Asset CleanUp tutorial

What if WordPress plug-ins are too many and slow? Load plug-ins on demand using Asset CleanUp

Foreign trade websites built with WordPress usually install dozens of plug-ins with different functions, and then visit the website slowly. We can Use Asset CleanUp optimization plug-in To help make the website faster.

do Google SEO optimization Our friends all know that website speed is a factor that affects search rankings. Let's follow my dad to use Asset CleanUp to optimize your website speed.

1. Install Asset CleanUp

The method of installing Asset CleanUp is very simple. You can search for Asset CleanUp directly in the background of WordPress and then install it.

 Asset CleanUp optimized plug-in installation method

Plug in address for manual download:

2. After installation, we will enable We enter Plug in Settings , you need to read Stripping the "fat" first, as shown in the following figure:

 Stripping the "fat" * rea

At the bottom of the page is the sentence "I understand how the plugin works and I will make sure to make proper tests (via" Test Mode "if necessary) after the changes I'm making I’m aware that unloading the wrong CSS/JS files can break the layout and front-end functionality of the pages I’m optimising.”

We need to open the reading option and save the settings Update All Settings

The plug-in will work.

For security reasons, we can open Test Mode at the same time.

3、 If you use some other optimization plug-ins, we can go directly to the home page or article page to streamline resources.

If you do not use other optimization plug-ins, then You can switch to the following settings

  1. Site Wide Common Unloads deletes common css and js files such as emoticons and comment codes of the whole site;
  2. HTML Source CleanUp clears the html tags in the header;
  3. Local Fonts are not commonly used;
  4. Google Fonts domestic website directly selects Remove All, and foreign trade websites can merge requests;
  5. Disable XML-RPC Disables the XML-RPC protocol. If it is not needed, it can be completely disabled.

 Asset CleanUp Optimization Setup Tutorial

4. Find an article or page and click Edit , and then you can add an Asset CleanUp: CSS&JavaScript Manager area under the edit box.

 Asset CleanUp CSS & JavaScript Manager

5. Scroll down the screen to view the js and css files of plug-ins that do not need to be loaded on the current page, and select Unload.

 Asset CleanUp Optimization Tutorial

For example, in the screenshot LuckyWP Table of Contents This plug-in is used to add category directories to articles. It is obviously unnecessary to load on the home page of Daddy's website notes, so I chose Unload on this page.

As a foreign trade website, the slide plug-in and contact form plug-in on the home page can not be loaded on the article page.

After selecting the contents of unload, update the article and set the optimization function.

6. Finally, let's check the optimization effect.

 Asset CleanUp optimization effect

As can be seen from the screenshot above, there were 52 requests on the homepage of the website before optimization, with a size of 918kb.

After optimization, the request is reduced to 37 words, and the page size is 590kb, reducing 328k.

The official recommendation is cooperation WP Rocket Use, the effect is better.

Make the last one gtmetrix Screenshot of the run.

 Screenshot of gtmetrix run

Tip: If you want to go to gtmetrix to test the score of daddy's site building notes, please select the Hong Kong server (because I am a domestic server, and Hong Kong has the fastest access), The score of Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) is F, which is because the website did not recognize the CDN of the website (CDN is used for pictures, but the website is useless. My website is fast enough to not need to access the CDN, so this score can be ignored.)

Finally, Asset CleanUp comes with a professional version. The professional version can inline JavaScript files, postpone the loading of css files, manage css and js files on more directories and pages such as categories, and other functions. Users with strong needs can buy it, while ordinary users can use the free version.

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