WordPress optimization

WordPress optimization plug-in, optimization tutorial, WP speed optimization.

 Download the wp bucket cache plug-in

The cracked version of WP Rocket is downloaded and licensed for sale. It is safe

WP Rocket is a WordPress cache plug-in, which can play a certain role in WordPress optimization. Daddy's website building notes are currently using the new version of WP Rocket, and the cache and optimization effect is better than the previous WP SUPER CACHE [...]

The cracked version of WP Rocket is downloaded and licensed for sale. It is safe Read the full text »

 Performance Code Script Management Plug in

Lightweight WordPress optimization plug-in recommendation: Performance 1.9.1 (download address attached)

Performance is a lightweight WordPress optimization plug-in with lightweight code and complicated functions. Using Performance can help you turn off many unused WordPress functions, thus improving the speed of your website. At the time of publication, Pe

Lightweight WordPress optimization plug-in recommendation: Performance 1.9.1 (download address attached) Read the full text »

 Reduce HTTP requests

How to Reduce HTTP Requests in WordPress Speed Optimization

When we optimize the website speed, some testing tools always prompt us to reduce the number of HTTP requests. Novices don't know how to reduce the number of requests, so Daddy here introduces the method to reduce the number of HTTP requests on the website. Take the home page of the website where the father created the site as an example, the number of requests was 75

How to Reduce HTTP Requests in WordPress Speed Optimization Read the full text »

 Reasons for slow website

What is the website speed related to? 8 aspects affecting the website speed

Whether you build your own website or invite someone to build a website, you will always ask why my website is so slow. It is true that most people's websites are slow, but as long as they learn to optimize the website speed, they will find that the website is not really slow, just some places are not in place. this paper

What is the website speed related to? 8 aspects affecting the website speed Read the full text »

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