
The post 80s dads started building websites when they were in college, and since 2009, they have mainly used WordPress to build websites.

Have done forums, blogs CMS, Everything about the website will be better.

The domain name naibabiji.com was originally intended to record her daughter's growth. After her daughter was born, she usually didn't have the energy to record her baby with a blog. Mobile phone photos and videos are more convenient.

Therefore, the initial positioning of the website is quite chaotic (and the impact of the filing policy), and it has been revised several times, which can be regarded as a continuous exploration of new operating modes.

At present, it has been determined to share the knowledge of self built websites, study and learn Google SEO, carry For website hosting and website construction services. Provide WordPress paid technical support.

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List of website resources

The current theme is Astra Pro, which is a WordPress theme that can be advanced customized. If you buy it, you can Click here

Used by the server Tencent Cloud , configured as 2-core 4G5M, the activity price at the time of purchase is 1200 yuan for three years, and the CDN services used by static resources include Youpaiyun, Tencent Cloud, Qiniu and Baidu (switched on and off from time to time).

There are about 15-20 plug-ins in daily use. Only when the server configuration is poor, it is felt that there are more cards in the plug-ins. Of course, some plug-ins used by domestic servers will also cause cards due to network problems. Some plug-ins are listed below:

  1. All-in-One WP Migration
  2. AMP
  3. Astra Pro
  4. Elementor
  5. Post SMTP
  6. Simple Post Series
  7. Slim SEO
  8. Simple Post Series
  9. TinyPNG – JPEG, PNG & WebP image compression
  10. Ultimate Addons for Elementor
  11. WooCommerce
  12. WordPress Light Watermark Plug in
  13. WP VK paid content plug-in
  14. WP-China-Yes
  15. WPS Hide Login
  16. Breadcrumb navigation

Used by the website Classic Editor , Gutenberg I'm not used to it, and I feel the coding efficiency is low (Try to get familiar with Gutenberg.).

Website statistics use Google Analytics , Baidu used to use, but occasionally Baidu has problems, and has no good opinion of Baidu. Basically, the website statistics now only use these two options, and the rest are unreliable.

Website Timeline Privacy Policy .

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