Ministry of Education sends public service SMS to remind students to prevent drowning

Ministry of Education sends public service SMS to remind students to prevent drowning
16:21, May 22, 2024 Global Network

[Global Network reporter Wu Ting] "The flood season is approaching, and drowning incidents are high. The Ministry of Education reminds teachers, students and parents: educate students to remember the" six no's "requirements to prevent drowning, not to swim in the water without permission, and not to go into the water to rescue people who have fallen into the water without authorization. Cherish life, and strictly prevent drowning!" Recently, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology coordinated with China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom, This public service message to prevent primary and secondary school students from drowning was sent to the majority of mobile phone users.

With the flood season approaching, in order to urge local governments to do a good job in preventing students from drowning and ensure the life safety of primary and secondary school students, the Ministry of Education, through consultation with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, sent the above anti drowning public service messages to publicize and popularize the knowledge of anti drowning safety, remind the majority of primary and secondary school students and parents to enhance their safety awareness, and create a good atmosphere for the whole society to care about and support the prevention of students from drowning. Many parents of students, after receiving the public service message, said that their children should not be careless about their safety and would perform their guardianship duties well to remind them to stay away from dangerous waters and prevent drowning.

It is reported that, in the next step, the Ministry of Education, together with the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Water Resources, the National Fire Rescue Bureau and other relevant departments, will guide all localities to further implement safety protection measures in public areas involving risks, strengthen publicity and education on drowning prevention, and effectively prevent drowning accidents among primary and secondary school students.

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