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The 2024 Zhongguancun Forum Annual Meeting opened in Beijing on the 25th

2024-04-25 02:02 Beijing Youth Daily

Original title: 2024 Zhongguancun Forum Annual Meeting Opens in Beijing Today

Nearly 120 events will be held in five sections

The forum arranged a bionic humanoid robot "front desk" to provide consultation services for participants Photographer/our reporter Song Xia

This morning (25th), the 2024 Zhongguancun Forum Annual Meeting opened in Beijing. The annual meeting of this forum will be held for the first time in the permanent venue of Zhongguancun International Innovation Center, which has just entered into operation. It will last for five days and close on April 29.

It is reported that this forum, with the theme of "Innovation: Building a Better World", has five sections: forum meetings, technology trading, results release, cutting-edge competitions, and supporting activities. Nearly 120 activities will be held.

More than 100 countries and regions, more than 150 foreign government departments and international organizations will be invited to attend the conference.

Create a grand trading event of "global buying and global selling"

This morning, the opening ceremony and plenary meeting of the 2024 Zhongguancun Forum Annual Meeting were held. Since the afternoon, the Investment Beijing Conference, the opening ceremony of Zhongguancun International Technology Trading Conference and the Global Technology Trading Ecological Partners Conference, as well as 60 parallel forums hosted by national ministries, international organizations, Beijing Tianjin Hebei and other provinces and cities, have been successively opened.

It is understood that this year's technology trade conference will further highlight the global, cutting-edge and effective nature. It will hold 30 events, including six major country matchmaking meetings in Britain, Italy and South Korea, four "first show" meetings for the transformation of national scientific and technological achievements, eight "first show" meetings for high-end and cutting-edge products, bringing together more than 6000 innovation projects in more than 40 countries and regions, including Britain, France, Germany and Japan, Launched the list of 100 new technologies and products and the list of 100 international technology trading projects, and continued to create a technology trading event of "global buy, global sell".

The Frontier Competition has eight competition areas at home and abroad. According to the principle of "global invitation and competition", more than 3100 events from 75 countries and regions have been collected, covering a number of front-line subdivisions such as quantum information, photon computing, and metauniverse. During the annual meeting of the Forum, the finals will be held, and a mechanism of "continuous service and growth promotion" will be established to provide all-round services such as investment and financing, space landing and market docking for participating enterprises.

A batch of major original achievements will be released globally

It is worth mentioning that major achievements will continue to be released at the opening ceremony of the annual meeting, the parallel forum and related sectors. On the afternoon of April 29, a special event will be held to release a batch of major original achievements, heavy innovation policies, and the latest research reports to the world, and continue to create the "wind vane" of global cutting-edge technology and future industries.

During April 27-29, in Shijingshan District Shougang The park held the 8th China Science Fiction Conference, and organized 18 wonderful activities such as forum meetings and science fiction film week around technical exchanges, science fiction creation and industry cultivation.

In addition, this forum will also hold more than 20 supporting activities, such as "city affairs" innovation festival, hard science carnival, enterprise theme special session, to spread the scientific spirit to the public, build an exchange and cooperation platform for scientists, entrepreneurs, investors, etc., and create a "reception hall" that links global wisdom.

Exhibition Guide

What are the highlights of Zhongguancun Forum?

What are the highlights and highlights of the 2024 Zhongguancun Forum Annual Meeting, and how to participate in the public oriented Chinese science fiction conference, hard science carnival, outdoor science popularization activities, etc? The reporter of Beijing Youth Daily sorted out the exhibition guide to show you immersively.

Who can you see?

Nobel Prize winners and industry experts will give speeches

In the five major sectors and nearly 120 events, there were 6 important events, 60 parallel forums, 30 technology transactions, more than 20 supporting activities, and eight competition areas at home and abroad were set up for the frontier competition.

The six important activities include the opening ceremony and plenary meeting, the investment conference in Beijing, the opening ceremony of the 2024 Zhongguancun International Technology Trading Conference and the Global Technology Trading Ecological Partners Conference, the award ceremony of the final of the Zhongguancun International Frontier Science and Technology Competition, the opening ceremony of the China Science Fiction Conference, and the special conference for major achievements.

It is reported that high international participation is a major feature of this year's parallel forum. It is expected that hundreds of foreign guests from nearly 80 countries and regions will share innovative ideas.

