WordPress Tutorial

Install to use 0 basic station building teaching (updated on July 16, 2024)

WordPress Introduction

WordPress is a free and open source blog software and content management system based on PHP and MySQL. The Internet includes White House Microsoft News Center Sony Music Facebook Official Blog More than 43% of the websites in this category use WordPress drivers. (To put it bluntly, you can build a website using WordPress without writing code)

WordPress is the best Self built website Selected site building procedures, this WordPress Tutorial You don't need professional programming knowledge to build a WordPress website.

Hardware configuration suggestions

 Install WordPress

Write in the front and add knowledge points

Daddy often receives questions from netizens about the WordPress tutorial, and feels that the following common questions need to be explained in advance.

  1. WordPress If you search from Google, you will enter wordpress.com by default. When we say WordPress, we usually mean wordpress.org. Com is an official hosting service launched by WP. org is a website that we download the installation package ourselves. The two are different. Here are the detailed differences
  2. The installation methods of WordPress in this article are divided into installing WordPress on a virtual host and installing WordPress on a VPS. The two methods are different, and different virtual hosts have different installation methods. You can click the corresponding virtual host tutorial to see the installation method, instead of the regular WordPress installation tutorial in the back of this article.
  3. To install WordPress, you must have a domain name and a server. WordPress is installed on the server, not on your own computer. Whether you are Windows or Mac, WordPress is managed through a browser.

Finally, read the article carefully. If there is any content, leave a message at the end of the article, and I will reply.

Follow me to install the WordPress website!
Follow this WordPress tutorial to complete your website in less than half a day.

Preparation before installing WordPress

To install a WordPress website, first you need to Want a domain name , and then you need A website server a year total cost 500 to 1000 yuan can be settled, so there is no financial burden.

(This tutorial is very detailed. If you encounter problems, leave a message at the end of the article. If you don't have the energy to learn by yourself, you can find Daddy provides paid support perhaps Pay for station building ;)

1、 Domain name

Domain names can be registered online and paid annually. The price of domain names with the. com suffix is tens of yuan a year. Please refer to the following tutorial.

  1. Foreign domain name service provider Namesilo domain name registration tutorial (English)
  2. Tencent Cloud Domain Name Registration and Domain Name Resolution Tutorial (Chinese interface)
  3. Alibaba Cloud registered domain name resolution tutorial (Chinese interface)

The domain name can be registered at home or abroad. It is recommended to register abroad for the establishment of a foreign trade website. One more real name authentication is required for domestic registration.

If you want to know more about domain names, please click the picture below to jump to the domain name topic.

 Domain name registration and use topic

2、 Server

The servers we contact most are virtual hosts and VPS. Virtual hosts are cheap, have weak performance (general enterprise official websites are sufficient), and are low customizable; VPS has better performance, higher security (not absolute, VPS may not be as secure as the virtual host), higher customizability, and higher price. On the whole, the annual server costs vary from hundreds to thousands of yuan, which is not expensive.

At the same time, the use of domestic servers for websites also needs to be filed with the website. Foreign trade station construction Do not choose domestic servers, or foreign users will have slow access.

If you are new to building a website, it will be faster to start from the virtual host. You can directly view the WordPress host recommended by your father. Click the button below to view. Each host has a corresponding website building tutorial.

WordPress host recommendation

If you purchase VPS, you need to install the website environment in one more step than using a virtual host to install the WordPress website.

VPS recommendation suitable for website construction

What is the difference between a virtual host and a VPS? I don't know if you have ever contacted brand computers and assembled computers (compatible computers). VPS is equivalent to assembling computers. Virtual hosts are similar to brand computers. Assembled computers at the same price have much better performance than brand computers, but you need to assemble hardware and install systems yourself. Brand computers can be used after plugging in the power supply. If this example cannot be understood, please look at another example: Differences between VPS and virtual host

The novice uses VPS, and the father recommends you to use the pagoda panel directly. The operation is simple. See the following pagoda article for installation.

 Tutorial of Pagoda Panel

3、 Domain name and website binding

The binding of domain name and website means that you need to modify the resolution IP of your domain name to the IP of your website server. The resolution method is introduced in the previous topic of domain name.

