WORDPRESS update record

WordPress 5.4 update record with manual update method

WordPress 5.4 has been released, which is the first major version in 2021. This new version contains many functions, many of which are around the WordPress block editor. This version will greatly improve the way you create content on your website.

In this article, we will share the new features of WordPress 5.4, as well as the features we should try to use after updating the website.

What's New in WordPress 5.4

WordPress 5.4 is the main version. Unless you use the hosted WordPress hosting service, you must manually start the update.

Important: Before starting the update, do not forget to create a complete WordPress Backup

New and improved block editor in WordPress 5.4

WordPress 5.4 focuses on improving the content editor. This includes new features, enhancements, and new function blocks.

WordPress 5.4 displays the Block Editor in full screen mode by default.

This change will be apparent on a newly installed WordPress, or when accessing the WordPress administration area from a new device, browser, or stealth mode.

If you want to upgrade from WordPress 5.3 using the same browser and device you often use, the editor will open in the last mode you enabled.

You can exit full screen mode by clicking Editor Settings, and then unchecking the "Full screen mode" option.

New block in WordPress 5.4

WordPress 5.4 brings two new blocks for you to use when writing content.

1. Social icon block

As the name implies, the "Social Icons" block allows you to add social media icons to posts and pages.

After that, you can click the Add button and select the social network you want to add. You can then click on the social network icon and provide a link to your profile.

The social icon block only allows you to add social media icons with links to your profile. It does not add social sharing buttons. To do this, you still need social media plug-ins with sharing capabilities.

2. Button block

WordPress 5.4 introduced Buttons block, which will replace Button block. As you can guess from the name of the new block, it allows you to add multiple buttons side by side.

You can choose a background or gradient color for each button, and then choose from two different styles.

Improved features prevent you from trying in WordPress 5.4

Several blocks in WordPress 5.4 have been improved with new enhancements. The following are the most important changes that will greatly improve your writing experience.

WordPress 5.4 provides new color options for multiple blocks. This allows you to create more attractive layouts for posts and pages.

Previously, users could only change the color of all text in a paragraph. With WordPress 5.4, you can now change the color of any text in the paragraph block.

You can also select text and background colors with gradient for cover blocks, and even select background and text colors for all blocks in the group block.

If you regularly use the Column block, you can also use colors to separate columns from regular paragraphs.

Block Selection Tool

The new buttons in the toolbar now allow you to easily select blocks. This is a very useful tool, especially if you have nested blocks within a chunk.

Simply click the selection tool and move the mouse over the block you want to select.

Previously, you need to manually select to upload and set featured pictures. This does not match the drag and drop functionality of the content editor.

Now with WordPress 5.4, you can simply drag and drop the image to the "Featured Images" section.

Better Move Toolbar for Block Editor

Previously, if you had to edit blog posts using a mobile device, you might have noticed how the Block Settings toolbar moved.

This makes it very difficult to use the editor on mobile devices. WordPress 5.4 solves this problem through the fixed toolbar at the top.

Select image size in library block

Previously, you could not select an image size for an image in a library block. Now you can select the image size directly in the gallery block settings.

Improved latest post block

Previously, the "Latest Posts" block did not contain selected pictures. You can also select the size and alignment for the featured image. This makes the "Latest Posts" block more attractive and practical.

You can now embed TikTok videos in WordPress

WordPress 5.4 includes embedded support for TikTok video. Basically, you can now add TikTok videos to WordPress posts and pages, just like embedding YouTube videos.

Just paste the video URL and WordPress will embed it automatically.

Updated the privacy tool in WordPress 5.4

WordPress 5.4 has improved the built-in privacy tool. Now, personal data export includes session token, community event location and custom user element.

Now, personal data export is provided in the form of HTML and JSON files. The HTML file contains a directory at the top for easy navigation.

Developer changes in WordPress 5.4

WordPress 5.4 has made some improvements for developers. These enhancements primarily affect theme and plug-in developers.

New hooks in WordPress 5.4 allow developers to add custom fields to navigation menu items. (Detailed)

Developers can now add keyboard shortcuts to the Block Editor. (Detailed)

WordPress 5.4 changed the HTML output of the calendar widget. It moves the navigation link to

The HTML element after the element to generate valid HTML. (#39763)

Apply_shortcodes() can now use the new function as an alias for the do_shortcode() function. (#37422)

Now, some unused customizer classes have been officially abandoned in WordPress 5.4. (#42364)

It can be seen from the update that more of them are for the Gutenberg editor. If you use a classic editor, it will not have a great impact on you.

Manual update method

If you are a domestic server, the automatic update is usually unsuccessful, and you can only update manually. Please refer to the following tutorial:

Automatic update failing_Several methods for manually updating WordPress version

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