This year, the Forum will continue to invite many leading figures from top academic and scientific circles at home and abroad to participate in the event, and plans to deliver keynote speeches by nearly 100 academician level and above experts and scholars, including Nobel Prize winners, Fields Prize winners and Turing Prize winners. Among them, Barry Marshall, the Nobel Prize winner, will deliver a keynote speech on "Innovation and Curiosity Driven Research" at the "Global Health and Development Forum"; Qiu Chengtong, the first Chinese winner of the Fields Prize, will give a keynote report on "Women and Scientific Development" at the "Global Innovation Forum for Women in Science and Technology"; The winners of Joseph Sifakis and Yao Qizhi 2 Biting Spirit Award will share the latest progress and future trends of AI (Artificial Intelligence) model and other cutting-edge directions at the "Future AI Pioneer Forum". At the Global Innovation Forum for Women in Science and Technology, Tu Youyou, China's first Nobel laureate in physiology or medicine, will also send a message to women scientists and technicians to inherit the scientific spirit.

In addition, during the 2024 Zhongguancun International Technology Trade Conference, which is more "high-end and leading", more than 200 domestic and foreign heavy weight guests, including Nobel Prize winners, will come to the scene to discuss the frontier and development.

What topics should we focus on?

There are many "firsts" in hundreds of activities

Among the nearly 120 activities of the annual meeting of this forum, the number of parallel forums and technology trade conferences accounted for the vast majority. As an integral part of the forum, this year, the parallel forum will focus on cutting-edge and hot topics in science and technology such as artificial intelligence, space science, life health, carbon peaking, carbon neutrality, and future industries. A total of 60 forums will be held by national ministries, international organizations, Beijing Tianjin Hebei and other provinces and cities. It is worth mentioning that there are many "firsts" in these parallel forums.

This year, the "Science Decade International Forum" hosted by UNESCO, the "Global Science and Technology Cluster Innovation Forum" hosted by the World Intellectual Property Organization, the "China EU Green Transformation and Industrial Cooperation Forum" hosted by the International Association of Science and Technology Parks and Innovation Regions, and the "Beijing Macao Science and Technology Innovation Forum" hosted by the Macao Science and Technology Federation will be added Parallel forums such as "Remodeling Medicine: Innovative AI Transformation in Medicine" sponsored by New England Medical Journal and "Development Forum of International Top Scientific Journals" hosted by Elsevier. The Global Unicorn Enterprise Conference and the Forum on Science, Technology and Rule of Law were also held for the first time.

In the afternoon of April 25, the "International Forum for the Decade of Science" was held in Wanchun Hall, the conference center of Zhongguancun National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone. It was the first offline meeting around the theme held around the world in the first year of the "Decade of Science".

On the morning of April 26, the standardization and scientific and technological innovation development forum will comprehensively summarize and review the development achievements of the tenth anniversary of Beijing Tianjin Hebei standardization cooperation for the first time, fully demonstrating the fundamental and leading role of standardization in supporting the coordinated development of Beijing Tianjin Hebei. On the afternoon of April 27, at the Beijing Tianjin Hebei Collaborative Innovation and High Quality Development Forum, the "Beijing Tianjin Hebei High tech Zone Innovation Platform Map" will be launched for the first time.

In addition, the annual meeting of this forum also held the AI theme day activity for the first time. It will host one theme forum, four thematic forums and seven characteristic forums focusing on cutting-edge topics such as big models, embodied intelligence and credible AI. The main forum is the future AI pioneer forum, which will be held on the morning of April 27. The four special forums focused on the four themes of "general artificial intelligence", "blockchain and privacy computing", "6G" and "medical AI" respectively. More than 40 blockbuster achievements will be released at the event site, including the world's first universal AI system prototype, universal intelligent person "Tongtong", Zhiyuan global AI evaluation system and list, and other international achievements will be presented to the public at the forum for the first time.

This year's technology trade conference, which further highlighted the global, cutting-edge and practical nature, held 30 events, including many "firsts". It included four "first show" conferences for the transformation of national scientific and technological achievements, and eight "first show" promotion and matchmaking conferences for high-end products focusing on artificial intelligence and high-end chips, high-end medical devices, innovative drugs and other fields.

The conference not only set up the Zhongguancun International Technology Trade Open Day for the first time, but also held the first university scientific and technological achievements transformation promotion conference, leading the development direction of university scientific and technological achievements transformation. It is the first time to launch the 50 person forum mechanism for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in Zhongguancun, bringing together the most influential experts and scholars in the industry, and contributing wisdom and strength to the transformation of scientific and technological achievements.

What achievements can we witness?

