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Beijing Yanqing Liugou Joins Hands with Yangmei to Create a Beautiful Courtyard

2024-05-22 07:04 Beijing Daily

Source Title: Empowering Rural Yanqing Liugou with Art and Joining Hands with Yangmei to Create a Beautiful Courtyard

Hou Xiaolei (middle) led the villagers to carry out participatory design of beautiful courtyards.

Red hot peppers, elegant and gorgeous roses, "township grass village flowers" embellish the beautiful life. The participatory design workshop for the beautiful rural courtyard of Liugou Village in the "Drunken Beauty Well Village" demonstration area was recently launched at the Liugou Village Information Station. Hou Xiaolei, a professor of the School of Architecture of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, and the villagers of Liugou Village jointly explore the construction of beautiful courtyards and empower the countryside with art.

Liugou Village is a national cultural protection unit and a key demonstration village of the Hundred Thousand Project in 2023. The Yangmei team took seven months to prepare the Implementation Plan for Industrial Development and Style Control of Liugou Village in the "Zuimeijingzhuang" Demonstration Area of Yanqing District, Beijing's "Hundred Thousand Project", and put forward the phased development goals of improving the beautiful courtyard environment of Liugou Village in the near future and improving the overall environment and style of the village in the long term.

During the activity, the Yangmei team followed the villagers' habit of loving nature and growing vegetables and flowers in the yard in Liugou Village, guided the villagers to plant edible plants, and made the green vegetable garden become a treasure house of local food materials for restaurants in the village. The red pepper and rose became the village's "village flower", bringing vitality and charm to the village.

Designer volunteers from Yangmei went door to door into the villagers' courtyards to provide professional guidance for the subsequent construction of beautiful courtyards. The beautiful courtyard flower club of Liugou Village was also officially established at the event site, and an online communication platform was set up.

Editor in charge: Zhang Chi (QN0009) Author: Chen Xuening

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