Hand foot mouth disease enters the peak

(Reporter Sun Leqi) Hand foot mouth disease has entered the peak period in spring and summer. The Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention recently reminded parents to pay attention to the children's hands, feet and mouth, and to seek medical advice in case of abnormalities.

According to statistics in previous years, with the rapid rise of temperature, the number of reported cases of HFMD in this city will gradually increase. HFMD cases are reported throughout the year. The peak in spring and summer is from April to July, and the peak in autumn is from August to November. HFMD often occurs in kindergartens, schools and other places where children gather. The disease control department suggested that children should consider vaccination against HFMD. EV-A71 virus (enterovirus A71) is the main cause of severe hand, foot and mouth disease and death. At present, China has developed EV-A71 vaccine for children aged from 6 months to 5 years.

Even children who have been vaccinated should still pay attention to protection during the high incidence period of HFMD. Parents should try their best to take their children to crowded public places. Before using public goods, they should first disinfect them, and regularly disinfect the articles they often contact. If the child has a fever or rash, seek medical advice in time. HFMD is highly contagious. Children with symptoms should not be sent to kindergartens or schools. If hand foot mouth disease is confirmed, the class can resume 7 days after the symptoms of the child completely disappear.

Children under 3 years old are relatively more likely to develop into severe cases. The Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention specially suggests that children under 3 years old should be taken to the hospital in time if they have symptoms such as persistent high fever, poor spirit, vomiting, panic, limb shaking, weakness, rapid breathing, cold sweat, and cold limbs.

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