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Come to the China Film Museum to experience the wonderful combination of folk music and light and shadow

2024-05-22 10:03 Beijing News

Source title: Come to the China Film Museum to experience the wonderful combination of folk music and light and shadow

On May 21, the China Film Museum, together with the Central Conservatory of Music, held a series of performance activities of the art practice week of "feeling the charm of folk music and understanding the beauty of light and shadow". The event lasted four days, including five performances of orchestral music, percussion music, bow string music, and "Guqin Gathering" concert. This activity is an important part of the series of activities of "feeling the beauty of light and shadow" - Film Expo Campus Tour. It aims to let the audience experience the charm of light and shadow intertwined with melody and enhance national cultural confidence through the combination of folk music and film.

Zhang Hongyan, director of the Department of Folk Music of the Central Conservatory of Music, gave a music guide at the first concert, introducing the audience to the repertoire and performers of the performance.

On May 21, the teachers and students of the Central Conservatory of Music in the China Film Museum performed classic songs such as "Jumping Dragon and Tiger", "General's Order", "My Motherland and I", and "Guangling Scatter", presenting the audience with an audio-visual feast of national music.

On May 21, in the China Film Museum, the audience stood on the spiral staircase to watch the performance. Through the combination with the LED screen light and shadow environment in the central hall on the first floor of the China Film Museum, the performance realized the cross-border dialogue of art forms and brought a new audio-visual experience to the audience.

The actors played the erhu.

Percussion performers perform passionately on the stage.

On the first day of the activity, young musicians from the student orchestra of Jiayuan Branch of Beijing No. 80 Middle School were invited to enjoy the performance.

The audience filmed the performance with their mobile phones.

Editor in charge: Wei Chao (QN0014) Author: Wang Yuanzheng, Xu Yanlin

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