Download the wp bucket cache plug-in

The cracked version of WP Rocket is downloaded and licensed for sale. It is safe

WP Rocket It is a WordPress cache plug-in, which can optimize WordPress to a certain extent. Currently, the new version of the site notes is used by dads WP Rocket cracked version The cache and optimization effect is better than the previous WP SUPER CACHE, so I recommend it to you.

WP Rocket Introduction

WP Rocket It's a paid model WordPress Cache Plug in , the starting price is $49/year, so this model is discussed in China WordPress plug-in 's articles are not as many as those of WP Super Cache.

The following picture is an official one made by WP Rocket contrast HYPER CACHE、WP SUPER CACHE、 W3 TOTAL CACHE (Of course, it is the free version of the comparison, so it is unfair, but you can take a look at the cache function supported by WP Rocket.)


Download address of WP Rocket cracked version

The starting price of WPRocket is $49/year. Those who are not confident about the cracked version can consider buying the genuine version.

Download address of official open source version

The difference between the open source version and the paid version is that the open source version does not contain keys and is not activated. The father bought the genuine license of the unlimited website, Authentic authorized display 👇

 Genuine wpocket

Because the network of domestic servers is somewhat slow to reach the WP official, my website is now using the cracked version. however Compared with the genuine plug-in, the security should be guaranteed

 Code comparison of the cracked version of wp bucket

To download the latest version of WP Rocket, please download it from the link below. (Access password: 2326)

 Wpocket purchase

WP Rocket 3.12.2 cracked version download

Download address

Decompress password :C8HPVTD8

After decompression, upload the compressed package for installation.

 WP ROCKET cracked version

Other popular WordPress cracked plug-ins recommended

  1. Download the Chinese version of Elementor Pro cracking
  2. Download Yoast SEO cracked version

WP Rocket tutorial

Installed WP Rocket Then, you can see the menu entry of WP Rocket under the setting menu on the left of the WordPress background menu.

It is suggested that the interface will change in different versions. This tutorial is updated on the basis of the WP Rocket 3.9 cracked version.

 WP Rocket Tutorial

WP Rocekt comes with its own Chinese language. The figure above shows some settings of WP Rocket. We can see that the general functions are as follows:

  1. cache
  2. File optimization
  3. media
  4. Pre cache
  5. Advanced Rules
  6. data base
  7. CDN
  8. Heartbeat detection
  9. Extended functions
  10. Picture optimization
 WP Rocket cracked version tutorial

In the cache setting, we need to enable the cache. The mobile terminal independent cache function does not need to be enabled. Now it is the subject of responsive design, so just check Enable.

It depends on your website type to enable caching for the logged in WordPress. If it is a 2C website or a website that has opened user registration and login, it can be enabled, but you should pay attention to whether the cache will automatically refresh after being enabled, affecting the use of logged in users.

The cache validity period depends on the update frequency and specific content of your website. If you update articles once a week, it can be set to 7 days.

In the setting menu of file optimization, the compressed CSS file is generally checked without problems, but several other items such as CSS are merged. After checking, the foreground must test more to ensure that the page will not be misplaced. If there is an error, do not check it.

Compressing JS files usually does not cause problems. If merge is enabled, you should also test whether the foreground functions are normal.

In fact, compressing CSS and JS is not very meaningful. Some websites that test the network speed will add some scores. But now most server environments have HTTP 2.0 support enabled, and multiple files can be downloaded at the same time. It is no problem not to merge.

 WP ROCKET Media Setup Tutorial

In the media settings, you can select whether to enable lazy loading according to the actual situation. Lazy loading means that it will only be loaded when the browser window can see the content, which can reduce the number of HTTP requests. If your server network speed is not fast, enabling lazy loading can save some broadband.

Some themes are set with lazy loading function by default. The same function can be started in one place. Don't start it repeatedly. Some themes will have problems after lazy loading is started. Remember to test the foreground after starting.

 WP ROCKET Preload Settings

The pre caching function means that the cache of the website page is generated in advance when the user does not visit your website, so that the user can directly visit the cache page, which is faster.

If it is not enabled, the default is that the first user accessing the web page is the dynamic page, and then the system generates a static cache. When the second user accesses this page, it becomes a cache page.

 WP ROCKET Advanced Rules

In WP Rocket's advanced rules, you can set which pages or cookies are never cached, and novice friends generally do not need to set them.

 WP ROCKET database cleaning

The database can be optimized and cleaned under the database menu. The database can be cleaned regularly or automatically to speed up the website.

In CDN settings, general WordPress host They will bring their own free CDN service, and they are CDNs of the whole station, so they do not need to be set in the WP Rocket.

