Picture ALT label

Foreign trade websites often make mistakes when doing Google SEO: ALT tag is missing

Dad recently read several friends' foreign trade websites and found that besides the title and description, the most common problem is Picture LAT tag missing So this article gives you an introduction The role of the image ALT tag in Google SEO, and how to write it

What is the ALT tag?

First, let's show the image. The alternative text of the image in the following figure is the alt tag. Alt tag demo

The format of html code, if you use WordPress, is as follows:

<img class="class value" src="picture address" alt="alt label content" width="width" height="height"/>

You can now enter the background of your own self built site to see if the images you upload have not filled in this value?

The alt tag is a text prompt for an image. It is usually used to describe what the image is. The alt tag can play a certain role in SEO, and can also play a role in saving the scene when the image fails.

How does alt tag save the scene when the article image fails? Like the picture below.

 ALT tag when the picture is invalid

When the image of an article you wrote is lost, the web page can display the alt attribute value of the image. Users can supplement your image content when reading the article, which is more friendly than a pure hanging image.

The role of ALT tag in SEO

Most of the friends who work on foreign trade websites sell products, so there will be many product pictures on the website, so the alt tag plays a very important role in the seo process.

 Alt tag seo

1. The alt tag will directly affect the image SEO effect

As everyone who uses search engines knows, in addition to searching the web, image search is also a function used by many people.

Filling in the alt tag can help search engines quickly identify the content of your image (with the development of science and technology, I believe that you can also identify the general content of your image without filling in the alt information machine, but certainly not as accurate as the alt tag.)

Search engines identify your image content through alt tags, and rank your images through context analysis. When users use image search, they may search your website's images, thus obtaining traffic through image seo.

For example, the following figure shows the effect of the pictures on the website from Google pictures to the notes of the father building the site.

 Google Image Search Results

2. Alt tag can improve user experience and search engine friendliness

The user experience is just like the previous demonstration. Even if the image fails, the user can know the image content through the alt tag, and then fill in the content, without directly breaking his mind.

Search engine friendliness, in short, whether Google or Baidu or Bing, is recommended to fill in alt information. If you don't fill in, you won't listen to them, increasing the difficulty of their search and capture.

Note: The alt tag will not increase the keyword density, so do not stack keywords.

How to write alt tag correctly?

do Google SEO Remember one basic rule: user experience comes first.

So how should we write the alt information of pictures?

That's Seek truth from facts, and write whatever label the picture is.

 Blueberry drinks

Google's official suggestions are as follows:

Use short but descriptive file names and alternate text

Like many other parts of the web page that are considered optimization objects, short but descriptive file names and alternative text are ideal.


  • If possible, use broad file names such as "image1. jpg", "pic. gif", "1. jpg" (if your website has thousands of pictures, you may want to automate the naming of pictures).
  • The file name is very long.
  • The alternative text is full of keywords, or copy and paste the whole sentence as the alternative text.

Provide alternate text when using pictures as links

If you decide to use an image as a link, providing alternative text can help Google understand the page you link to more deeply. This is just like writing positioning text for text links.


  • Writing is considered to be a super long alternative to junk content.
  • Site navigation uses only picture links.

reference material:

  • https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/114016
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