How to view the "pinching the top enrollment" of junior high school students?

How to view the "pinching the top enrollment" of junior high school students?
15:31, May 24, 2024 Surging news

Recently, some middle schools were exposed by CCTV to secretly carry out "pinching the top students", and by illegal means, they recruited top students before sending them to school. In order to cooperate with the school, some institutions have carried out enrollment instruction meetings in violation of regulations. Illegal competitions in some disciplines are also being held in other names, and some schools will conduct "counting" according to the competition results. Since 2014, the Ministry of Education has promoted the policy of free entrance examination for primary school students to nearby schools, but to this day, "pinching enrollment" is still repeatedly prohibited. How to view the "pinching the top enrollment" of junior high school students? What is the root cause of the phenomenon? The netizens of Pengpai Enquiry Bar expressed their opinions on this.

"Sharp pinching will lead to educational inequality and must be prohibited"

  - 01 -

@Surging netizen nIRFby: There must be a mistake in pinching the tip, which will aggravate the imbalance of educational resources. In this way, ordinary children or children who start late will never be able to make their debut.

  - 02 -

@Sp12: Is it reasonable that all parents have to pay money, but only a few of them have to be trained?

  - 03 -

@That is: this kind of behavior will make good schools better and bad schools worse. The gap between people is not that big, but if you start to pinch the edge at the beginning of childhood, the education resources that the children who are not selected will be scarce, and the possibility of becoming talents will be smaller later. Before high school, children's learning ability may not be fully demonstrated, which is unscientific.

  - 04 -

@S052D75: There are more excellent classes organized by our local schools, and none of my children attend. We also quit the strong basic class for key high schools. If children don't want to go there, they can't go there. The head teacher said that we have a high level of thought. Our idea is that children's health is the most important. It's also good to go to an ordinary class in a key high school.

  - 05 -

@AoAoAoAo: Let all the children can go to college all the way, let the university go to eliminate, right?

  - 06 -

@Tico_Joestar: This phenomenon began long ago. Such a small child has just graduated from primary school. For children who have not formed a complete view of learning, it is harmful and useless to start introspection so early. The most likely beneficiaries are cram schools and families that have money to send their children to cram schools.

"If the root problem is not solved, it is hard to stop pinching"

  - 07 -

@Husbevdjm: it is normal that every school wants to recruit more top students, but is it unfair for ordinary students that the school does not open and secret? Running a school is for every child to read good books. No matter whether the student is good or not, we should treat him equally. Why compare the quality with other schools? This is not a factory to produce products, this is a place to educate people!

If this is the case in both primary and junior high schools, what about the transition from junior high school to senior high school and from senior high school to university? I understand that everyone likes good children, but we must not abandon students who want to learn because of this. Every school should be open, fair and equitable. What we should do is not only to recruit excellent students, but also to give ordinary students the opportunity to develop.

  - 08 -

@The core of educational system reform is to promote the fair distribution of educational resources. We can think that the current level of in-service teachers is enough to teach primary and junior high school knowledge well. Except for the supporting facilities of multimedia teaching, other educational resources are almost the same.

So why are there "irresponsible" teachers? First, because teachers are under great pressure, one person can manage hundreds of students and may give priority to good students. Second, a few teachers themselves are not responsible and use a coping attitude to teach. Another reason is that the learning slag has affected the learning atmosphere of the class.

The school will still hope to gather Xueba together, let them roll out the school's achievements, and let the school slag gather together, and let them do what they like. Therefore, it is necessary to truly eliminate pinching, reduce the teaching pressure of teachers, and have enough ability and energy to take care of every student. Students must have consciousness and enthusiasm for learning, and there is a long way to go.

  - 09 -

@Wanmu Rainforest: When assessing the performance of schools in some places, they failed to get rid of such advantages as scores only and re enrollment rate. In order to achieve the so-called performance ranking and influence, these schools tried their best to "catch big fish". On the one hand, parents follow the trend, and no one wants to wait for the ebb tide. On the other hand, public opinion also tends to make parents feel anxious, and there are many problems behind the phenomenon of pinching the top.

   - 10 -

@Surging netizen 2991: No one wants to "roll" whether parents or children can choose freely. The problem is that at present, academic performance is still the most important dimension to measure the effectiveness of education. The achievement only theory not only makes children work hard, but also brings great pressure to the school, which is why this phenomenon has been repeatedly prohibited.

  - 11 -

@What your name says: The school also knows that the quality of teaching results does not come from teachers, but from students.

  - 12 -

@Derry: The school should rely on the achievements of top students to drive its reputation. Students want to enter a good school to get a better education. The reason why pinch points appear is that the educational resources of different schools are quite different. If every school is similar, the assessment criteria for schools are not limited to the results, this phenomenon will naturally disappear.

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