If you use VPS, you need to first create a virtual host, and then resolve the domain name to the server IP. A VPS can create multiple virtual hosts.

When your VPS has installed the pagoda panel, you can add a virtual host directly by adding a website through the pagoda panel, and then go to the domain name background to add the resolution of A record. When the domain name resolution takes effect (effective time varies from a few minutes to several hours), you can access the virtual host on the pagoda (that is, the root directory of your website).

If you find it troublesome to buy a VPS and follow the tutorial, you can contact your father to pay (¥ 198) to help you install the pagoda panel, resolve the domain name and install the WordPrss website, Contact me

Start installing WordPress

After the operation of the domain name and server is ready, we can start to install the WordPress program to build the website.

WordPress download address

The official website address of WordPress is:

The official download address of WordPress is:

WordPress installation steps

Tip: If you are a domestic server, you need to file it first, and then go back to install it after the registration is passed. Or refer to this article: How to access websites through IP during Tencent Cloud case preparation

If your server is SiteGround Hostinger Scala Hosting For this server with its own management panel, you can directly follow the corresponding tutorial operations, The following method is a conventional WordPress installation method, which is suitable for VPS and virtual hosts without panels.

1、 Upload the downloaded WordPress installation file to the server

There are many upload methods, which can be flexibly selected:

  1. Upload all files in the unzipped folder using FTP software;
  2. Use FTP software to upload the compressed package to VPS, and then decompress the compressed package on VPS;
  3. Directly use the wget command on the server to download the installation package and decompress it;
  4. Use the file upload/download function of the pagoda panel to download the compressed package and decompress it.

Most new VPS users will use the pagoda panel, so you can directly use the upload and download functions of the pagoda panel to upload the WordPress installation package and unzip it, as shown below:

 Pagoda upload file

Note that the upload and download folders should be switched to the root directory of your website. After the upload is completed, the files and folders in the extracted WordPress folder should be moved to the root directory WordPress Tutorial for Pagoda Installation There are detailed methods.

2、 Open your browser to install the WordPress website program

After uploading the WordPress installation file, you can enter your website domain name in the browser, and the WordPress installation interface will appear. As shown in the following figure: (If the URL cannot be opened, please check whether the domain name has been resolved or whether the firewall has blocked it)

 WordPress installation interface

Then the database information will appear. The database is created by yourself. If you don't know, you can check or create the database in your virtual host management panel or pagoda panel background settings.

 WordPress installation interface

Click the Submit button to check whether your database and folder permissions are correct. If they are correct, the Install button below will appear. Click Install Now.

 WordPress installation interface

The website information interface will appear soon. Enter your own website title and create an administrator account. Click the Install WordPress button.

 WordPress installation interface

In a flash, WordPress was installed successfully.

 WordPress installation interface

So far, the WordPress installation tutorial is over. Next, we will teach you how to use WordPress.

Frequently asked questions about WordPress installation errors

The installation process of WordPress is very simple, but some friends will encounter errors when installing WordPress. The most common failure to install the WordPress website is that the data connection fails or the folder permissions are incorrect.

Database connection failed

Database connection failure is the most common error condition.

 WordPress database connection error From the content of the error prompt, there are three possibilities for data connection failure.

  1. The database name, user name and password of the database are incorrectly filled in.
  2. The database host is filled in incorrectly
  3. Database is not running

The first error is easy to solve. Just fill in the correct account password.

The second error is that if you buy your own server VPS, you usually fill in localhost. If you buy a virtual host, this address will generally tell you a separate URL.

The third kind of error should be considered when you are sure that all the information is filled in correctly but still prompt that the connection is wrong. You can check whether the database is running by checking related processes or logging into phpmyadmin.

In addition to the three official situations, the following two situations may also be encountered during the installation process.

  • ① The database was not created, resulting in incorrect database information.
  • ② The database does not have the right permissions assigned.

The above two cases are also easy to solve. Just make sure that the database has been created and assigned the correct permissions. If you are using a remote database, you also need to consider whether the firewall has blocked it.

File permission problem, unable to create directory

If you encounter a WordPress theme installation or a plugin prompt that you cannot create a directory, it is obviously a file permission problem.