The heartbeat detection function can be enabled to reduce the pressure on some servers.

In the extension function, we may use Cloudflare. If you use the CDN of Cloudflare, you can set it to automatically clear the CDN cache.

The image optimization function is recommended that you install another image compression plug-in. If you just need it, you can install it.


The settings of WP Rocket are not complicated, and the default settings are basically OK. The most important thing is to go to the front of the website to test several pages and functions after resource consolidation is enabled, and see if the consolidation will cause page errors.

Comparison between WP Rocket and WP Super Cache

Daddy Site building notes WP SUPER CACHE and W3 TOTAL CACHE caches have been used before, but W3 takes less time than WP Super Cache, so here is a simple example Comparison of WP Rocket and WP Super Cache

The setting of WP Rocket is simple, and the interface is friendly to Xiaobai users. Basically, after installing plug-ins, just check one to start. There is no advanced setting. Here is a screenshot

 WP Rocket
Screenshot of WP Rocket

The following is a screenshot of WP Super Cache

 WP Super Cache
Screenshot of WP Super Cache

It can be seen that the interface of WP Rocket is more in line with the current design, while the enabling of WP Super Cache is actually simple, that is, there appear many options in the advanced menu, which is a problem for novices.

In fact, the effects of both are similar on the whole , for the father GTmetrix After running through the two plug-in cached pages, the score of using WP Rocket will be higher, so it can be ignored.

However, it seems that the compressed CSS files and HTML of WP Rocket are not easy to make errors. If you use WP Super Cache to compress them, errors may occur (or the settings may be incorrect)

WP Rocket supports lazy loading of media files and disables Emoji and embedding functions.

Lazy loading means delayed loading. It can speed up the website only when your page scrolls to the media file. Emoji and embedding functions are disabled because Daddy has installed WPJAM (It is no longer useful), so the function is repeated.

Pre caching is supported by WP Rocket and WP Super Cache. The former only needs to be checked. It also has a DNS pre read function, and the latter has an additional setting step (refresh pre cache time and mode).

WP Rocket supports setting non cached URLs Cookies、User Agents, It also supports caching query strings. WP Super Cache only supports setting partial content, and the interface is more complex.

WP Rocket integrates database optimization and cleaning and can be replaced WP-Optimize Has.

The CDN function is supported by both plug-ins.

WP Rocket has a heartbeat detection function, which can reduce or disable the Heartbeat API activities and help save some server resources.

WP Rocket has more extended functions , where Google tracking is very useful , you can cache the Google analysis code locally to avoid the situation that some regions in China can't access the Google analysis code and the web page loads slowly. In addition, if you use Cloudflare, it can also be integrated together.

WP Rocket supports image compression (additional plug-ins need to be installed, and it is unknown whether there is an additional charge, but not tested). WP Super Cache also supports image compression for additional charges.

For now, my father still uses WP Rocket to build the website. If one day you can't see the information of WP Rocket from the source code, it is replaced by another plug-in.

The main reason why Daddy replaced WP Super Cache with WP Rocket is that the settings of WP Super Cache are still a little complicated, such as the previous one WP Super Cache and Tencent CDN cache reviewer information And then found the WP Rocket. After using it, I found that the setting interface of the WP Rocket is very simple. When I close my eyes, the cache also works. It also supports Google Analytics code cache. In addition, there are some subconscious bonuses for charging plug-ins.

WordPress popular cache plug-in

Of course, there are many cache plug-ins on the WordPress platform, the most famous of which are WP Super Cache and W3 Total Cache, as well as Hyper Cache, WP Fastest Cache, etc.

Many dads have stepped on the cache plug-in. The last suggestion is that novice users use WP Super Cache directly, because although it seems complicated, it is also very simple to use, and the effect is also good.

The above plug-ins can be searched and installed directly in the WordPress background.

Tips for optimizing the speed of WordPress website

If you want to optimize the opening speed of the WordPress website, you can With the help of gtmetrix Let's do a speed analysis.

More effective WordPress optimization techniques are:

  1. With domestic servers, the higher the performance, the faster the speed;
  2. Using a simple WordPress template, the simpler the code, the faster;
  3. Reduce the use of unnecessary WordPress plug-ins, and replace those that can be replaced with code (if the host has good performance, it will have little impact);
  4. Install an available cache plug-in;
  5. Put on CDN, or separate static and dynamic parts, such as Use Youpai Cloud to accelerate WordPress website

This is the 6th/20th article in the series: WordPress optimization

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19 people commented on "WP Rocket cracked version download, with legal license to sell, safe"

  1. I just bought it, but I didn't check the lazy loading of pictures, but it still displayed little by little.
    This plug-in is not as easy to use as the leopard.


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