nothing valuable in the end.

Another common question is whether to outsource to foreigners for SEO? For example, Indians.

Outsourcing to Indians for SEO

I often receive development letters from Indians in my mailbox. Most of them help you do SEO to improve your ranking.

Indians are indeed world-famous in the software outsourcing industry, because their costs are low, only one-third of the labor costs in Europe and the United States, and they generally speak English and communicate well. There are good Indian SEO teams, the technology is not bad, and the price will not be very cheap.

But what you can find is that most of them are cheap, the service and quality are basically average, and they like to delay doing things and are not very meticulous. You should know that there is nothing cheap or affordable about professional services.

However, Indians are still more conscientious than their domestic counterparts in terms of quotations. At least what kind of Chinese enterprise power in China can offer tens of thousands of yuan for an ordinary enterprise website. It's really drunk.

It's easy when you rank up

I believe that there are so many things mentioned above. You shouldn't have the idea of once and for all, should you? The ranking is dynamic. It's not always the first page. It is possible that once Google's algorithm is updated, your ranking has dropped significantly, or other websites have done a lot of optimization work and exceeded you in ranking.

So, Google SEO requires persistence and long-term efforts. Only with correct optimization thinking, certain technical foundation and enough efforts can there be returns. Instead of making a little effort, I feel that there should be a return.

In addition to SEO services, what other things should you pay for?

Specialized SEO books and training

I have actually recommended basic introductory books (Note to Daddy: For example, this book《 SEO actual combat password 》, although some years old, as an introduction book to SEO, it is much more reliable than other books of its kind) Of course, sometimes you have no initiative in learning, so you may need to apply for some high-quality training. There are many Google SEO trainings of this kind, and the training level depends on the level of the lecturers, whether it is really practical, and the good and bad are also mixed. If you don't know, read a book for the time being. If you have a good command of English, then there are many texts and videos on Google and YouTube that you can learn by yourself.

I know some basic SEO, so that I can at least communicate more efficiently with the service provider and basically judge the quality of service.


SEO analysis tool

You may need to use professional SEO tools to check various indicators of the website, such as the volume of content, the external chain, ranking, difficulty in competition, and so on. Then you need to have a general understanding of the following professional analysis tools.

The specific usage will be introduced on Google and Baidu. There are not many tools. It's OK to use two.

Professional WordPress SEO plug-in

Yoast SEO plug-in is the most popular professional SEO plug-in in the world of WordPress. Of course, it can be used for free. It can be used for six months to one year for free. After you become proficient, you can consider upgrading to the paid version. The paid enhancement version has many very useful additional features. (Daddy's note: Yoast SEO is a professional plug-in version. You need to buy it unless you have a complete understanding of SEO and know how to operate keywords. Otherwise, if you buy it, you will only use the free version function. In addition, the professional version function of Chinese websites is almost useless. Daddy's website notes are currently using Rank Math

Part time or full-time network marketing personnel

If you plan to do some SEO work for your company, for example, find a writer to write content for you. So finding writers, selecting writers, trying services, outsourcing platform task management, task communication with writers, details confirmation, management of multiple writers, etc., all need great time and energy. If someone is assigned to help you with these tasks, it will be worth it even though there are some more labor costs.

In addition to SEO, what other options do you have for obtaining inquiries?

Google Adwords keyword auction ads and Facebook ads. These advertisements can be delivered accurately, and the budget can be controlled by yourself.

Google Adwords gets traffic directly in the form of keyword advertisement exposure, which is a more direct way. Of course, different products and industries cannot have the same effect. To do this, the key is to study what keywords to put in. If the key words are properly selected, it is OK. If the key words are incorrectly selected, it will feel like burning money.

So at the beginning, it is OK to invest some small budget, such as thousands of yuan, for several attempts. However, I still want to emphasize that it is very important to choose which keywords to launch in which market. You need to study by yourself, or let a professional service company give you advice or operation.

The other is Facebook advertising. It can be said that at present, Facebook is the second largest advertiser for paid advertising besides Google, but it is mainly C-end products.

If you want to know about Facebook ad, you can search some information on Google first to see if it is suitable for you to put advertisements.

The purpose of my father's reprinting this article is to remind people who want to spend money on SEO on foreign trade websites. The vast majority of them are deceptive. Many people may not believe my father's words. As a famous talent speaker in foreign trade circles, I think it should be persuasive.

What about? Since it is no longer possible to spend money on SEO, consider coming by yourself. First, read some related articles:

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