How to do website SEO is too difficult? Just stick to these two points

Shared before 210 SEO suggestions affecting Google's ranking _ Google search ranking optimization Maybe for Xiaobai users, my god, there are so many things to pay attention to, forget about it, bother me.

Seeing such a complicated SEO, I have to give up. Is there any Simple SEO method What about?

The answer is yes.

How to do simple SEO?

No matter which search engine it is, its basic purpose is to meet users' search needs and provide users with answers to search questions.

So what we need to do is:

  1. Update articles with user search requirements;
  2. The content of the article should meet the user's search needs.

As long as these two points are achieved, website SEO is already done, and you have noticed that the 210 SEO suggestions will only make the SEO effect more extreme.

SEO is only a means, and the content is fundamental. The two should cooperate with each other. Don't overdo SEO. That would be counterproductive.

The search engine is making algorithm changes and upgrades every day. We ordinary individual webmasters don't have much energy to spend on researching SEO. As long as we provide good content, there will naturally be search traffic and traffic entering the website. If you can convert content into old users, then the effect of SEO will be even better.

Make your own website It is a very long and boring road, which needs the insistence of the webmaster. Generally, a website that can persist for 2 years, as long as the content is not bad, the website traffic is OK.

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