Add statistics code to Astra free version

How to add Google statistics code to the foreign trade website built with free Astra

I shared with you earlier Method of adding Google statistical code to Astra Pro , then if you use the free version Astra Theme How to add Google statistics code?

The method is also very simple. The specific operations are as follows:

1. Log in to the WordPress background and select Theme - Astra Settings - Footer Settings. As shown below:

 Astra add statistics code

2. In the blank space of the Copyright column, click the pop-up option to select an HTML.

 Astra add statistics code

3. Add the Google statistics code (this can be done for other statistics codes)

 Astra add statistics code

If you don't have a Google statistics code, follow This article Go to apply for a Google statistics code, and then add the code later.

After adding, you can go to the website foreground, right click to view the website source code, and then search some data in the code just added, such as the Global site tag, to see whether the code is successfully loaded.

 Astra add statistics code

After the statistical code is added, you can see the statistical data very soon, but it usually takes the next day for the data to be accurate, so you can see the traffic data of the website the next day.

In addition, the official recommendation of Google is to add it to the<head>code, so you can choose Astra's header generator to avoid problems when users load the page. We are accustomed to adding it to the footer.

In addition to the above methods, you can also use plug-ins to add code. See:

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