SEO Minion

Share an SEO extension: SEO Minion

Recommend a website SEO plug-in that dads have used for a while: SEO Minion

SEO Minion installation address: Chrome Firefox

SEO Minion function introduction and demonstration

SEO Minion has six main functions, which are completely free of charge. The functions are: view page SEO information, highlight page links, check dead links, hreflang tags check, spider crawl simulation, and Google search location simulator.

 SEO Minion function

The most commonly used functions of dads are page SEO check, highlighted link and dead link check.

Analyze On Page SEO Analysis Page Search Engine Optimization

 SEO Minion SEO Information Check

It is mainly to quickly view the title, description, H tag and other information of the page. When the father changes the theme of the website, it is through this function that he finds that the new theme setting is unreasonable, resulting in two H1 tags.

Check Broken Links

 Deadchain detection

The two functions of dead link detection and link highlighting work together. Of course, this function does not need to be used frequently. Sometimes it is OK to use specific pages. If you need to check frequently, you can install it WordPress plug-in realization.

The other functions are seldom used, or not used.

The Hreflang Checker tag is basically not carried on domestic websites, so there is no need to check.

Search engine crawl preview is to see how your website will be displayed if Google includes it.

You don't need to read the geographical location information.

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