AliCloud virtual host installs WordPress website

Image and text tutorial of building WordPress website on AliCloud virtual host

This article teaches you how to build your own WordPress website on Alibaba Cloud's exclusive cloud virtual host.

If you don't know how to build a website with a virtual host, you can finish this tutorial. (This article was written purely because a netizen asked, but my father does not recommend buying Alibaba Cloud virtual host to build a website. The price of ECS and virtual host is the same, so it is unnecessary to buy Alibaba Cloud virtual host.)

The virtual host used in the tutorial is configured as:

  • Basic Edition
  • Personal entry site building
  • CPU/memory 1 core 1GB
  • Database 500MB
  • Web space 5GB
  • Peak bandwidth 5Mbps
  • Monthly high-speed traffic 200GB

Exclusive virtual machine new users enjoy a 3 year discount of 3.5%!

Purchase address

Before setting up a website, you need to purchase a domain name in addition to the virtual host. If not, you need to register one first, and you can purchase it directly from AliCloud.

Purchase domain name

1、 View virtual host information

First, log in to the AliCloud control panel and find the virtual machine, as shown in the following figure:

 AliCloud virtual host installation of wordpress tutorial

Find the virtual host you purchased and click the management button at the back.

The IP address of the virtual host is you Domain name resolution The IP address to be added.

Reference tutorial article: Alibaba Cloud registered domain name resolution tutorial

 AliCloud virtual host installation of wordpress tutorial

Enter the virtual host details interface, you can see your virtual host account information.

 AliCloud virtual host installation of wordpress tutorial

2、 Upload the WP installation package to the virtual host

Next, we use FTP software to upload the wordpress installation package to the virtual host.

The required software is Xsftp 6, which can be downloaded here: #Website # Free VPS management software Xshell6/Xftp6 Chinese version

Open the Xftp6 software, click the New button, and the following interface will appear. Fill in the information along with the account information on the AliCloud virtual host management interface, and then connect.

 AliCloud virtual host installation of wordpress tutorial

After the FTP connection is successful, there is an interface like the following picture. The left window is the folder location on your computer, and the right is the folder location of the virtual host. Double click to enter the htdocs folder.

 AliCloud virtual host installation of wordpress tutorial

After entering the htdocs folder, delete the default home page file zhuye.html. The logreport folder is a system file and cannot be deleted.

 AliCloud virtual host installation of wordpress tutorial Download the new WordPress installation package from the Internet at the following address:

WordPress New Simplified Chinese Local Download

After downloading, we need to re compress a compressed package without a wordpress directory. See the following steps for details:

Tip: Compressed to zip, the upload speed is faster than that of the entire folder, and the error probability is smaller.

 AliCloud virtual host installation of wordpress tutorial

① . Unpack the downloaded wordpress compressed package, and then you will get a wordpress folder;

② . Enter the wordpress folder, select all files and folders, and then right-click Add to Compressed File;

③ If you right click and directly compress the command to the. zip format, you can directly select the zip file. If you do not have the zip file option, you can select Add as a compressed file, and then select the zip format in the interface to compress.

After compression, upload to the htdocs folder of the virtual host on the Xftp software interface, as shown below:

 AliCloud virtual host installation of wordpress tutorial

After uploading the compressed file, return to the AliCloud virtual host control panel and click File Management - File Decompression on the left navigation bar, as shown below:

 AliCloud virtual host installation of wordpress tutorial

Extract the file, click Browse, and then select

Extract the directory, click Browse, and then select the root directory.

Click the Submit button. After decompression, you can install WordPress through the website.

3、 Install WordPress website program

Open the domain name you bind, and you can see the WordPress installation interface, as shown below:

 AliCloud virtual host installation of wordpress tutorial

The database information needs to be filled in during the installation process. Please refer to the following figure to fill in the information given by the Alibaba Cloud virtual machine management panel, and then install it.

 AliCloud virtual host installation of wordpress tutorial

Soon, your WordPress website will be installed.

4、 Related articles

After installing WordPress, you may also need to understand these articles.

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