Major scientific and technological achievements involve four sectors

The results release is one of the highlights of the annual forum, and major results release links will continue to be set up at the opening ceremony of this annual meeting, the parallel forum and related sectors.

In addition to the release of major achievements at the opening ceremony, a special event for major achievements will be held on the afternoon of April 29. The release of major scientific and technological achievements involves four major sectors: facing the world's scientific and technological frontier, facing the main battlefield of the economy, facing major national needs, and facing people's life and health. Special releases include the Shenzhen Digital Earth International Science Plan, 2023 Technology Focus, Zhongguancun Comprehensive Bonded Zone Closure Acceptance, and the promotion of cross-strait science and technology innovation centers.

On April 27, at the opening ceremony of the China Science Fiction Conference, four achievements were also released: 2024 China Science Fiction Industry Report, Science Fiction Industry Development Consensus, Science Fiction New Films, and Beijing Science Fiction Creativity Competition.

The Technology Trading Conference will release the "List of 100 International Technology Trading Innovation Projects" and "List of 100 New Technologies and Products". The conference will also release a number of cutting-edge achievements of colleges and universities and sign a number of transformation projects around the six future industries.

Several parallel forums also released results. Among them, the data security governance and development forum in the morning of April 26 will release the results of Beijing's data security governance, the white paper on data security governance in Beijing's high-level autonomous driving demonstration zone, and the construction results of the Haidian District National Network Security Education Technology Industry Integration Development Pilot Zone.

On the morning of April 27, the Global Innovation Forum for Women in Science and Technology will release the "Spring Bud Plan - Dream of the Future" Action New Cycle Project for Women in Science and Technology. Promote 100 women's scientific and technological innovation achievements and promote women's scientific and technological innovation and industrial integration.

On the morning of April 27, at the Future AI Pioneer Forum, the Ministry of Science and Technology released Tele FLM, the world's first low-carbon, high-performance, low hallucination open-source multilingual model, the Beijing Innovation Achievement Matrix, the Beijing AI blockbuster policy, and the Beijing specific intelligence policy.

On the morning of April 27, the latest research achievements of Beijing Academy of Science and Technology - Beijing International Science and Technology Innovation Center Open Science Platform will be released for the first time at the Forum on Scientific Research Infrastructure and Open Science Sustainable Development.

On the afternoon of April 27, the Global Digital Sports Industry Forum released the news about the first Asian Cup of Electronic Sports. In the afternoon of April 28, the Global Unicorn Enterprise Conference will release the Analysis Report on the 2023 Chinese Unicorn Enterprise List.

What activities can the public visit?

Hard Technology Carnival Opens AI Carnival

Supporting activities held outside the forum venue are also full of highlights, some of which are open to the public for free. The 2024 Zhongguancun Forum Annual Meeting will hold more than 20 supporting activities, such as the "City Affairs" Innovation Festival, the Hard Science Carnival, and the enterprise theme special session, to spread the scientific spirit to the public, build a communication and cooperation platform for scientists, entrepreneurs, investors, etc., and create a "reception hall" that links global wisdom. At the same time, cultural exhibitions, urban light shows, outdoor science popularization and other scientific and cultural integration activities will be held simultaneously in Haidian District and Chaoyang District.

The theme light show of this Zhongguancun Forum Annual Meeting is divided into three chapters: "Digital Haidian", "Scientific Innovation Wonderland" and "Future Blossom". It will be broadcast on the facades of Sinosteel Building and E World Building from 19:30 to 21:30 every day from April 24 to April 29.

The outdoor science popularization activity will be held in Haidian Park from April 26 to 27. The activity site is open to the public and can be reserved through the official account of Haidian Association for Science and Technology. The science popularization interactive experience area is not only equipped with VR bicycles, VR skiing, VR shooting, VR motorcycles and other interactive experience equipment, but also with humanoid robots, IQ robots, software robots, bionic magic academy, quantum dot spectral sensing technology and other scientific and technological equipment, so that participants can experience the fun and creativity brought by digital technology.

This year's outdoor science popularization also set up a special AI experience area to concretely perceive the AI around; Set up two theme publicity areas, namely, the spirit of scientists and technology to make cultural relics live, and set up corresponding experience activities. The artificial intelligence achievements exhibition area gathers the latest scientific and technological achievements in the frontier field, covering advanced technical equipment such as smart chips, emergency rescue UAV systems, all biological natural degradation masterbatches, acoustic imagers, etc.