In this case, you only need to correct the permissions of the website folder.

For using Pagoda panel For friends, log in to the pagoda background, switch to the folder of your website, and then set the permissions of all files to 755, and change the owner to www.

See: Pagoda panel file permission modification

If you use the LNMP one click package, you can use the following command to modify the permissions. (The following command is executed in the root directory of your website folder)

 chmod -R 755 * chown -R www:www *

Error installing theme plug-in

Errors in installing theme templates and plug-ins usually originate from the domestic host. The reason is that the access to the WordPress website is not smooth due to network problems, which leads to the failure of normal downloading. Please refer to: WordPress 429 Too Many Requests Error Update Theme Plugin Method

In addition, if the software version of your server does not meet the requirements of plug-ins and themes, it will not be installed, and the website may crash.

In this case, you can delete the corresponding template file and plug-in folder through FTP.

How to use WordPress

Basic operation process after building a WordPress website

Considering that many friends are using WordPress for the first time, my father will share the basic WordPress operation process here, and you can decide the operation steps according to the actual situation.

  1. Set the website SSL security certificate (Some virtual hosts will be set automatically or can be installed later, SSL certificates are free and do not need to be purchased separately 。)
  2. Enter Settings to set fixed links
  3. Enter the settings to set other settings;
  4. Enter the article classification directory and set the article classification;
  5. Enter the appearance theme, and select a theme you like; (If it is a foreign trade website, it is recommended to go directly to themeforset Purchase a paid theme to use.)
  6. Enter the plug-in and install some plug-ins you need, such as SEO plug-in and cache plug-in;
  7. Publish articles and fill in website content. (If you want to use WordPress as an enterprise website, you must fill some content first, otherwise the website is empty and inconvenient for page design.)
  8. Domestic users Manually update themes and plug-ins , and WP Version Method.
  9. Learn a little basic SEO knowledge

How to log into the background of WordPress website?

A: Add after your web address /wp-admin You can access the website background. After logging in, you will see the following interface.

 Wordpress background

The top one ① is called admin bar, which can quickly use the new function; The ② on the left is called the menu bar, which contains all the function entries and plug-in setting entries of WordPress.

The newly built WordPress website does not have so many menu contents. The corresponding option menu will appear after the plug-in is installed.

How does WordPress install themes and plug-ins?

A: The installation theme and plug-in can be found in the background menu, namely appearance theme, adding theme; Plug in - Install the plug-in.

You can also download themes and plug-ins from the website and upload them for installation.

Reference article: Topic Tutorial Plug in Tutorial

WordPress Basic Tutorial Navigation

  1. New WordPress Tutorial 1: Background Settings
  2. New WordPress Tutorial 2: How to post articles
  3. How does WordPress set its own edited page as the home page
  4. How to use WordPress widgets
  5. Disable Gutenberg to use the classic editor
  6. Understand the menu functions of WordPress
  7. How to retrieve the WordPress password after forgetting it

For some related video operation tutorials, please visit the WordPress Tutorial Network. https://wordpressjc.com

WordPress Theme Template Knowledge

How to get WordPress theme template

WordPress has rich theme templates, and you can get the theme you want in three ways.

  1. Search the theme installation in the official theme library directly from the WordPress background theme.
  2. Download it from the Internet for free or purchase an advanced theme installation.
  3. Find someone to customize the theme separately.

For the installation method of WordPress theme, please refer to the following tutorial:

Where can I find free or paid themes online?

Free themes, the official theme library is recommended, that is, those seen in the background appearance of the dashboard. The website is as follows:


In addition, you can also search Baidu or Google directly, and you can find many websites dedicated to sharing themes.

If you are a user of foreign trade enterprises, it is recommended that you go directly to the theme forest to buy advanced themes, which is the choice of most foreign trade people.


Another website dedicated to selling WordPress themes: templatemonster

You can't find 100% of the themes that meet your needs. You just need to meet your needs in general, and then manually modify and adjust them yourself.

course: Purchase advanced WordPress theme text tutorial from themeforest

The current theme of daddy's notes on building the website is Astra Pro If you want it, you can Buy from your father

Recommended popular paid topics on foreign trade websites

The following are the top 10 themes used by foreign trade websites. You can also give priority to their demo websites. If you are satisfied, you can buy and use them.

