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On the 22nd, there were five or six levels of gusts in Beijing, with the highest temperature of 32 ℃ and strong ultraviolet radiation

2024-05-22 08:21 Beijing Daily

Source title: There are five or six levels of gusts in Beijing today, the highest temperature is 32 ℃, and the ultraviolet radiation is strong

The Beijing Meteorological Observatory released the weather forecast at 6:00 on the 22nd:

Today's (22) day is sunny and cloudy. The north wind turns to the south wind about three degrees, and the gust is five or six degrees. The maximum temperature is 32 ℃; It is sunny and cloudy at night. The southerly wind turns to northerly wind, and the minimum temperature is 22 ℃.

It's hot today, and the ultraviolet radiation is strong. Go out and pay attention to sunstroke prevention and sunscreen; In the afternoon, the gust is obvious, and the air dried materials are dry. Pay attention to windproof and fire prevention.

Editor in charge: Wei Chao (QN0014)

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