Hummingbird optimization plug-in

Recommended WordPress speed optimization plug-in: Hummingbird

Daddy's Notes on Building a Station Last Time Replace WP Super Cache cache plug-in with WP Rocket I was quite satisfied with the results. The web page loading speed was basically within 2 seconds, Build website Post website speed is also an important part, and the Hummingbird plug-in was found when researching the Gravatar avatar cache. Hummingbird not only can cache Gravatar avatars, but also supports WordPress speed optimization.

Hummingbird Introduction

Hummingbird means hummingbird in Chinese. Hummingbird is small and can quickly flap its wings and hover in the air. This Hummingbird plug-in is a WordPress optimization and acceleration plug-in. It also supports the function of caching pages, and is familiar with WP Super Cache, W3 TOTAL CACHE, etc WordPress plug-in The main function of Hummingbird is not caching, but WordPress optimizes speed

Hummingbird supports regular file compression, shrinking, merging, etc. Its feature is targeted performance optimization of WordPress. Previously shared by the father GTmetrix After optimizing WordPress, the test results are B and C. After Hummingbird optimization, the test results are two A.

Hummingbird function demonstration

After Hummingbird is installed, a performance test interface will pop up in the first run. You can skip SKIP, but it is recommended to run the test once. Without testing Hummingbird, I don't know where your WordPress needs to be optimized.

 Hummingbird optimized cache software

After the performance test, you will be given a list of items to be optimized and a reference score. The content that needs to be optimized is different for each website, so there is no more introduction here.

 Hummingbird optimized cache software

The CACHING interface is divided into page cache, browser cache, Gravatar avatar cache and RSS cache.

Page Caching refers to HTML static caching of articles to reduce page loading time.

Browser Caching is a browser resource cache, which is to set a browser cache expiration time for static resources on your website. The recommended time is 8 days. Hummingbird will automatically provide a configuration file according to the web environment your server uses, and then add it to the website configuration.

Gravatar Caching is the Gravatar avatar cache. The default WordPress is the called Gravatar avatar. Although Gravatar can be accessed normally in China, it is still slow to load in some regions. With this function, you can localize Gravatar avatars.

RSS Caching can set an RSS cache time, which can reduce the occupation of server resources Postpone RSS updates Which function is more effective.

 Hummingbird optimized cache software

GZIP COMPRESSION is to enable GZip compression for the server

GZIP compression should be enabled by default on most servers. If you do not enable it, Hummingbird will also provide the web environment configuration file, which you can add to the web environment configuration.

 Hummingbird optimized cache software

ASSET OPTIMIZATION resource optimization is mainly to compress, merge, delay or block the loading of your website's css and js files.

The results of the daddy test are average. Hummingbird also suggested that if HTTP2 is enabled on your server, this effect may not be useful.

 Hummingbird optimized cache software

Advanced tools can delete query characters in the url, disable Emojis, and pre read DNS requests.

It also supports the cleaning of database garbage information, similar to WP-Optimize , the advanced version also supports scheduling tasks, and the database can be cleaned regularly.

 Hummingbird optimized cache software

Hummingbird download address

Hummingbird – Speed Up WordPress plug-in You can search and install it directly in WordPress background plug-in, or install it from the following URL.

Hummingbird's shortcomings

Hummingbird's WordPress optimization plug-in looks beautiful, but there are still some shortcomings.

Use Hummingbird to Optimize WordPress It is the most intuitive optimization plug-in that dads are currently exposed to.

However, if Hummingbird is used as a cache plug-in, it is still weak, mainly in the following points.

Preloading is not supported All pages need to be visited by the user's foreground once before generating cache pages.

Updating cache files individually is not supported Yes, when you modify an article, you need to clear all caches before updating the page cache. This is not friendly to Hummingbird.

How to modify the configuration file provided by Hummingbird

Hummingbird provides optimized configurations for IIS, Apache and Nginx. To modify these configurations, you need to have server management permissions. If you use a virtual host, you may not be able to modify them.

If you have server control permission, just add the configuration information given by the plug-in to your corresponding web environment configuration file, and then restart the process.

If you want to have a server with control permissions, you can refer to: VPS recommendations that are stable and suitable for novices

How to enable HTTP 2

When integrating resources, the Hummingbird plug-in will prompt "Your server is running the HTTP/2 protocol which automatically optimizes the delivery of your assets for you. You can still combine, and move your files, though this may not always improve performance.”

The translation is:

Your server is running the HTTP/2 protocol, which will automatically optimize resource delivery for you. You can still group and move files, but this may not always improve performance.

So if you also use HTTP 2.0, you can not consider this resource optimization interface.

The prerequisite for enabling HTTP 2.0 is that SSL access is enabled on your website.

If you use Website environment built by LNMP When you enable SSL, HTTP 2.0 will be automatically enabled for you. If the environment is not built using LNMP, you can modify the configuration file of nginx, change the spdy in the HTTPS configuration to http2, and then restart nginx.

Apache and IIS have not been used before, so please Baidu yourself.

This is the 11th/20th article in the series: WordPress optimization

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