  1. Avada | Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme
  2. The7 — Multi-Purpose Website Building Toolkit for WordPress
  3. BeTheme – Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme
  4. Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme
  5. Enfold – Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme
  6. Bridge – Creative Multipurpose WordPress Theme
  7. Uncode – Creative Multiuse WordPress Theme
  8. Newspaper
  9. Jupiter – Multi-Purpose Responsive Theme
  10. Salient – Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme

WordPress industry theme recommendation

How to use the paid theme?

Usually you are Theme forest After purchasing the theme, click Downloads under the user name in the upper right corner to download all files.

 Download all files

After downloading, it is a compressed package. Unzip the downloaded compressed package file.

 Theme decompression package

You just need to upload the theme installation package to the website background appearance - theme. - child.zip is a sub theme. If you don't consider the later update version, you can not transfer it. To update, upload both and enable the child theme.

Some theme packages also contain demonstration data and plug-ins, which can be used according to the actual situation.

Extension: Advanced theme key activation tutorial purchased by Themeforest

Recommended popular WordPress plug-ins

Introduce several necessary WordPress plug-ins, and choose to install them according to your actual situation.

SEO class:

  1. Rank Math Free advanced SEO plug-in
  2. The SEO Framework Another free SEO plug-in
  3. Yoast SEO SEO plug-in with the highest number of users
  4. All in One SEO Pack SEO plug-in supported in full Chinese

Cache optimization class:

  1. WP Super Cache Free cache plug-in
  2. WP Rocket Paid cache plug-in
  3. Performance Lightweight WordPress optimization plug-in
  4. Asset CleanUp Too many plug-ins are installed to avoid loading every page
  5. Hummingbird Intuitive WordPress optimization plug-in
  6. Query Monitor To find out what the problem is, novices don't need to install it. They can't understand it even after installing it.


  1. Defender WordPress Security It is free and easy to use. You can modify the background login address and intercept robots.
  2. Wordfence The WordPress security plug-in with the largest number of users has complete functions.
  3. WPS Hide Login Only this one can be installed if the background address is hidden separately.
  4. Database backup plug-in Automatic backup, be prepared.

Other plug-ins:

  1. Elementor Free and paid web builders
  2. Ultimate Addons For Elementor Module enhancement of the above builder
  3. WP Portfolio Advanced works display plug-in, which can be used to display products
  4. Convert Pro Advanced pop-up subscription, customer conversion plug-in

More WP plugins shared by dads in their notes can click here see.

WordPress Advanced Content Teaching

How to edit the website appearance

After installing WordPress, the default appearance is as follows.

 WordPress default interface

If you want to change the appearance of WordPress, you need to modify the website theme. I have already talked about how to install the theme, so I will not repeat the process of installing the theme here. WordPress Installation Theme Tutorial

The default theme of WordPress is the Gutenberg editor, which is not as friendly to beginners as the Elementor builder. It is recommended that novices choose another theme to install before using it.

Let's take the Astra theme used in the notes of Daddy's website creation as an example. After installing Astra, it looks like the following figure, which is far from the official demo website we saw.

 WordPress default astra interface

At this time, the fastest way is to import the theme demonstration (it is unrealistic for a novice to design the website interface directly, so it is recommended to import the Demo for modification first, and then consider designing the page by himself after becoming proficient.)

Method of importing Demo into Astra theme See this article Next, Daddy will introduce a word that we will inevitably come across when we modify the appearance of the website, Page Builder

 Page Builder

Page Builder What is a page builder?

The concept in your head is that to make a beautiful web page, you must first find a designer to P out the appearance of the website, and then find a programmer to write code.

The page builder helps us to save some of the work of artists and most of the work of the programmer's brother. We can directly drag and drop to create the web page.

The Gutenberg editor that comes with WordPress is also a kind of Page Builder, but it has not been developed for a long time and is not so good at present.

At the same time, the domestic use of Page Builder to create themes is relatively few, and the overseas WordPress themes have basically adopted the form of Page Builder.

