A middle school student in Yanjin, Yunnan was hacked to death by his classmate? Local Education and Sports Bureau: under processing

A middle school student in Yanjin, Yunnan was hacked to death by his classmate? Local Education and Sports Bureau: under processing
16:26, May 22, 2024 Sina News

Rush News (Reporter Zhang Pengxiang) On May 21, a relative of a student in Yanjin County, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province said that his middle school child was killed by his classmate. On May 22, rushing journalists confirmed from many local departments that the case did occur. The staff of Yanjin County Education and Sports Bureau said that the relevant leaders were dealing with the matter in the school.

Relatives of the deceased reported that his younger brother was studying at Miaoba Middle School in Yanjin County, and on the evening of May 20, he was stabbed in the head by a classmate with a kitchen knife. On the morning of the 21st, the school informed the parents after they died in the hospital. "We don't know why it was cut down, nor how many students did it."

On the morning of May 22, rush reporters contacted Yanjin County Education and Sports Bureau, and the staff said that the relevant leaders were dealing with the matter in the school. The staff of Yanjin County Public Security Bureau said that they had to ask the publicity department about the specific case. The staff of Yanjin County Party Committee's publicity department told reporters that the matter had been handled.

Source: Rush News

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