
Why haven't SEO plug-ins set the keywords option?

When we talk about SEO again, we can't do without the word keywords.

keywords, Key words, as we do Google SEO Words that must be touched, including the TDK tag mentioned in the online SEO tutorial, so novices do not know anything else when doing SEO, but certainly think keywords are very important.

Then I used WordPress to build a website and installed N SEO plug-ins. I didn't see the option to set keywords, but only set title and description.

In fact, you will have this problem because all the SEO tutorials you are exposed to are too old. You still use the same old way to insert keywords into the web code to stack keywords and want to rank.

This is 2022. Google's official 2009 article talks about why not use keywords. If you are interested, you can click the following link:

 Google keyword

The simple answer is that Google does not consider the keywords at all, and it is useless for you to write in the source code of the website, so SEO plug-ins do not support manually filling in keywords.

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