The most common page builders are Elementor and WPBakery Page Builder.


The Elementor comes with a free version, a visual operation interface, and a friendly novice experience, Recommended priority

WPBakery Page Builder is old and has only a paid version. Many excellent themes are produced using WPBakery Page Builder (themes will be bundled with a version of WPBakery Page Builder, and cannot be updated without paying for activation).

The visual operation interface of WPBakery Page Builder is not easy to use, and beginners are difficult to learn, It is not recommended if the topic is not particularly desirable

In addition to these two builders, there are many other page builders, which will not be introduced here (Daddy doesn't use all of them).

Take the Elementor as an example, how to modify the appearance of a web page.

 Edit with elementor

After importing the theme demo, we return to the website foreground, click edit with elementor on the admin bar on the top

 Content modified by elementor

Then click on the left side of the page to modify anything you want.

Modify the color below the style label on the left.

If you want to delete a module, right click the content and select Delete.

If you want to add content, you need to click the navigation panel to add a gadget as shown below

 WordPress adds elementor content

For more detailed elementor tutorials, see: Elementor tutorial, learn how to use Elementor to build websites

How to add products in WordPress

Using WordPress to build a foreign trade website, adding products is a problem that most enterprises need to encounter.

Add Product Method 1

The simplest way is to install WooCommerce for WordPress. See the tutorial: Foreign trade enterprises use WordPress+WooCommerce to build e-commerce websites

If you use WooCommerce to upload products, you don't have to sell them online. 2B websites can also use WooCommerce to manage products without displaying product prices and purchase buttons.

You can add products without entering product prices. Some themes also have Catalog Mode. You can directly set hidden prices and shopping carts. If not, please continue reading: Several ways to delete and hide WooCommerce buttons added to shopping cart

However, using WooCommerce is not the only way to add products.

Add Product Method 2

If your company has only dozens of products to display and it is overqualified to use WooCommerce to manage product data (and WooCommerce has some impact on website speed), you can create product pages through Portfolio.

Portfolio is a feature only available for some themes. You can also implement the Portfolio function by installing the Portfolio plug-in directly. However, my father's suggestion is that if you have few products, you can use the page to create them directly.

Add Product Method 3

This method is suitable for the situation where your company has only a few products. Create a product page directly through the page. Under the page menu in the background, add a new page, and then design your own, or copy the theme Demo to a more pleasing page, modify it into product content, repeat the above operations, and create all product pages.

It is easy to manage. After you create a new Products page, you can select Products as the parent page when you create other specific product pages, so that all products are classified into sub pages of the Products page, and the site structure is clearer.

 Seeking attention QR code

WordPress FAQ

WordPress is a free and open source blog software and content management system based on PHP and MySQL. It can be used to build personal blogs, corporate websites, e-commerce websites and other websites in all walks of life. One third of the Internet's websites are built using WordPress. WordPress has two websites:. com and. org. We built our own website to talk about the program of wordpress.org. com is the hosting business of WordPress.
First, you need to install a WordPress website on your own server, then log in to the website background to make some settings, install the necessary themes and plug-ins, and then you can update the website content like posting in QQ space or Sina blog.
Using WordPress as a website has the following advantages: 1. Open source and free, which means you can use it without paying, and you can modify the source code to achieve the desired functions. 2. The ecological environment is good, with rich theme and plug-in resources, and there are many technical materials online. 3. SEO friendly, more than 30% of websites on the Internet use WordPress, and search engines are very familiar with its structure.

The most domestic users use WordPress to build personal blogs, followed by enterprise official websites, and many others are also using WordPress to build resource stations. In foreign countries, the types of websites built with WordPress are relatively rich. In addition to the official website of enterprises, there are video websites, music websites, education websites, public welfare websites, news magazines, car maintenance, consulting services, etc. Almost all the types of websites you think of can be built with WordPress.