The popular science education zone is equipped with product contents such as anti robot competition platform, dinosaur era fossils, ball screen movies, small astronomy classes, etc. At the same time, "Youth Science Popularization Camp" is specially set up to let children stimulate the spirit of scientific exploration in nature and plant the seeds of scientific and technological innovation.

What's more, the 2024 Zhongguancun Hard Technology Carnival will open the AI Carnival. In order to enable the public to experience AI applications more intuitively and understand "AI+", this activity is free to young people and citizens who love science and technology. During the activity time, you can go directly to Zhongguancun No.1 South Square to participate in the activity.

The carnival will be held from 16:30 to 20:30 every day from April 26 to 28. Meanwhile, to better create the atmosphere of the annual meeting of the Zhongguancun Forum, from 18:30 to 21:00 every day from April 25 to 29, the Zhongguancun No.1 Park will also open light shows and naked eye 3D performances.

The site will gather 100+AI innovative products, such as manned flying backpacks, humanoid robots, unmanned aerial vehicles, bionic robotic fish, virtual digital humans, combat robots, etc., covering cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements in many AI application fields, such as AIGC, autopilot, bionics, metauniverse, and brain machines.

At that time, the audience can interact with various intelligent robots, experience 3D printed food, enjoy MR future chariots, VR simulation flight, brainwave storm and other projects, get close access to cutting-edge technology, and immerse in the "AI+" boom. Yimei Art Museum, the first art museum built in the Science Park, will also open the evening tour of the art museum.

Visit the camp site

A building full of science and technology

The 2024 Zhongguancun Forum Annual Meeting will be held for the first time in the permanent Zhongguancun International Innovation Center, which has just entered into operation. Yesterday, a reporter from Beijing Youth Daily visited this building full of science and technology in advance.

"Pin" shaped layout is divided into 16 main spaces

Looking up, the Zhongguancun International Innovation Center looks like a leaf, and the Zhongguancun National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone Exhibition Center is only one street away from it. Looking to the northwest, the Longevity Hill in the Summer Palace is clearly visible.

Inside, the whole building of Zhongguancun International Innovation Center adopts a "pin" shaped functional layout, which is divided into 16 main spaces, including conference hall, banquet hall, multi-function hall, conference room, etc., which can accommodate more than 5600 people at the same time. The opening ceremony and plenary meeting of the annual meeting of the Forum will be held in Changchun Hall this morning.

Architecture itself is an integration of science and technology

In addition to the interactive experience of science and technology, Zhongguancun International Innovation Center itself is also the product of a large collection of science and technology - the roof adopts transparent dot shaped surface BIPV photovoltaic power generation technology to achieve diversified use of energy; The whole preface hall is full of linear lights to bring control lighting, which is also the first case of the National Convention Center. The use of daylight sensing and variable temperature system can realize the automatic lighting adjustment of variable temperature LED in the hall; On the top is a huge ETFE membrane structure skylight to increase indoor lighting, reduce power consumption, and also has a fusing function. In case of danger, you can smoke by yourself; The site uses sponge technology, combined with the site landscape, to set up more than 5500 square meters of permeable pavement, accounting for 50.5% of the total. It also has built a rainwater storage tank to give consideration to rainwater storage function, so as to achieve its own "rainwater reuse"; Digital conference room technology and simultaneous interpretation system can ensure simultaneous operation of multilingual conference system.

"Zhongguancun International Innovation Center is located in the area of three mountains and five parks. Taking full account of the environmental characteristics of the area, the center adopts a super long overhang in the inner shape, connecting the roof undulation and the green slope gently, so that the whole building can be integrated into the surrounding environment and become a landscape." Yang Yan, the assistant general manager of Beijing Zhongguancun Street Construction Development Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the state-owned enterprise Haiguo Investment Group in Haidian District, said that the overall green area of the venue was more than 30000 square meters, and the roof was paved with 16000 square meters of lawn. The natural transition from the ground to the building roof was integrated with the surrounding environment.

How to get to the main venue most conveniently

It is recommended to arrive in advance and travel green because temporary management and control will be arranged according to the activities in some time periods and sections. You can take bus 384, 394, 534, 563, 610, 664, 671 to Haidian Park Station, and then walk 320 meters; You can also take Line 16 to Wanquanheqiao Station and walk for 980 meters, or take Line 16, Line 4/Daxing Line to Xiyuan Station and walk for 1.1 kilometers.

Editor in charge: Zhang Chi (QN0009) Author: Song Xia Zhang Xin

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