WordPress Backup Plug in

10 excellent WordPress backup plug-ins recommended to prevent data loss

Backing up the website database is the best way to ensure website security. WordPress backup plug-in can help you quickly recover to the normal state of the website when the website is attacked by hackers or website failure. This article gives you statistics Ten excellent free WordPress backup plug-ins in 2021

UpdraftPlus WordPress Backup Plugin

 WordPress Hot Backup Plugin 1 UpdraftPlus WordPress Backup Plugin

UpdraftPlus simplifies backup and restore operations. It is the most popular backup and restore plug-in in the WordPress plug-in library, which has been installed and used by more than 2 million users. You can simply back up files and databases to the cloud through UpdraftPlus and restore them when necessary.

Supported cloud storage includes Dropbox, Google Drive, Amazon S3 (or compatible), Rackspace Cloud, DreamObjects, FTP, Openstack Swift, Updraft Vault and email. The paid version can also be backed up to Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Storage, Backblaze B2, SFTP, SCP and WebDAV.


  • Backup and restore data and database
  • Support backup to cloud
  • Support scheduled automatic backup

Download address

Reference Tutorial: How to use plug-ins to automatically back up WordPress websites _ website backups


 WP popular backup plug-in 2: BackWPup

BackWPup can backup complete website data and upload the backup to the cloud, such as Dropbox, S3, FTP, etc.

At the same time, it can also optimize, check and repair the database, and support multi site backup.

Download address

Reference Tutorial: Using BackWPup to Back Up Your Website Database and Files Tutorial


 WP backup plug-in recommended BackUpWordPress

The BackUpWordpress plug-in will back up the entire WordPress website as scheduled, including the database and all files.


  • Super simple and easy to use, no need to set.
  • Manage multiple schedules.
  • Select to email each backup file to you.
  • Use zip and mysqldump for faster backups (if available).
  • For Linux and Windows Server.
  • Exclude files and folders from backup.

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Migrate & Backup WordPress – WPvivid Backup Plugin

 WP Backup Plug in Migrate&Backup WordPress

Migrate&Backup WordPress supports data backup and migration, and also supports uploading backup data to the cloud. The plug-in comes with an advanced version.


  • One click site migration
  • Upload Backup
  • Automatic backup
  • One click restore
  • Support cloud storage

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Enables you to optimize the database, repair the database, back up the database, restore the database, delete the backup database, delete/empty tables, and run the selected query. Support automatic scheduled backup, optimize and repair database.

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 WP Backup Plug in VaultPress

VaultPress is a real-time backup and security scanning service designed and built by Automatic, which operates (and backs up!) millions of websites on WordPress.com.

VaultPress is now supported by Jetpack and can easily back up all posts, comments, media files, revisions and dashboard settings on your website to our server. With VaultPress, you can be protected from hackers, malware, accidental damage and host interruption.

Main features:

  • Daily and real-time backups
  • Automatically restore to any location
  • Comprehensive security scanning
  • Important statistics of website owners and publishers
  • Centralized site management

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WordPress Backup and Migrate Plugin – Backup Guard

 WordPress Backup and Migrate Plugin – Backup Guard

Backup Guard is the most complete WordPress backup plug-in. We provide the simplest way to backup, restore and migrate the WordPress website. You can back up and restore WordPress files and/or databases.


  • Backup site – unlimited number of backup sites
  • Backup files, databases, or both
  • Select a folder to back up
  • Select the database table to be backed up
  • Restore Site – Restore backup if necessary
  • Selective file or database restore
  • Download Backup – Download the backup to your computer
  • Import Backup – Upload backup to restore (no FTP required)
  • Support multi site WordPress network
  • Cancel Backup – Cancel the backup process
  • Explore backing up or restoring log files
  • Ability to specify custom exclusion paths
  • Ability to exclude database tables
  • Real time progress – the exact progress of the current backup or restore

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WP Database Backup

 WP Database Backup

The WP Database Backup plug-in helps you easily click to create and restore a database backup. Manual or automatic database backup, and also store the database backup in a safe place - Dropbox, FTP, email, Google Drive, Amazon S3.

Main features:

  • Click to easily back up the database.
  • Automatic backup.
  • Click to easily restore a database backup.
  • Store the database backup in a safe place - Dropbox, Google drive, Amazon s3, FTP, e-mail.
  • Search and sort database backup function.

This plug-in is no longer recommended for backup. Dad found a bug in the backup data during actual use, and would make an error in the percentage backup.

Backup & Staging – BlogVault Backups

 WP Backup Plug in Backup&Staging – BlogVault Backups

BlogVault Backups has the incremental backup function, but it is paid. If you are looking for incremental backup, you might as well try it.

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XCloner – Backup and Restore

 XCloner – Backup and Restore

XCloner is a backup and restore plug-in, which is perfectly integrated with WordPress. It can create full and differential backups of the site manually or automatically through the built-in scheduler.


  • Easily back up and restore your WordPress website
  • Create compressed and uncompressed backups using the TAR open source format
  • Create encrypted backup files using AES-128-CBC algorithm
  • Creating automatic backups from the Scheduled Backups section
  • Receive email notification about creating a backup
  • Automatic backup is generated according to cronjobs. It can run daily, weekly, monthly or even hourly
  • Restore your backup to a local or remote location, XCloner will try to extract backup archive files for you, and import mysql dump and update WordPress configuration details
  • Upload your backup to a remote storage location that supports FTP, SFTP, Dropbox, AWS, Azure Blob, Backblaze, WebDAV, Google Drive, etc
  • Watch each step of XCloner through the built-in debugger
  • By optimizing XCloner so that it can run normally on most hosts, we provide developers with the option to customize the running speed of XCloner and avoid backup timeout, all of which can be done through XCloner Config ->System Options
  • If a certain size limit is reached, the backup can be divided into several smaller parts
  • Generate a differential backup, so your backup will only include files modified after a specific date, so you can choose to reduce the total backup space disk usage
  • Generate an automatic backup before WordPress automatically updates
  • Comply with GDPR by adding encrypted data

Download address

The above is a list of 10 excellent WordPress backup plug-ins that my father counted for you. It is necessary to install a backup plug-in to regularly backup the website data and database in case of data loss in case of website failure.

You can select one of the 10 backup plug-ins that you think is the best to use and install it on your website.

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This is the 4th/20th article in the series: WordPress Security

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