Google Index

Before doing Google SEO, first understand Google's web crawling process and search algorithm

We set up our own independent foreign trade station to do more for Google SEO to get rankings and free search engine traffic. Want to do Google SEO , then we should first learn about the process of Google's search engine crawling web pages, and only when you know the process can you know how to deal with it.

Basic process of Google search

At the beginning, you can directly click the YouTube video link below to view the official explanation video of Google.

The video only lasts for more than 3 minutes. It was released in 2010. It has been ten years. Some changes may be made, but the overall process should remain unchanged.

From the video, we can see that the process of Google capturing and outputting a web page in the search results is as follows:

  1. Google crawler crawls your website content and adds it to the Google index library;
  2. When users search Google, Google will find appropriate pages in its own index library according to some rules and show them to users.

 Google Grab Web Page Process

If you want Google to find your website and add it to the index, we can use Site Map perhaps Search Console To tell Google the link to your website.


 Google Grab Web Page Process

When Google calculates the content ranking for your pages, it will consider whether the corresponding keywords or synonyms of keywords will appear in the title, description, URL or content of your pages.

Google search ranking algorithm

As long as you allow Google to crawl a website, Google robots will include the content of your website in their index library. With so many websites on the network, there will inevitably be hundreds of billions or more pages in Google index library.

Google's ranking system is to sort and sort these indexes and present the content required by users at the fastest speed.

Google ranking system is composed of a series of algorithms, not one algorithm. In order to provide you with the most practical information, Google's search algorithm will consider many factors, including the words you query, the relevance and availability of the web page, the professionalism of the source, your location and the settings you use. The weight given by the system to each factor varies according to the nature of the query. For example, compared with the query results defined in the dictionary, the freshness of the content is more important for the query results of current news topics.

1、 Analysis keywords

 key word

Google has a complete language model, which will conduct a series of analysis based on the keywords you enter. For example, the above figure will derive relevant search content based on your search content.

At the same time, try to understand the category and timeliness of the answers you need to find.

2、 Pick pages that match your search

When you know your search intention, Google will look for pages containing information matching the corresponding query from its index library.

When you search, At the most basic level , Google's algorithm will query your search keywords in the index to find the appropriate web page. these ones here The algorithm will analyze related keywords on a webpage (whether in the title or in the body) Frequency and display position of

 Search illustration

This means that if you want to get the ranking of a certain keyword, the title and content of your article should contain certain keywords to help Google understand the content of your page, but you can't insert keywords randomly for ranking.

3、 Rank pages

In Google's index library, a user's search problem often includes thousands of related pages. Google will rank these pages in terms of freshness of content, the number of keyword occurrences, and whether the page can provide an excellent user experience.

This ranking process will be based on the user's stay time on your page, or external links and other factors. So we will find that the ranking of some pages is changing, which does not mean that they can always rank first or top.

 Google Page Ranking

Google has put forward basic requirements for webmasters:

  • When you design a web page, you should mainly consider users, not search engines.
  • Don't cheat users.
  • Don't cheat in order to improve the ranking of search engines. One measure that can effectively distinguish whether your actions are appropriate is whether you feel comfortable explaining your actions to competitors' websites or Google employees. Another useful test is to ask yourself: "Can this bring convenience to my users? If there is no search engine, will I still do this?"
  • Think about what makes your website unique, valuable, or attractive. Make your website stand out in the corresponding fields.

So you can't try to cheat Google by means of keyword stacking or purchasing the outer chain to get the top position in order to rank.

Google's search ranking system is constantly improving and growing. If you cheat means are found by Google, the ranking of your website may disappear from Google directly. The webmasters and dads of all regular foreign trade enterprise websites do not recommend you to use cheating means Google SEO ranking

4、 Return best results

 Google search results

In the third step, after Google has a basic ranking for the pages of the index library, it is not necessarily that the actual displayed results will rank first.

The website that really ranks first in Google's search results will be considered comprehensively according to some other factors.

For example, for the same question, whether all the explanations in the ranking are similar narrow interpretations discussed. If your opinions or expressions are different, Google may also give you a better ranking.

Google hopes to provide users with a variety of information in the most useful format, such as the currently popular structured data.

Other factors that affect the algorithm ranking include: the web page is displayed normally in different browsers; Whether it is suitable for mobile terminal display; Web page loading speed and so on.

5、 Search environment

For some specific search content, Google will also consider your search location, daily search records, etc. to sort the pages.

 Local search results

This is best reflected in the fact that the search content may be different in different countries and regions.

For example, when we search for car 4S stores, the results of users in Beijing are certainly different from those in Chongqing. Only when we have determined the specific search location, may the results be the same.

Some search results are different when you log in to the Google account or not, because Google will sort the pages according to your daily usage habits and search history.

The above content is the basic knowledge of Google's web crawling and web page sorting algorithm. Understanding these basic SEO knowledge can help us in our daily life Google SEO optimization Write articles that are more suitable for ranking in the process.

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