Multi in one search engine push plug-in

WordPress SEO optimization prerequisite: multi in one search automatic push management plug-in

Most webmaster friends who have just contacted WordPress website building do not know how to do SEO optimization. Today, my father recommended a very powerful WordPress SEO optimization plug-in: the all-in-one search automatic push management plug-in.

The earliest version of the all-in-one search automatic push management plug-in is the Baidu search push management WP plug-in. Now, with the update of the version, Baidu Google、Bing、360、 The push of Shenma and Toutiao search engines.

What is search engine push?

Each of our websites is stored in a corner of the Internet. Normally, if you don't tell the search engine that you have a new website, the search engine may find your website for a long time, such as the website of this friend below.

Then my father helped to submit it to Google. Today, I went to test it, and it has been included normally. Google can also search the website title.

Functions of the multi in one search automatic push management plug-in

The function of the multi in one search automatic push management plug-in is very simple. When your website updates an article, it will automatically notify you of the article to multiple search engines and tell them: "Brother, we have a new article today, you can have a look."

Then as long as your articles meet the inclusion conditions of search engines, they will be included for you. Avoid going to one search engine and one search engine every time.

Plug in tutorial

1. First, download and install the plug-in through the link below.

Download address

2. After enabling, enter plug-in settings, as shown in the following figure:

The type of push link is usually articles, pages, or foreign trade website products, which can be checked according to your actual situation.

If you also installed Spider Analyzer - Spider Analysis Plug in , you can also turn on the dead link detection function.

The API push option is turned on.

The inclusion query can automatically help you query the inclusion status of articles in Baidu. It is an advanced function, and the webmaster of Chinese websites can consider opening it.

3. Switch to the push API page and follow the tutorial to set the API information of each search engine.

The previous version of my father doesn't support Google, but the new version supports Google, so my father also went to apply for a Google API push.

After setting, when we publish an article, the plug-in will automatically notify you of the set search engine, and you can see the push log.

Then wait until the Google search spider comes to crawl and grab it.

If you have installed the search engine log plug-in, you can clearly see that Google will come to grab it soon after the article notice.

Plug in download address

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