90 people commented on "WordPress Tutorial, 0 Foundation Society WordPress Website (updated in 2024/July)"

  1. One problem I encountered was that the programs were uploaded to the root directory, but after the browser was installed, when I entered the database account and password, the following text appeared: When querying SELECT wp_, the WordPress database had an Unknown column 'wp_' in 'field list' error

    How to solve this problem?
    I checked on the Internet and said it was a problem of file permissions. I changed the file permissions, but it still didn't work.
    How can I solve it? It's a headache

    1. This should be a problem with your database configuration. Permissions and versions may all be related. The simplest solution is to reinstall the website server system and follow the tutorial again.

  2. My other problem is that when I modify the theme, my avatar is uploaded in 512 * 512 pixels, but he said, "The server can't process the image. This happens if the server is busy or doesn't have enough resources to complete the task. Uploading smaller images may help. The recommended maximum size is 2560 pixels."
    Is there a problem with my server? How to upload it once? One time is not good. Repeat it many times, but it doesn't work
    What should I do? Help for help

  3. My files have been uploaded. When you type your own domain name, you will be prompted for this
    Welcome to nginx!
    If you see this page, the nginx web server is successfully installed and working. Further configuration is required.

    For online documentation and support please refer to nginx.org.
    Commercial support is available at nginx.com.

    Thank you for using nginx.

    1. The domain name resolution has not yet taken effect, or you have not correctly bound the domain name to the server, or your server has installed the pagoda incorrectly. Check it out yourself.

    1. What you said to the webmaster: in fact, what you said is very sketchy. For pure novices, it will be confusing. For those who know about relevant technologies, there is a lot of superfluous words. Is it a bit excessive for novice helpers to charge 200 yuan? To be exact, the deployment will be completed in a few minutes

  4. Hello, Daddy!
    From the beginning of your website construction, as long as the construction of WordPree is involved, I am always used to seeing your solution at the first time. I have benefited a lot. Thank you very much!
    Now I have a question for you. I plan to build a community type foreign trade website. My idea is that the user data is the same, but different countries will switch to different local languages. The website visited by each country is different or the prefix is different. How can I solve this problem?
    Looking forward to your reply
    Thank you very much.

        1. The virtual host is still VPS. If VPS is used, you need to set the pseudo static. If you use the pagoda panel, the pagoda background, website, settings, pseudo static, select WordPress

          1. The virtual host is generally set in the background of wp, and the pseudo static rules can be saved. If it doesn't work, contact the customer service of the host computer.

  5. Why does the browser open the domain name page or the website creation success page after uploading the wp installation file from the pagoda, and the wp installation page does not appear?

  6. Why is it that after installing the theme, all the links on the home page are 404 error prompts? I checked and found that the website directory did not create a corresponding directory. For example: "/ The product category/facts/"folder does not exist in the root directory.

  7. Obsessive compulsive version Jun Zhixian

    Hello, Daddy,
    When the obsessive-compulsive disorder sees the "... two things are different..." in the "Write in front, supplement knowledge points" section, it just wants to change the word~
    Thanks for your generous and selfless sharing!

  8. Hello, Daddy,
    I created a new page on WP, but after a while, the page automatically ran to the draft box and recycle bin, and it was random. Each time it was a different page. Asking for help~

  9. Could you tell me how to use elementor to create product details and comments in the same row on the product details page, and click the corresponding text to switch to the content function of the corresponding background?

  10. Hello, after I installed the theme, the whole layout of the website is disordered. What is the reason? At first, the template was normal. Later, when I changed other templates, they became disordered. Even if I restored the original template, it was also disordered.

    1. The installation of different themes is similar to the decoration of your house. If it is not beautiful, you need to change the decoration style. Will the house leave traces of previous decoration? If you want to have no trace, you can only brush the wall again from the beginning.

  11. Sweat collection plug-in

    At the beginning of building the website, the introductory course is to read the articles of the father's notes on building the website. They are full of dry goods

  12. When I use site+website to search on Google, I will always jump out of preview-domain.com. Because my website has been built, I changed the site title. preview-domain.com is the default title before WP. How can I change the preview-domain.com on the home page to the current title?

    1. This should be the beginning of your website did not finish opening the search engine included. After the website is completed, it is correct. Google will correct it later.

  13. Hello teacher, could you please enter the design page interface before purchasing the domain name and server? Because it takes a certain amount of time to design and produce image resources, it can save some money if you go online immediately after finishing it.

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